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Biology 1 1
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Vocabulary Review ......................................................................................................................... 4
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells ................................................................................................... 6
Section Assessment 7-1 .................................................................................................................. 7
Section 7–1 Life Is Cellular (pages 169–173) ................................................................................ 8
Section Review 7-1 ....................................................................................................................... 10
Plant Cell....................................................................................................................................... 11
Section Assessment 7-2 ................................................................................................................ 14
Cell Structure ................................................................................................................................ 15
Section Review 7-2 ....................................................................................................................... 16
Cell Membranes ............................................................................................................................ 18
Diffusion and Osmosis .................................................................................................................. 19
Facilitated Diffusion and Active Transport .................................................................................. 20
Section Assessment 7-3 ................................................................................................................ 21
Diffusion and Osmosis .................................................................................................................. 22
A cell is placed in a hypertonic solution ....................................................................................... 23
Section 7–3 Cell Boundaries (pages 182–189) ............................................................................. 25
Section Review 7-3 ....................................................................................................................... 28
Multicellular Organisms—Levels of Organization ...................................................................... 29
Section Assessment 7-4 ................................................................................................................ 30
Section 7–4 The Diversity of Cellular Life (pages 190–193) ....................................................... 31
Section Review 7-4 ....................................................................................................................... 35
Graphic Organizer ......................................................................................................................... 37
Color and label the following cell ................................................................................................. 38
Chapter Vocabulary Review ......................................................................................................... 40
Vocabulary Review Cell Structure and Function ......................................................................... 42
Chapter 7 Assessment ................................................................................................................... 43
CHAPTER 7: Cell Structure and Function STARTS WITH ? Review 1. Small structure in a cell
that performs a specific function = _O_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ............................................... 49
Cell Structure and Function ?’s (pp 172-182).............................................................................. 51
Chapter 7- CELL PEOPLE and MORE NOTES .......................................................................... 55
Biology 1 2
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
7–1 Life Is Cellular
Since the 1600s, scientists have
made many discoveries that have showed
how important cells are in living things.
Such discoveries are summarized in the cell
theory, a fundamental concept of biology.
The cell theory states:
• All living things are composed of
• Cells are the basic units of structure
and function in living things.
• New cells are produced from
existing cells.
All cells have two characteristics in
common. They are surrounded by a barrier
called a cell membrane. And, they contain
the molecule that carries biological
information— DNA.
Cells fall into two broad categories,
depending on whether they contain a
nucleus. The nucleus is a large membrane
enclosed structure that contains the cell’s
genetic material in the form of DNA. The
nucleus controls many of the cell’s
activities. Prokaryotic cells have genetic
material that is not contained in a nucleus.
Bacteria are prokaryotes. Eukaryotic cells
contain a nucleus in which their genetic
material is separated from the rest of the
cell. Plants, animals, fungi, and protists are
7–2 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Cell biologists divide the eukaryotic cell into
two major parts: the nucleus and the
cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is the portion of
the cell outside the nucleus. Eukaryotic cells
contain structures known as organelles.
The nucleus contains nearly all the cell’s
DNAand with it the coded instructions for
making proteins and other important
molecules. The nucleus is surrounded by a
nuclear envelope composed of two
membranes. Inside the nucleus is granular
material called chromatin. Most nuclei also
contain a small, dense region known as the
Ribosomes are small particles of
RNA and protein found throughout the
cytoplasm. Proteins are assembled on
ribosomes. Eukaryotic cells contain an
internal membrane system known as the
endoplasmic reticulum, or ER. The ER is
where lipid components of the cell
membrane are assembled, along with
proteins and other materials that are
exported from the cell. The portion of the
ER involved in the synthesis of proteins is
called rough ER. Smooth ER, which does
not contain ribosomes, is involved in the
making of lipids. The function of the Golgi
apparatus is to modify, sort, and package
proteins and other materials from the ER for
storage in the cell or secretion outside the
Other organelles include lysosomes,
vacuoles, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
Mitochondria are organelles that convert the
chemical energy stored in food into
compounds that are more convenient for the
cell to use. Chloroplasts are organelles that
capture the energy from sunlight and convert
it into chemical energy.
Eukaryotic cells have a structure
called the cytoskeleton that helps support the
cell. The cytoskeleton is a network of
protein filaments that helps the cell to
maintain its shape. The cytoskeleton is also
involved in movement.
7–3 Cell Boundaries
All cells are surrounded by a thin, flexible
barrier known as the cell membrane. The
cell membrane regulates what enters and
leaves the cell and also provides protection
and support. The composition of nearly all
cell membranes is a double-layered sheet
Biology 1 3
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
called a lipid bilayer. Many cells also
produce a strong supporting layer around the
membrane known as the cell wall. Cell walls
are present in plants, algae, fungi, and many
prokaryotes. The main function of the cell
wall is to provide support and protection for
the cell.
