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Biochemistry Organic Compounds
Name: _______________________
Carbs and Fats Notes
Carbohydrates (#1)
Organic Compounds…
All contain at least one ________________ atom!!
Carbon forms four ____________________ bonds.
Likes to bond with _______________, nitrogen, oxygen, (phosphorus,
sulfur, calcium) and other carbons!
Organic Molecules of Study
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
Making Molecules
Monomer: single units that make up larger ________________ – like
links in a chain!
Polymer: made by linking together ___________ monomers. The CHAIN
Linking and Unlinking Monomers:
Two basic reactions:
1) Dehydration synthesis ------------------------>
 Dehydration – ____________________ lost
 Synthesis - ______________________
 = removing a _____________ molecule
to ____________ a polymer!!
2) Hydrolysis --------------------------------------->
 Hydro – ____________
 Lysis – ______________
 = Using _________ to
___________ __________ polymers!
 _____________________________!!!!!!!!
Common Macromolecules:
ORGANIC Molecules...
molecules composed of
Building blocks
1.) Carbohydrate
2) fats (lipids) (CHO)
Fatty acids &
phospholipids (CHOP)
3) proteins
Amino Acids
4) nucleic
acid (DNA,RNA)
phosphate, base)
1) Carbohydrates
“Carbo” from ____________(C)
“Hydrate” from ____________ (H2O)
A: Monosaccharides = (Building blocks= simple
________________ (the monomers!!)
Ex: ________________,_______________,
_________________, (sugars)
POLYMERS = more than one monomer
General formula: (CH2O)n
B: Disaccharides are made of two
_________saccharides!!! (1+1 = ____)
Formula: C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 - H2O =C12H22O11
C: Polysaccharides:
C and H
 __________________________’s to
_____________________________’s of monosaccharides!!
Ex: Starch
 Starch: Used for long-term energy
storage in ______________________.
 EX: ______________________________
 Animals digest (break down) starch to obtain _____________________!
Ex: Glycogen
 Used for energy storage in __________________. Similar to starch, but
Has more side ____________________________.
 Animals digest (break down) glycogen to obtain_____________________!
Ex: Cellulose
 Cellulose has a different type of bond, the long chains of monomers
actually ________ to each other.
 Primary structural molecule in __________________________!
 _______________________!!!!!
 Animals cannot break it down; this is the ________________ in your diet!
1a)_____________________ fats: contain no double bonds between
"Carbons are _________________ with hydrogens." Examples:
____________ and ___________.
These are ________________________ at room temperature.
Examples: butter, lard, shortening, and bacon
1b) _____________________ fats: have double bonds between carbons.
They are __________________ at room temperature.
Ex: Chitin
Composes the exoskeleton of arthropods (insects, lobsters, crabs, etc.)
Hard and protective (the crunch before the smoosh)
Biochemistry Organic Compound
Lipids (#2)
Examples: Fats, oils, waxes, and some steroids. Also called triglycerides.
__________________________, ___________________________,
__________________________, ___________________________,
__________________________, ___________________________
General Formula: _______________________
Lipids are ____________________________ which means they repel water.
1) Fats are monomers of 1 _____________________________ and
3 _____________________________ formed by dehydration synthesis.
Lipid “POLYMERS”: phospholipids, waxes, steroids
2) ___________________________________: major component of cell
Nerve function
They form a _____________________________________membrane.
Phospholipid and cell membrane:
Proteins (Elements: PSCHON)
3) __________________________: form
hydrophobic coating to repel water.
4) Some___________________: lipids
bent into rings.
Ex: __________________________
5) Hormone: progesterone
6) Vitamin D
Functions of Proteins
 Structural support: cacoons, webs,
 Storage: egg whites
 Enzymes: for digestion and to speed
up life processes
 Transport: hemoglobin, proteins in cell
 Fight infections: antibodies
 Some hormones: insulin
Proteins: How They’re Made
•Monomers are____________________!
(4 units surround central carbon)
•There are _______ different amino acids!
Amino Acids Polymers:
•Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds
•Dipeptide (______ amino acids)
•Polypeptide (_______amino acids)
•What is produced each time they join?? ___________________________
Biochemistry Organic Compounds
Proteins (#3) and Nucleic Acids (#4)
The _______________________ of amino acids determine the shape of the
proteins! The shape determines_________________________!!
•Denatured = ________________________________
•Causes: ___________________, ______________, _______________
concentration, and other environmental factors
Shape determines function…
A protein is a very long chain of amino acids joined by ________ bonds
by _________________
Proteins take different SHAPE due to the ORDER of amino acids. This shape is
TELLS the FUNCTION of the proteins!
 When a protein loses its shape, it is said to be denatured and can no longer
function in the same way as before.
•If denatured or misshapen, it can’t ________________!
Structure of Proteins
 Primary Structure is just the specific order of amino
acids in the chain.
Secondary Structures are either a helix
or a pleated sheet formed
form hydrogen bonds reacting between
the amino acids
Tertiary Structure occurs because of
attractions between alpha helices and
pleated sheets.
Quaternary Structure is a protein consisting of more
than one amino acid chain.
 To Summarize…
PROTEINS (structure determines function!!)
 _____________________ structure
(amino acid chain)
 _____________________ structure (helices, pleated
 _____________________ structure (bonds between side
groups of peptide chain)
 _____________________ structure (bonds between two
Biological Molecules #4 Nucleic Acids
1. Monomers of Nucleic Acids:
Nucleotides: consist of nitrogeneous
______________________group, and
________________ sugar.
(Deoxyribose or Ribose sugar)
 Long chains of small repeating subunits, called: Nucleotides
What are the 2 kinds of Nucleic Acids?
1) Ex: DNA
 DNA coils tightly to form _____________________________
 DNA is found in the Nucleus of cells and is a _____________
2) Ex: RNA
Found in the______________________ and is a
 DNA:_____________________________________________________
RNA: ____________________________________________________
Nitrogeneous Bases:
A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base (Adenine, Cytosine,
Thymine, Guanine, or Uracil).
 Join by ____________________________!!
(NOT dehydration synthesis)
The nucleotides join together. Then they pair up…
 In DNA, Adenine pairs with Thymine and Cytosine pairs with
Guanine (purines pair with pyrimidines)
 A-T, C-G
Pairing in RNA…
In RNA, Uracil replaces Thymine and pairs with
Adeninel!!! C is still with G
You are what you eat!