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Your Name _______________________________Period_____ Date___________________
Ch. 18 Title Record Here _____________________________________________________________________
Central Case: Rising Seas May Flood the Maldives - pp. 505-506
*Where are the Maldives?
*What are the risks for the residents that live here? List &describe the economic; ecological; and personal risks
*What does IPCC stand for?
*What Oscar-winning film and book was read by millions of people in 2006-2007?
What is climate change?
*Climate is described as an area’s long-term ______________________conditions, including temperature,
__________________content, wind, precipitation, barometric pressure, solar radiation
*_________________climate change describes _____________and ______________in Earth’s climate,
involving aspects such as temperature, precipitation, and _______________frequency and intensity.
*How is global climate change different from “global warming”?
The sun and atmosphere keep Earth warm
*What atmospheric gases absorb infrared radiation very effectively?
Such gases are known as _____________________________gases
*the greenhouse effect is a _______________________phenomenon, and greenhouse gases (w/exception of
anthropogenic halocarbons) have been present in our atmosphere for billions of years
*According to Table 18.1 – how do the 3 greenhouse gases compare to CO2 in their relative-heat trapping
Carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas of primary concern
*If CO2 is not the most potent greenhouse gas- why is it the biggest concern?
Other greenhouse gases add to warming
*since 1750, atmospheric _____________________concentrations have risen 2.5 fold and today’s
concentration is the highest by far in over ______________________years
What has contributed to the rise in CH4? Nitrous oxides?
Why is the increase in water vapor an example of a “negative feedback loop” ? a “positive feedback loop”?
Aerosols may exert a cooling effect
*aerosols are microscopic droplets and particles, can either have a _____________ or ____________effect
Explain in your own words the statement above.
Radiative forcing expresses change in energy input over time
*the amount of change in ______________that a give factor causes is called its radiative forcing
*Describe and explain in words- Figure 18.4 on p. 509
The atmosphere is not the only factor that influences climate
*List and describe the 4 factors that influence the atmospheric composition
*Ocean Circulation
Re-color code the warm vs. cold currents- with red/blue- below
Put a box around each warm water current title
Put a circle around each cold water current title
*Warm surface currents carry heat from _______________________waters of the ocean north toward
___________________ and Greenland, where they release heat into the atmosphere and then cool and sink,
forming the ________________________Deep Water
*Ocean currents and climate also interact through the __________________________, a worldwide current
system in which warmer, fresher water moves along the surface and colder, saltier water (which is more
______________) moves deep beneath the surface
*In the Atlantic Ocean, warm surface water flows northward from the equator in __________________Stream,
carrying heat to high latitudes and keeping Europe warmer than it would otherwise be; as the surface water of
this conveyor belt system release heat energy and cools, it becomes denser and sinks, creating the
_______________ ______________ ______________ ____________ (NADW)
*What science inspired the blockbuster- “The Day After Tomorrow”?
Proxy indicators tell us about the past
*Proxy indicators are types of __________________evidence that serve as proxies, or substitutes, for direct
__________________________ and that shed light on past climate
*How can an ice core tell us about the climate of the past?
*Why would researchers drill cores into beds of sediment beneath bodies of water?
*________________provide another proxy indicator; providing records of _______________________ and
drought going back hundreds or thousands of years
Direct atmospheric sampling tells us about the present
*See Figure 18.9 why is the line on this figure jagged and trending upward?
Models help us understand climate
*________________________________________________are programs that combine what is known about
atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, atmosphere-ocean interactions, and feedback mechanism to simulate
climate processes
The Science Behind the Story: Reading History in the World’s Longest Ice Core pp. 514-55
*researchers drilled down _____________________m to bedrock and pulled out more than
_________________years worth of ice
*where and what is “Dome C”?
Why did the Nature article published in 2004 on data on ice cores have 56 authors?
*Both the Dome C core and the Vostok data have demonstrated that the ______________ periods were long,
whereas ______________________periods were brief, with a rapid rise and fall of _____________________
*___________________ isotope data from the EPICA ice core reveal changes in surface temperature across
740,000 years; high peaks indicate _________________________________periods, and low troughs indicate
*on the Figure 18.11 – what does the red line vs. blue represent? What is the trend over time?
The IPCC summarizes evidence of climate change and predicts future impacts
IPPC is an international panel of ___________________ and _______________________________that was
established in ___________ by the UNEP (____________________________________________________)
and the World __________________________Organization
What are the major trends and impacts of Climate Change, from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report of 2007?
Record 3 that you know you can remember!!! For each of the categories below.
Global Physical indicators:
Social Indicators:
Regional physical indicators:
Biological indicators:
Temperature increases will continue
*Explain why temperature changes are greatest in the Arctic?
*if we were to cease greenhouse gas emissions today, temperatures would still rise ______ per decade because
of _____________________________________________________________________________
Changes in precipitation vary by region
*according to Figure 18.15
______________masses will warm more than _____________, and the Arctic will warm the most, up to _____
*in general, precipitation will increase at ____________________; using Figure 18.16 – what are two regions
on the globe that may undergo a greater 20% decrease in precipitation?
What are two regions on the globe that may undergo a greater than 20% increase in precipitation?
Melting ice and snow have far-reaching effects
*since 1980, the World Glacier Monitoring Service estimates, major glaciers have lost an average of _______ in
_____________thickness; in Glacier National Park in Montana, only ____ of 150 glaciers present at the park’s
inception remain, and scientists estimate that by ______ even these will be gone.
*over one-sixth of the world’s people live in regions supplied by _________________________, and some of
these people are already beginning to face water shortages
Rising sea levels will affect hundreds of millions of people
*recent sea level rises have resulted primarily from the ____________________________of seawater
*note- that all the numbers for mm/year on vertical rises in water levels- of a few inches, means many _______
of horizontal incursion inland
What do these higher sea level impact according to the readings on p. 521?