One of the most important functions
of the cell membrane is to regulate the
movement of dissolved molecules from the
liquid on one side of the membrane to the
liquid on the other side. The cytoplasm of a
cell contains a solution of many different
substances in water. The concentration of a
solution is the mass of solute in a given
volume of solution.
In a solution, particles move
constantly. Particles tend to move from an
area where they are more concentrated to an
area where they are less concentrated, a
process called diffusion. When the
concentration of a solute is the same
throughout a solution, the solution has
reached equilibrium. Because diffusion
depends upon random particle movements,
substances diffuse across membranes
without requiring the cell to use energy.
Water passes quite easily across most
membranes. Osmosis is the diffusion of
water through a selectively permeable
membrane. Many cell membranes have
protein channels that allow certain
molecules to cross the membranes. In such
cases, the cell membrane protein is said to
facilitate, or help, the diffusion of the
molecules across the membrane. This
process is called facilitated diffusion. It does
not require use of the cell’s energy. Active
transport does require the cell’s energy.
Active transport is when cells move
materials from one side of a membrane to
the other side against the concentration
difference. Types of active transport include
endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and
7–4 The Diversity of Cellular Life
An organism that consists of a single cell is
called a unicellular organism. Unicellular
organisms carry out all the essential
functions of life that larger organisms do.
Organisms that are made up of many cells
are called multicellular organisms. Cells
throughout a multicellular organism can
develop in different ways to perform
different tasks. This process is called cell
The levels of organization in a
multicellular organism are individual cells,
tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Individual cells are the first level. Similar
cells are grouped into units called tissues. A
tissue is a group of cells that perform a
particular function. Groups of tissues that
work together form an organ. A group of
organs that work together to perform a
specific function is called an organ system.
Biology 1 4
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Vocabulary Review
Labeling Diagrams Use the words listed below to label the parts of these cells. Some words will
be used twice. On the line below each cell, identify the cell as either a prokaryote or a eukaryote.
Matching In the space provided, write the letter of the function that best matches each
_____ 12. mitochondrion
_____ 13. ribosome
_____ 14. endoplasmic reticulum
_____ 15. Golgi apparatus
_____ 16. lysosome
_____ 17. chloroplast
Completion Fill in the blanks with terms from Chapter 7.
18. In the process of __________________________, a protein channel helps the diffusion of
glucose across a membrane.
19. The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane is called
_________________________ .
20. The process that moves materials through a membrane against a concentration
Biology 1 5
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
difference is known as _____________________________ .
Biology 1 6
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Look at the diagrams below. Label the prokaryotic cell and the eukaryotic cell.
Use the diagrams to answer the question.
1. Explain why you labeled each diagram as you did.
Compare and contrast the two types of cells by completing the table.
Answer the questions. Circle the correct answer.
2. What type of cells makes up your body?
Biology 1 7
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
3. What type of cell is a bacterial cell?
Section Assessment 7-1
1What three statements describe the cell theory?
2What are the differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?
3Compare the process used to produce a TEM and an SEM.
4What structures do all cells have?
5How did the invention of the microscope help the development of the cell theory?
Make a three- column chart comparing prokaryotes with eukaryotes. In the first column, list the
traits found in all cells. In the second column, list the features of prokaryotes. In the third
column, list the features of eukaryotes.
Traits found in all cells
Biology 1 8
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Section 7–1 Life Is Cellular (pages 169–173)
This section explains what the cell theory is. It also describes the characteristics of two
categories of cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Introduction (page 169)
1. What is the structure that makes up every living thing? _______________________
The Discovery of the Cell (pages 169–170)
2. What was Anton van Leeuwenhoek one of the first to see in the 1600s?
3. What did a thin slice of cork seem like to Robert Hooke when he observed it through
a microscope? ________________________________________________________________
4. What did the German botanist Matthias Schleiden conclude?
5. What did the German biologist Theodor Schwann conclude?
6. How did Rudolph Virchow summarize his years of work?
7. What are the three concepts that make up the cell theory?
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
Exploring the Cell (pages 170–172)
Biology 1 9
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
8. Why are electron microscopes capable of revealing details much smaller than those seen
through light microscopes?___________________________________________________________
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes (pages 172–173)
9. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about prokaryotes.
a. They grow and reproduce.
b. Many are large, multicellular organisms.
c. They are more complex than cells of eukaryotes.
d. They have cell membranes and cytoplasm.
