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Learning Standards for Biology
I can identify cell organelles from a picture
I can compare animal to plant cells
I can describe the function of each of the cell organelles
I can explain how structure of organelles determines function (mitochondria, chloroplast)
I can explain how organelles interact
a. DNA to protein
b. Use of enzymes in cell respiration
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells
1. I can find total magnification of a microscope
2. I can name and compare different types of microscopes
3. I can compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in terms of the following:
a. Size
b. Organelles present
c. Type and location of DNA
Stem Cells, Cell Specialization and Differentiation
I can compare different types of specialized cells and compare structure and function
I can define gene/DNA expression
I can explain cell differentiation
I can recognize that an organism has the same chromosomes and DNA in each cell, yet the organism is
made up of different cell types because different parts of the DNA are active.
5. I can identify stem cells as unspecialized cells that can develop into types of specialized cells
6. I can compare types of stem cells – adult vs. embryonic
7. I can explain how cell differentiation begins
Cell Transport and Homeostasis
I can define what a buffer is
I can explain the role of buffers in homeostasis and give examples
I can compare active and passive transport
I can compare diffusion and osmosis
I can predict results of transport problems related to salt and water
I can solve osmosis and diffusion problems and explain how cells are affected
I can conclude how the plasma membrane structure relates to function
I can define and give examples of active transport
Asexual Reproduction and Mitosis
I can outline the cell cycle – G1, S, G2, M
I can recognize mitosis as a part of asexual reproduction
I can organize diagrams of mitotic phases and describe what is occurring throughout the process
I can explain that errors in the cell cycle can lead to overproduction of cells and possibly cancer
Adaptive Behaviors
1. I can explain how structure and function of unicellular organisms help organisms survive Examples
include contractile vacuoles, cilia, flagella, pseudopods and eyespots
2. I can summarize adaptive behaviors
Examples include chemotaxis and phototaxis
Nutrient Cycles
1. I can explain how the carbon cycle relates to photosynthesis, cellular respiration, decomposition and
climate change
2. I can summarize the nitrogen cycle (including the role of nitrogen fixing bacteria) and its importance to
synthesis of proteins and DNA
3. I can identify natural and human factors that influence climate
4. I can explain the recycling of matter
5. I can explain that energy can transform but it doesn’t recycle
6. I can analyze an energy pyramid for direction and efficiency of energy transfer
7. I know the role of autotrophs and heterotrophs in energy transformation
1. I can explain how various organisms can complete life functions such as transport, excretion,
respiration, nutrition, reproduction, growth and development
2. I can recognize the differences in vascular and nonvascular plants and how they transport materials
3. I can diagram the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide as it relates to respiration
4. I can give examples of feeding adaptations and types of feeders
5. I can compare sexual and asexual reproduction
6. I can compare different types of plant reproduction
7. I can compare different types of animal reproduction
8. I can describe innate behaviors and give examples
9. I can describe learned behaviors and give examples
I can identify and describe symbiotic relationships (parasitism, mutualism, commensalism)
I can explain territorial and communication behaviors among organisms
I can explain predator/prey and competition relationships
I can describe how biotic relationships influence population dynamics in the ecosystem
I can list limiting factors in ecosystems
I can define carrying capacity and identify on graph
I can recognize exponential growth on a graph
I can recognize historical population change of the human population
I can relate birth rate and death rate to population change
I can relate how increasing population size impacts resource use and population density
I can analyze the relationship between disease and balance in an ecosystem
Human Impact
I can infer how human activities may impact the environment
I can defend the causes of global climate change and list the effects
I can define habitat destruction and give examples of effects (Urban development in the Piedmont)
I can describe nonnative species and their impact on environment (Example Kudzu)
I can outline examples of North Carolina environmental issues (Examples - acid rain in the mountains,
beach erosion, waste lagoons on hog farms)
I can define deforestation and its impact on environment
I can list examples of resource depletion and its impact on environment
I can compare bioaccumulation and biomagnification using pesticides as an example
I can list ways I can conserve resources and how I can be a good steward
I can diagram and explain the structure of DNA
I can label the parts of a nucleotide
I can name when in the cell cycle DNA is replicated
I can correctly pair nitrogen bases (complementary base pairing)
I can relate DNA sequence to protein creation
I can recognize that a portion of the DNA (a gene) codes for a specific protein
I can relate protein production to organism needs (example insulin production)
I can define gene expression in regards to DNA
I can report the results of DNA replication
Protein Synthesis
I can identify the three types of RNA
I can compare and contrast DNA and RNA
I can explain the process and location of transcription
I can explain the process and location of translation
I can describe formation of polypeptides by linking amino acids
I can explain that polypeptides form proteins
I can interpret a codon chart to identify amino acid sequences
I can write the corresponding mRNA to DNA