*in the US, _____% of the population lives in coastal areas
*approximately _______________acres of Louisiana wetlands have become open water since 1940, and
continued wetland loss will deprive New Orleans of protection against future _________surges.
*why would rising oceans lead to shortages in fresh water?
*What are 3 threats that climate change poses to coral reefs?
123The Science Behind the Story: Timing Greenland’s Glaciers as They Race to the Sea- pp. 522-523
*IPCC report ________________the likely speed and extent of future sea level rise
*if Greenland’s ice sheet melts entirely- the global sea level would rise by how much?
*____________- are crevasses and vertical tunnels that water allows the movement downhill in a layer
between bedrock and ice
*how did the scientists in this story measure the movement of ice?
*when is the next IPCC report scheduled to be released?
Climate change affects organisms and ecosystems
*in your words names some specific ways that climate change can affect organisms
*in your own words describe some specific ways that climate change will affect ecosystems?
Climate change exerts societal impacts
*_____________________________- earlier springs require earlier ________________________; global crop
yields are predicted to ____________________ somewhat, but beyond a rise of _______, the IPCC expects
crop yields to decline
*_____________________________forest managers increasingly find themselves having to battle __________
and disease outbreaks, invasive species, and ___________________________, which are mostly caused by
decades of ______________________________but are also promoted by longer, warmer, drier fire seasons;
*_______________________________--heat stress can cause death especially among _________adults
*in your own words explain the 5 bulleted potential health impacts discussed in text on p. 525
*_______________________-researchers predict that costs will outweigh benefits; climate change will also
widen the gap between _____________ and ______________; Stern Review had a study that estimated that
______________% of GDP by the year 2200 could be impacted by climate change
Impacts will vary regionally
*climate scientists say the USGRP report was suppressed once the _______________________administration
came to power; What is the USGRP report on?
List 4 of the predicted impacts of climate change in the US (See Table 18.2) p. 527
Are we responsible for climate change?
*IPCC’s 2007 report concluded conservatively that it is greater than ____% likely that most of the global
warming recorded over the past half century is due to the well-documented increase in
______________________________________ in our atmosphere; Scientist agree that this increase results
primarily from our combustion of ________________________ for energy and secondarily from
_________________ changes, including _____________________________and agriculture
**Despite broad consensus among scientists and most national government s that climate change is a pressing
issue- why has there remained a debate in the US over whether the phenomenon was real or not:
Shall we pursue mitigation or adaptation?
*mitigation is a strategy that aims to mitigate, or _______________, the problem
*adaptation is a response that accepts that climate change is happening and to pursue strategies to
______________________________on us
Give a specific example of each of these strategies:
Electricity generation is the largest source of US greenhouse gases?
*the generation of electricity produced the largest portion ____% of US carbon dioxide emissions
*____________________generates 69% of US electricity, and coal alone accounts for 50%, along with most of
the greenhouse gas emissions
*What are the 2 ways to reduce the amount of fossil fuels we use discussed in textbook?
Transportation is the second largest source of US greenhouse gases
*the average American family makes _____trips by car each day, and governments across the nation spend
______________________per day on road construction and repairs
*close to ____% of the fuel you pump into your gas tank does something other than move your car down the
road; increased engine efficiency, and improved ________design could help reduce these losses
Summarize the main points in your own words for the subsections
Automotive technology
Driving less and using public transportation
We can reduce emissions in other ways as well
How can agricultural practices reduce emissions?
What approaches to forest management could reduce emissions?
How could waste managers help reduce or cut greenhouse emissions?
We need to follow multiple strategies to reduce emissions
Explain if you agree or disagree with the following quote (and explain why):
“humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical, and industrial know-how to solve the carbon
and climate problem for the next half-century”
Shall we use government mandates or markets incentives?
Answer this question after reading this section- in your own words
We began tackling climate change by international treaty
*What did the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC)?
The Kyoto Protocol seeks to limit emissions
*this mandates that by the period of ________________, to reduce emissions of
______________________________________ to levels below those of _____________; the treaty took effect
in 2005 after ______________became the 127th nation ratify it
*why does the US refuse to ratify the Kyoto Protocol?
States and cities are advancing climate change policy
What is the “US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement”?
*At the state level, the boldest action so far has come from _________________, where in 2006 this state’s
legislature worked with their governor to pass the _______________________________________Act, which
aims to cut the state’s greenhouse gas emissions ____% by the year 2020
*Who/what launched the “Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative” in 2007?
Market mechanisms are being used to address climate change
What are “permit trading programs”?
As an example of how a ______________________emissions trading program can work, consider the planned
approach for the Regional Greenhouse Initiative:
1- Each state decides what ____________________sources it will require to participate in the program
2- Each state sets a cap on the total __________ emissions it will allow
3- Each state distributes to each emissions source one permits for each ton they emit, up the amount of the
4- Sources with too few permits to cover their emissions must find ways to reduce their emissions, buy
permits from other sources, or pay for credits through a ____________________project. Sources with
excess permits may keep them or sell them.
5- Any source emitting more than its permitted amount will face _________________________.
What is the world’s largest cap-and-trade program?
Carbon offsets are in vogue
*A carbon offset is a ____________________payment to another entity intended to enable that entity to reduce
the greenhouse emissions that one is unable or unwilling to reduce oneself
*what is “carbon-neutrality”?
*How can people, businesses and the globe be carbon neutral?
You can reduce your own carbon footprint
What can you do- personally?
Homework List Modification: pp. 537-538: Testing your Comprehension #3,5,7,8,9,10; Seeking Solutions #4-6;
Interpreting Graphs and Data #1-3 all