10. Are all eukaryotes large, multicellular organisms? __________________________________
11. Complete the table about the two categories of cells.
Biology 1 10
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Section Review 7-1
Reviewing Key Concepts
Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
1. All ________________ are composed of cells.
2. Cells are the basic units of ________________ and ______________ in all
3. New cells are produced from _____________________.
4. The cells of eukaryotes have a(an) ______________________; the cells of
______________ do not.
5. Eukaryotic cells also have a variety of specialized structures called _____________ .
Reviewing Key Skills
Classifying On the lines provided, label each cell as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
8. Calculating The smallest bacterium is 0.2 micrometers across, while the giant amoeba
Chaos chaos is 1000 micrometers across. How many times larger is the giant amoeba than the
smallest bacterium?
9. Comparing and Contrasting Explain the similarities and differences between a prokaryotic
cell and a eukaryotic cell.
10. Applying Concepts Are human cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Explain your answer.
Biology 1 11
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Plant Cell
Use the words below to label the plant cell. Some structures have already been
labeled for you.
Use the diagram to answer the questions.
1. Which structure is found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell? Circle the
correct answer.
Biology 1 12
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
cell membrane
2. What is the main function of vacuoles?
Use the diagram to answer the questions.
1. What is the area between the nucleus and the cell membrane called?
Biology 1 13
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
2. What cell structures are found on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum
but not on smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
Organelle Function
An organelle is a specialized cell structure. Each organelle functions in a different
way to help the cell carry out life processes. A mitochondrion, nucleus,
endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus are pictured and described below.
Write the name of the organelle underneath its picture.
Biology 1 14
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Use the table to answer the question.
1. Which of the structures shown above contains a nucleolus?
Section Assessment 7-2
1Describe the functions of the endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, chloroplast, and
2Describe the role of the nucleus in the cell.
3What are two functions of the cytoskeleton?
4How is a cell like a factory?
5You examine an unknown cell under the microscope and discover that the cell contains
chloroplasts. What type of organism could you infer that the cell came from?
Biology 1 15
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Cell Structure
Cells are the basic units of ____________________ and ____________________ in
living things.
What two organelles do plant cells have that animal cells do not?
Match the cell structure on the left with the definition on the right.
_____ cell membrane
_____ cytoplasm
_____ nucleus
_____ endoplasmic reticulum
_____ Golgi apparatus
_____ ribosome
_____ mitochondria
_____ chloroplast
_____ vacuole
_____ cell wall
portion of the cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus
modifies, sorts, and packages materials from the endoplasmic reticulum
protects the cells and regulates what materials enter and leave the cells
contains the green pigment chlorophyll
contains nearly all of the cell's DNA
saclike structure often used to store materials such as water, salts, and proteins
made mostly of cellulose
produces proteins by following coded instructions from the nucleus
converts chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient
for cells to use
made up of two types, rough and smooth; each with its own function
Biology 1 16
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Section Review 7-2
Reviewing Key Concepts
Matching On the lines provided, match the structure with its function in the cell.
a. cell wall
b. nucleus
c. cytoskeleton
d. endoplasmic reticulum
e. Golgi apparatus
f. chloroplast
g. mitochondrion
________ 1. controls most cell processes and contains DNA
________ 2. uses energy from food to make high-energy compounds
________ 3. provides support and protection for the cell
________ 4. maintains cell shape with a network of protein filaments
________ 5. uses energy from sunlight to make food molecules
________ 6. site where lipid components of the cell membrane are assembled and where
proteins are chemically modified
________ 7. modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and other materials from the ER
Reviewing Key Skills
8. Inferring Plants have cells that contain chloroplasts. Why must their cells contain
mitochondria as well?
9. Using Analogies In some ways, a cell is analogous to a factory. Create an analogy
describing the job of a lysosome within a cellular “factory.”
10. Comparing and Contrasting What structures make plant and animal cells different?
Biology 1 17
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Biology 1 18
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Cell Membranes
The cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell. Most cell
membranes are made up of a phospholipid bilayer. This bilayer usually contains
membrane proteins embedded in it. Draw a diagram of a portion of a cell
membrane. Label the cytoplasm and the area outside the cell. A sample
phosolipid and membrane protein have been diagrammed for you.
Answer the question.
1. What do the carbohydrate chains on some membrane proteins do?
Biology 1 19
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Diffusion and Osmosis
Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration. Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a selectively
permeable membrane. Look at the beakers on the left. In the beakers on the
right, draw in any changes in water level or number of solute particles on each
side of the membrane that occur as a result of the described process.
Biology 1 20
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Use the diagrams to answer the question.
1. Look at the top left beaker. What would happen if the membrane did not allow
water or solute particles to pass through it?
Facilitated Diffusion and Active Transport
Facilitated diffusion occurs when a substance diffuses across the cell membrane
through a protein channel. Active transport occurs when the cell uses energy to
carry a substance across the cell membrane.
Look at the diagrams. Label each as either facilitated diffusion or active transport.
Use the diagram to answer the questions.
Biology 1 21
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
1. Which process can move molecules from a lower concentration solution on one side
of the membrane to a higher concentration solution on the other side?