I can explain how an amino acid sequence for a protein leads to a particular function and trait in
10. I can list examples of proteins that are functional and I can list examples of proteins that are structural
I can identify types of mutations (deletions, additions, substitutions)
I can list causes of mutations (example random, radiation, chemical)
I can identify causes of mutations before and after fertilization
I recognize that only mutations in sex cells (egg or sperm) can result in heritable changes
1. I can identify the processes occurring in the stages of meiosis
2. I can infer the importance of genes being on separate chromosomes
3. I can define independent assortment
4. I can exemplify sources of genetic variation
a. Crossing Over
b. Random Assortment
c. Gene mutation
d. Nondisjunction
e. Fertilization
5. I can compare meiosis to mitosis in terms of the following:
a. Number of cell divisions
b. Number and type of cells created
c. Chromosome number (haploid vs. diploid)
d. Somatic vs. sex cells and which type of cell division is involved
1. I can interpret and solve monohybrid crosses to determine genotypic and phenotypic ratios
2. I can determine parental genotypes based on offspring ratios
3. I can recognize a variety of intermediate patterns of inheritance (co-dominance and incomplete
4. I can solve and interpret co-dominant crosses involving multiple alleles – for example blood type
5. I can determine paternity/maternity based on blood types
6. I can interpret and solve problems involving sex linked traits (color blindness and hemophilia)
7. I can recognize that some traits are controlled by more than one gene and this can produce a wide range
of phenotypes
8. I can interpret autosomal inheritance patterns
a. Sickle Cell
b. Cystic Fibrosis
c. Huntington’s Disease
9. I can interpret karyotypes and recognize gender and chromosomal abnormality
10. I can interpret pedigrees and identify genotypes and patterns of inheritance
Nature vs. Nurture
1. I can explain how the environment can influence the expression of genetic traits
2. I can give examples of diseases that have a genetic and an environmental component
(such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, or Lung Cancer)
I can summarize the process of gel electrophoresis as a technique to separate molecules based on size
I can explain the role of restriction enzymes on cutting DNA
I can tell the difference between large and small segments of DNA by looking at gel
I can read a gel (paternity, crime scene and cataloging endangered species)
Transgenic Organisms
1. I can identify applications of transgenic organisms
a. Plants- Golden Rice, Bt Corn
b. Bacteria- Insulin production
2. I can summarize the steps in bacterial transformation
3. I can define a plasmid
I can identify the reasons for establishing the human genome project
I can name uses from the HGP such as developing medicines and gene therapy
I can evaluate gene therapy practices for disease treatment (Cystic Fibrosis)
I can critique ethical issue and implications of biotechnology
I can name and describe experiments about earth’s early atmosphere
I can explain the order of evolution of organisms on the planet
I can explain the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryotic cell evolution
I can utilize fossil evidence when determining evolution of species
I can compare biochemical similarities as evidence for evolution
I can define homologous structures and give examples
Natural Selection
1. I can recognize natural selection results due to the following phenomena:
a. Competition
b. Overproduction of species
c. Genetic variation
d. Survival of the fittest
e. Speciation
f. Adaptations
2. I can define speciation
3. I can recognize the role of geographic isolation in speciation
1. I can compare active and passive immunity
2. I can explain why new vaccines, antiviral, antibiotics and pesticides need to be created in response to
natural selection
1. I can discuss changes in the classification systems used by scientists
2. I can use a dichotomous key to identify organisms
3. I can interpret phylogenetic trees to compare organism relatedness and time of appearance
Biological Molecules
I can give examples of carbohydrates
I can give examples of lipids
I can give examples of proteins
I can give examples of nucleic acids
I can name the monomer and polymer of each of the macromolecules
6. I can name the function of the 4 types of macromolecules
7. I can compare DNA and RNA
8. I can name where glucose, glycogen, starch and cellulose are found
DNA to Protein
1. I can explain the sequence of events from DNA to protein
2. I can identify the 5 nitrogen bases found in nucleic acids
3. I can summarize the process of protein synthesis
I can explain why enzymes are shape specific and reusable
I can explain how enzymes get their shape
I can name the macromolecule group enzymes belong to
I can list characteristics of enzymes (reusable and specific)
I can explain how enzymes act as catalysts through lowering the activation energy
I can name factors that affect enzyme function
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
1. I can analyze formulas for cellular respiration and photosynthesis and identify the reactants and products
in each process
2. I can analyze the rate of respiration and photosynthesis and how it is influenced by
a. Amounts of reactants
b. Temperature
c. pH
d. Light
3. I can name the process that creates ATP
4. I can name examples of organisms that can photosynthesize
5. I can name examples of organisms that use cellular respiration
6. I can define the terms aerobic and anaerobic
7. I can compare aerobic to anaerobic respiration in terms of energy yield
8. I can name where photosynthesis and cell respiration takes place
9. I can compare and contrast alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation
Active Transport/Uses of Energy
1. I can name ways an organism uses energy created in cell respiration to maintain homeostasis
a. Active Transport
b. Synthesizing molecules
c. Excretion
2. I can explain other uses of energy such as movement towards food or away from danger or for
reproductive purposes