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Chapter 6. A tour of the cell
Microscopes (light and electron) and light microscopy techniques (page 96).
Cell fractionation. How you do it? Why you do it?
How will you distinguish a prokaryote from a eukaryote? Give 2 examples each.
Structure of a typical eukaryotic cell. Describe the structure and function of each organelle (page
123). Bound and free ribosomes? Endomembrane systems?
Cytoskeleton (microtubule, microfilament, intermediate filaments). Where you find each, and
what are their functions? (page 113).
Extracellular components: What are proteoglycans, fibronectin and integrins?
Intercellular junctions: tight junctions, desmosomes, gap junctions (page 121).
Qustions may come indirect. Eg. What types of cells will have more rough ER; Adrenal cortex
cells have more smooth ER. Why? Which cells have more number of lysosomes?
( ans. WBC)
(Review Self-Quiz Questions at the end of each chapter)
From memory, draw two cells, showing the structures below and any connections between them.
rough ER
smooth ER
cell wall
Golgi apparatus filaments
nuclear pore
Chapter 7. Membrane Structure and Function.
Cellular membranes are fluid mosaics of lipids and proteins explain.
Explain the different types of lipids and proteins found on cell membrane.
Distinguish between peripheral and integral proteins. Functions of each.
Role of membrane carbohydrates in cell-cell recognition.
Membrane permeability. What substances pass freely through membranes?
Membrane proteins. What are their functions? What are aquaporins?
Distinguish between active and passive transport. Give examples of each.
What is osmosis? Osmoregulation? Tonicity: hyper, iso and hypotonic.
Facilitated diffusion. Ion channels and gated channels. Explain each.
Active transport, Sodium – potassium pump and proton pumps.
What is cotransport?
Bulk transport: distinguish exocytosis and endocytosis; phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
Chapter 8. Metabolism
Define: Metabolism, catabolism and anabolism. What is meant by bioenergetics?
Define energy. Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy. Give 2 examples each.
What is ‘thermodynamics’? What are the first and second laws of thermodynamics?
What is entropy?
Free-energy change (∆G). ∆G of a reaction tells us whether or not the reaction occurs
spontaneously. Explain (page 146).
Distinguish between exergonic and endergonic reactions. Give examples.
Living cells are not in equilibrium. Explain (page 148)
What is ATP? What does it do in our body? What is energy coupling?
What are enzymes? What do they do in our body?
What the factors that affect enzyme activity? What do you mean by optimum conditions?
How will you distinguish between a cofactor and a coenzyme?
What are enzyme inhibitors? Distinguish between competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.
What do you mean by allosteric regulation? What is cooperativity?
What do you mean by feedback inhibition? Give examples.
A cell is compartmentalized. Explain.
Chapter 9. Respiration
What are the different kinds of respiration? Give examples.
What is meant by ‘Redox’ reaction? Give an example of a oxidizing agent and a
reducing agent.
How is the energy stored in glucose harvested during cellular respiration? What does
NAD+ do?
What is glycolysis? Explain
What is citric acid cycle? (page 171). Name 2 carriers of electrons.
What is oxidative phosphorylation? How is ATP produced during chemiosmosis? What
does ATP synthase do? How will you account for the 36 net ATP produced during
cellular respiration?
Compare and contrast: fermentation and anaerobic respiration.
Alcohol fermentation vs. lactic acid fermentation what are the products in each case?
What are obligate anaerobes? How will you distinguish them from facultative anaerobs.
How do fats and proteins enter citric acid cycle? What is beta oxidation?
How is cellular respiration controlled?
Chapter 10. Photosynthesis
What is photosynthesis.
Define the terms: chloroplast, chlorophyll, mesophyll, stomata, stroma and thylacoids.
Photosynthesis is essentially a two step process? What are they?
What are the important events taking place during the light reactions?
Define Light. What are the differences between the various colors of light?
Which colors (what wavelengths) are absorbed best by chlorophyll?
How does chlorophyll a differ from chlorophyll b?\
There are two photosystems. PS II and Photosystem I. Distinguish between P680 and
P700. Which is primarily responsible for each of ATP and NADPH production. Where
does the oxygen liberated during phosynthesis come from?
How will you compare the chemiosmosis in chloroplast and mitochondria?
What are the energy sources for Calvin cycle?
Name the enzyme responsible for carbon fixation. Which sugar is the carbon acceptor?
What is the product of Calvin cycle? What are the 3 phases of Calvin cycle (page 198).
Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation in hot and dry climates.
Distinguish between C3, C4 and CAM plants.
Explain photorespiration. How and when does it occur?
What is the role of PEP carboxylase?
What is crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)? (page 201).