2. Which process does not require energy?
Section Assessment 7-3
1Describe the functions of the cell membrane and cell wall.
2What happens during diffusion?
3Describe how water moves during osmosis.
4What is the basic structure of a cell membrane?
5What is the difference between phagocytosis and pinocytosis?
6What is the main way that active transport differs from diffusion?
Biology 1 22
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Diffusion and Osmosis
Briefly describe the main functions of a cell membrane.
Define the term selectively permeable.
Define diffusion.
When the concentration of the solute is the same throughout a system, the system has
reached ____________________.
During diffusion, substances will tend to move from an area of ____________________
concentration to an area of ____________________ concentration.
If there is more solute inside a membrane than outside, solute particles will move across
the membrane to the ____________________ of the cell to achieve equilibrium.
Define osmosis.
Is osmosis a form of active transport or passive transport? Explain.
Define isotonic.
Biology 1 23
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
The concentration of a solution is the ____________________ of solute in a given
____________________ of solution.
Describe the direction water will move in each of the following cases.
A cell is placed in a hypotonic solution.
A cell is placed in an isotonic solution
A cell is placed in a hypertonic solution
Some substances move across a cell membrane from areas of ____________________
concentration to areas of ____________________ concentration by the process of diffusion.
Define active transport.
List three types of active transport and briefly describe each one.
a) ____________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________
The sodium potassium pump is an example of which form of active transport?
Briefly describe the function of the sodium potassium pump.
Describe what happens to large molecules, such as food particles, during phagocytosis.
Describe what happens during exocytosis.
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Biology 1 25
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Section 7–3 Cell Boundaries (pages 182–189)
This section describes the main functions of the cell membrane. It also explains what
happens during diffusion and explains what osmosis is.
Cell Membrane (page 182)
1. What are the functions of the cell membrane?
2. The core of nearly all cell membranes is a double-layered sheet called a(an)
3. What is the difference in the function of the proteins and the carbohydrates attached to a
cell membrane? ___________________________________________________________
Cell Walls (page 183)
4. In what organisms are cell walls found? _________________________________________
5. Is the following sentence true or false? The cell wall lies inside the cell membrane. _____
6. What is the main function of the cell wall? ________________________________________
7. What are plant cell walls mostly made of? _____________________________________
Diffusion Through Cell Boundaries (pages 183–184)
8. The cytoplasm of a cell is a solution of many different substances in ________________.
9. What is the concentration of a solution? _______________________________________
10. What is diffusion? _______________________________________________________
Biology 1 26
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
11. The molecules of solute in the illustration are moving through the cell membrane from top to
bottom. Indicate with labels which side of the membrane has a high concentration of solute and
which has a low concentration
Osmosis (pages 185–186)
12. What does it mean that biological membranes are selectively permeable?
13. What is osmosis? ____________________________________________________________
14. Is the following sentence true or false? Water tends to diffuse from a region where it is less
concentrated to a region where it is highly concentrated. ________________________________
15. When will water stop moving across a membrane? _________________________________
Match the situation to the description.
_____ 16. Two solutions are isotonic.
_____ 17. A solution is hypertonic.
_____ 18. A solution is hypotonic.
19. On which side of a selectively permeable membrane does osmosis exert a pressure?
Biology 1 27
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Facilitated Diffusion (page 187)
20. What happens during the process of facilitated diffusion? ____________________________
21. What is the role of protein channels in the cell membrane? ___________________________
22. Is the following sentence true or false? Facilitated diffusion does not require the cell to use
energy. ____________________________
Active Transport (pages 188–189)
23. The energy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a
concentration difference is called ________________________.
24. Is the following sentence true or false? Active transport always requires transport proteins
during the process. __________________________________
25. Complete the table about types of active transport.
26. During endocytosis, what happens to the pocket in the cell membrane when it breaks loose
from the membrane? ____________________________________________________________
Biology 1 28
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Section Review 7-3
Reviewing Key Concepts
Short Answer On the lines provided, answer the following questions.
1. What are two functions of the cell membrane?
2. What happens to a higher concentration of dissolved molecules on one side of a cell
membrane during the process of diffusion?
3. What is osmosis?
Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
4. During the process of , a molecule such as ______________________ glucose must use a
protein channel to cross through a cell membrane.
5. For a molecule to move from an area of low concentration to high concentration, the process
of _____________________ must occur.
Reviewing Key Skills
Interpreting Graphics On the lines provided, identify each diagram as showing an isotonic, a
hypotonic, or a hypertonic solution inside the cell and describe how the concentration of water
molecules will affect the shape of the cell.
Biology 1 29
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Multicellular Organisms—Levels of Organization
The levels of organization in a multicellular organism are cells, tissues, organs, and
organ systems.
Draw arrows that show how the levels are organized. Start with the lowest level, and
draw an arrow to the next higher level of organization. Continue until you reach the
highest level of organization.
Biology 1 30
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Use the diagram to answer the questions.
1. What is a group of cells that perform a particular function called?
2. What is a group of tissues that work together called?
Section Assessment 7-4
1In what kinds of organisms is cell specialization a characteristic?
Biology 1 31
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
2List the levels of biological organization in multicellular organisms from most simple to
most complex.
3How are unicellular organisms similar to multicellular organisms?
4Using what you know about the ways muscle moves, predict which organelles would be
most common in muscle cells.
Section 7–4 The Diversity of Cellular Life (pages 190–193)
This section explains what cell specialization is. It also describes the four levels of
organization in multicellular organisms.
Unicellular Organisms (page 190)
1. A single-celled organism is also called a(an) ______________________ organism.
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Multicellular Organisms (pages 190–192)
2. What is cell specialization in a multicellular organism? _____________________________
3. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about cell specialization.
a. Specialized cells perform particular functions within the organism.
b. Only unicellular organisms have specialized cells.
c. The human body contains many different cell types.
d. Some cells are specialized to enable movement.
Levels of Organization (pages 192–193)
4. What are four levels of organization in a multicellular organism?
a. ______________________
b. ______________________
c. ______________________
d. ______________________
5. What is a tissue? ________________________________________________________
6. What are the four main types of tissue in most animals?
a. ______________________
b. ______________________
c. ______________________
d. ______________________
7. Groups of tissues that work together to perform a specific function are called a(an)
8. What kinds of tissues can be found within a muscle in your body? ______________________
9. What is an organ system? ______________________________________________________
Use the clues below to identify vocabulary terms from Chapter 7. Write the terms on the
lines, putting one letter in each blank. When you finish, the words enclosed in the diagonal
will reveal an important term related to cell structure and function.
1. An organelle that uses the energy from sunlight to make energy-rich food molecules
Biology 1 33
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
2. A structure in eukaryotic cells that acts like a specialized organ
3. A saclike structure in which cells store materials
4. A network of protein filaments that helps the cell maintain its shape
5. Cells that have a nucleus
6. The organelle that uses energy from food to make high-energy compounds
7. A theory that states that all living things are composed of cells
8. The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
9. The process of taking materials into the cell by means of infoldings of the cell membrane
10. A group of similar cells that perform a particular function
Vocabulary Terms
Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Function – Enrichment
Cell Specialization
As an organism develops, it changes shape and organization. Cells begin to differentiate and
form specialized regions of the body. This process of differentiation is called morphogenesis.
Biology 1 34
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Morphogenesis involves many different processes. For example, some cells split, fold, or bend.
Others migrate or combine to form masses, cords, and sheets. Some areas grow faster than other
A second kind of differentiation during growth involves changes in cell structure and
development. This process, called histogenesis, is the development of different tissues.
A fertilized egg, or zygote, contains all the instructions needed for growth and
development. These instructions, stored in the chromosomes, are decoded during histogenesis.
At first, all the cells that develop by division of the zygote have the same shape and chemical
makeup. Once histogenesis begins, the cells change chemically. Each cell becomes a special type
with a unique function.
At the end of the histogenic process, the organism has created the tissues and organs it
will need to live. Each organ or type of tissue is formed from a group of cells that have a similar
structure and function. The four main types of tissue are the epithelial tissue, connective tissue
(including cartilage and bone), muscular tissue, and nerve tissue.
Epithelial tissue is formed by sheets of cells that act as a lining or covering inside or
outside the body. For example, your skin is composed of epithelial cells.
Connective tissue is formed by cells that are joined together with fluid, semifluid, or solid
substances. Your heart and lungs are surrounded by connective tissue. Cartilage is made up of
cells in a matrix and is strengthened by connective issue fibers. Many of your bones are capped
in cartilage. Bone is the material that supports your skeletal structure. Bone contains solid
material, and there are many types of bones.
Muscular tissue is composed of specialized cells that contract in response to stimuli.
Individual muscle fibers can be as long as several centimeters. Nerve tissue is made of nerve
cells that consist of cell bodies and fibers.
Nerve tissue coordinates the body by transmitting messages from all its parts to and from
the brain.
Evaluation On the lines provided, answer the following questions.
1. Compare and contrast morphogenesis and histogenesis.
2. Where in the zygote’s cells are the instructions required for histogenesis stored?
Biology 1 35
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Section Review 7-4
Reviewing Key Concepts
Short Answer On the lines provided, answer the following questions.
1. Why do multicellular organisms contain specialized cells?
2. Give two examples of specialized cells and explain the cell’s unique role in the human body.
Identifying Structures On the lines provided, place the following terms in order from smallest to
largest level of organization.
_________ 3. tissues
_________ 4. organ systems
_________ 5. organs
_________ 6. individual cells
Reviewing Key Skills
7. Comparing and Contrasting Compare the activities of a specialized cell in a multicellular
organism to those of a unicellular organism.
8. Using Analogies The specialized cells in a multicellular organism have unique roles to play.
Create an analogy that describes a situation in which specific organisms or objects have unique
roles in a system.
9. Applying Concepts Is your tongue a tissue, an organ, or an organ system? Explain your
10. Comparing and Contrasting How are tissues and organs different?
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Graphic Organizer
Concept Map
Using information from the chapter, complete the concept map below. If there is not enough
room in the concept map to write your answers, write them on a separate sheet of paper.
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Color and label the following cell
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Chapter Vocabulary Review
Multiple Choice On the lines provided, write the letter that best completes the sentence or
answers the question.
11. The small dense region in the nucleus where the assembly of ribosomes begins is called the
a. nucleolus.
b. nuclear envelope.
c. chloroplast.
d. vacuole.
12. The hollow tubes of protein that help maintain the shape of the cell are called
a. microfilaments.
b. mitochondrion.
c. microtubules.
d. ribosomes.
13. Which organelles can use energy from sunlight to create energy-rich food molecules?
a. lysosomes
b. Golgi apparati
c. vacuoles
d. chloropasts
14. What is the process by which material is taken into the cell by infoldings of the cell
a. diffusion
b. endocytosis
c. osmosis
d. exocytosis
15. The fourth, and highest, level of organization in a multicellular organism is
a. cell specialization.
b. a tissue.
c. an organ system.
d. an organ.
Biology 1 41
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Labeling Diagrams On the lines provided, label the structures found in an animal cell that
correspond with the numbers in the diagram.
Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
20. The distinct, threadlike structures that contain the genetic information of the cell are called
21. Particles tend to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration in a
process known as _________________________.
22. When some substances can pass across them but others cannot, biological membranes are
said to have __________________________.
23. The process in which water diffuses through a selectively permeable membrane is called
24. The process by which a protein channel allows molecules to cross the cell membrane is
called _____________________________.
25. The process that requires an input of energy to help material move from an area of lower
concentration to an area of greater concentration is called _________________________.
Biology 1 42
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Vocabulary Review Cell Structure and Function
True or False Determine whether each statement is true or false. If it is true, write true
in the space provided. If the statement is false, change the underlined word to a term
from the list below to make the statement true.
_____________ 1. The basic unit of life is the cell.
_____________ 2. A(An) mitochondrion is a unicellular organism that
lacks a nucleus.
_____________ 3. The support structure found outside the cell
membrane is the tissue.
_____________ 4. A(An) chromosome is the threadlike nuclear
structure that contains genetic information.
_____________ 5. An organelle that releases energy from food
molecules is a(an) ribosome.
_____________ 6. The material inside the cell membrane that surrounds
the nucleus is the cytoplasm.
_____________ 7. The diffusion of water through a selectively
permeable membrane is osmosis.
_____________ 8. Cytoplasm is a group of similar cells that work
together to perform a specific function.
_____________ 9. Proteins are made on a(an) ribosome.
_____________ 10.Agroup of tissues that work together to perform a
similar function is called a(an) cell.
_____________ 11. The cell wall is the structure in eukaryotic cells that
controls cell activities and contains genetic material.
_____________ 12. Endocytosis is the process by which a vacuole fuses
with the cell membrane and releases its contents out of the cell.
Biology 1 43
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Chapter 7 Assessment
In many cells, the structure that controls the cell’s activities is the
a- Cell membrane
b- Organelle
c- Nucleolus
d- Nucleus.
Despite differences in size and shape, all cells have cytoplasm and a
a- Cell wall
b- Cell membrane
c- Mitochondrion
d- Nucleus.
If a cell of an organism contains a nucleus, the organism in a(an)
a- Plant
b- Eukaryote
c- Animal
d- Prokaryote
Distinct threadlike structures containing genetic information are called
a- Ribosomes
b- Chromosomes
c- Nuclei
d- Mitochondria
Which organelle converts the chemical energy in food into a form that cells can use?
a- Nucleolus
b- Chromosome
c- Mitochondrion
d- Chloroplast
Cell membranes are constructed mainly of
a- Lipid bilayer
b- Protein pumps
c- Carbohydrate gates
d- Free-moving proteins
The movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane is known as
a- Exocytosis
b- Phagocytosis
c- Endocytosis
d- Osmosis
Biology 1 44
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
8A substance that moves across a cell membrane without using the cell’s energy tends to
a- Away from the area of equilibrium
b- Away from the area where it is less concentrated
c- Away from the area where it is more concentrated
d- Toward the area where it is more concentrated.
Which cell helps in gas exchange in plants?
A tissue is composed of a group of
Similar cells
Related organelles
Organ systems
Related organs
11Make a table that summarize the contributions made to the cell theory by Robert Hooke,
Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudlof Virchow.
How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells alike? How do the differ?
Biology 1 45
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
13Draw a cell nucleus. Label and give the function of the following structures: chromatin,
nucleolus, and nuclear envelope.
14What is the function of a ribosome?
15What process takes place in the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
16Describe the role of the Golgi apparatus.
17Other than the nucleus, which two organelles contain their own DNA?
What explanation has Lynn Margulis proposed to account for the presence of DNA in these
18Name and describe the two types of structures that make up the cytoskeleton.
Biology 1 46
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
19Briefly describe the two types of structures that make up the cytoskeleton.
20What is meant by the concentration of a solution? Give specific examples of
concentration involving volume and mass.
21Describe the process of diffusion. Name and describe the condition that exists when the
diffusion of a particular substance is complete.
22What is the relationship between osmosis and diffusion? By definition, what’s the only
substance that carries out osmosis?
23Using the example of a cell in a sugar solution, explain what is meant by an isotonic
24Name and describe the cell structure that helps prevent damage to certain cells when they
are subjected to high osmotic pressure.
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
25Use an example to describe the relationship among cells, tissue, organs, and organ
26Predict. The beaker in the diagram has a selectively permeable membrane separating two
solutions. Assume that the water molecules and salt can pass freely through the membrane.
When equilibrium is reached, will the fluid levels be the same as they are now? Explain your
27Calculating. Which salt solution is more concentrated, solution A, which contains 18g of
salt in 6L of water, or solution B, which contains 24g of salt in 12L of water? Explain.
Biology 1 48
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
28Predict. What would happen to a sample of your red blood cells if they were placed into a
hypotonic solution? Explain your prediction.
29Designing Experiments. You are given vegetable coloring and three beakers. The first
beaker contains water at room temperature, the second beaker contains ice water, and the third
beaker contains hot water. Design an experiment to determine the effects of temperature on the
rate of diffusion. Be sure to state your hypothesis and to include a control.
Biology 1 49
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
CHAPTER 7: Cell Structure and Function STARTS WITH ? Review
1. Small structure in a cell that performs a specific function = _O_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. Dark spot in the nucleus where RNA for ribosomes is made = _N_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. Sac of digestive enzymes = _L_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. _R_ __ __ __ __ ER is covered by ribosomes and transports substances to the Golgi
5. The _C_ _ __ __ _W_ __ __ __ is found outside the cell membrane in plants and bacteria
and provides support and protection.
6. An organism like a green plant that can make its own food = _A_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
7. These sausage shaped organelles burn glucose and store the energy as ATP
= _M_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
8. The molecule used by cells to store genetic information = _D_ __ __
9. An organism with a nuclear membrane and organelles surrounded by membranes =
_E_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
10. The _N_ __ __ __ __ __ __ is surrounded by a double membrane, contains the cells DNA,
and acts as the control center.
11. One or two long hair-like structures called _F_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ extend from the surface
and help move the cell.
12. The _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ contains the gel-like material and organelles located
between the nucleus and cell membrane.
13. Smooth ER has several functions including regulating calcium levels in muscle cells,
breaking down toxins in liver cells, and making membrane lipids called _S_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
14. The folded inner membranes inside mitochondria are called _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __.
15. A cell membrane is a _B_ __ __ __ __ __ __ because the phospholipids line up in TWO
ROWS to try and keep their hydrophobic tails away from water.
16. The _C_ __ __ __ _M_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ surrounds all cells and is selectively
permeable to control what enters and leaves the cell.
Biology 1 50
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
17.The function of ribosomes is to make _P_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
18. _P_ __ __ __ __ cells and animal cells are both eukaryotes.
19. ER is an abbreviation for _E_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _R_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
20. _S_ __ __ __ __ __ ER does NOT have ribosomes attached.
21. The thylakoid sacs found inside a _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are where
photosynthesis happens in plant cells.
22. _P_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ have a polar head and two non-polar tails and
combine with proteins to make cell membranes.
23. A _G_ __ __ __ __ _A_ __ __ __ looks like stacks of pancakes which modifies, sorts,
and packages molecules for storage or transport out of the cell.
24. _I_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ proteins stick into the cell membrane. They can go part way or
all the way through to the other side.
25. Space for storing food, water, enzymes, or waste = _V_ __ __ __ __ __ __
26. An organism (like you) that CAN’T make its own food and gets it energy by eating other
organisms = _H_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
27. A _P_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is an organism like a bacterium with NO NUCLEAR
28. _R_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are small structures that make proteins.
29. _B_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ would be examples of cells that are PROKARYOTES.
30. The _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is made of microtubules and microfilaments in
the cytoplasm which provide support and give the cell its shape.
31. Molecule used by mitochondria to store energy = _A_ __ __
32. _C_ __ __ __ __ are many short hair-like structures on the surface of a cell that help move
the cell or move substances past the cell.
33. _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are log-like structures that appear during cell division in
animal cells and pull the chromosomes apart.
34. _P_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ proteins stick to the outside or inside surface of a cell
Biology 1 51
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
35. _A_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is programmed cell death for the good of the organism.
Cell Structure and Function ?’s
(pp 172-182)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Circle all that are TRUE. There may be MORE THAN ONE correct answer.
Which of the following is TRUE of a cell membranes?
A. Cell membranes allow ALL substances to pass through easily
B. It is selectively permeable so only certain molecules can pass through it.
C. It acts more like a fluid than a solid because its molecules are constantly moving.
D. Cell membranes surround all animal, plant, and bacterial cells.
E. It is a bilayer composed mainly of phospholipids and proteins
The nucleus includes all of the following EXCEPT ____________________
A. cytoplasm
B. nuclear envelope
D. nucleolus
E. chromatin
Substances produced in a cell and exported outside of the cell would pass through __________________
A. endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
B. mitochondria and Golgi apparatus
C. nucleus and lysosomes
D. vacuoles and mitochondria
Cells like muscle cells which require lots of energy would probably have many ____________________.
A. nuclei
B. flagella
C. mitochondria
D. lysosomes
Viruses, bacteria, and old organelles that a cell wants to get rid of are broken down in ______________
A. ribosomes
B. mitochondria
C. rough ER
D. lysosomes
Mitochondria store the energy released when they burn glucose as ______________________.
Biology 1 52
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
The structures that synthesize proteins in cells are the ____________________.
A. ribosomes
B. Golgi apparatus
C. lysosomes
D. vacuoles
The folded inner membrane in mitochondria which increases surface area for
chemical reactions to take place is called the ________________.
A. thylakoids
B. centrioles
C. chromatin
D. cristae
The dark spot seen in the nucleus in non-dividing cells where RNA for ribosomes is made is
called the ______________________
A. cristae
B. nucleolus
C. plastids
D. cytosol
The organelle that makes steroids in gland cells, regulates calcium in muscle cells, and
breaks down toxins in liver cells is the __________________.
A. lysosomes
B. Golgi bodies
C. smooth ER
D. rough ER
The cells organelles that are surrounded by DOUBLE MEMBRANES and contain their OWN DNA are the
A. nucleus, ER, and lysosomes
B. nucleus, vacuoles, and chloroplasts
C. nucleus, chloroplasts, and mitochondria
D. ER, Golgi bodies, and vacuoles
Look at the picture on page 74 and remember what you learned from the last chapter. Which two molecules
are used to make cell membranes?
A. carbohydrates and glycogen
B. polysaccharides and nucleic acids
C. phospholipids and starch
D. phospholipids and proteins
E. nucleic acids and lipids
On page 74 you can read about integral proteins with carbohydrates (sugars) attached that stick out on the
exterior surface of cell membranes. You learned about these in the last chapter. They help recognize “self”
and are called _______________________.
A. amino acids
B. lipoproteins
C. glycoproteins
D. monosaccharides
Biology 1 53
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
One difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes is that _____________________
A. prokaryotes are surrounded by a cell membrane and eukaryotes are not
B. prokaryotes have a nucleus and eukaryotes don’t
C. eukaryotes have DNA and prokaryotes don’t
D. eukaryotes have membranes around their nucleus and organelles and
prokaryotes don’t
Vacuoles are _______________ in plant cells than in animal cells.
A. smaller
B. larger
Cell membranes form because the hydrophobic tails on phospholipids try to ______________ water.
A. be near
B. stay away from
Which of the following organelles does the Endosymbiotic Theory suggest evolved from symbiotic
relationships between prokaryotic cells?
A. mitochondria
B. Golgi bodies
C. chloroplasts
D. ribosomes
Name two organelles found in plant cells that are NOT seen in animal cells.
Tell one way you can tell this cell is NOT A PLANT CELL
Tell one way you can tell this cell is NOT A BACTERIA
Biology 1 54
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
Biology 1 55
Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
1. All living things are ____________________________.
2. Cells are the basic unit of _______________ & ______________
in an organism (= basic unit of life)
3. Cells come from the reproduction of __________________________
English scientists who first saw
“little boxes” in CORK that he named cells _________________________
Dutch microscope maker who was
the first to observe LIVING cells ____________________________
Botanist who concluded that
ALL PLANTS are made of cells
Zoologist who concluded that
ALL ANIMALS are made of cells
Doctor who reasoned that cells
COME ONLY FROM EXISTING CELLS _____________________________
American biologist who provided evidence
for the Endosymbiotic theory which explains the
origin of chloroplasts & mitochondria _________________________________
_______________ cells >
______________ cells >
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular
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Chapter 7: Life is Cellular