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Chapter 7
The Nervous System
General overview of the nervous
system functions
Sensory input (info travels “in” along afferent pathways)
Integration (information is processed)
Sensory neurons
Spinal cord and brain
Motor output (info results in a response, travels along
efferent pathways)
Stimulation of muscle and glands
General Overview
Nervous Tissue
2 kinds of cells
supporting cells: glia or neuroglia = “nerve glue”
CNS Neuroglia
phagocytes: dispose of debris
ependymal cells
barrier between nerves and capillaries
help circulate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
produce myelin sheaths on CNS nerve fibers
CNS Neuroglia
blue = nerve
PNS also has neuroglia
Schwann cells - form myelin sheaths on PNS nerve
Satellite cells – cushion PNS nerves
PNS Neuroglia
specialized cells that
transmit messages
cell body
Nissl substance
rough ER
intermediate filaments
Nerve Anatomy: Processes
convey incoming messages
many per cell
conduct messages away from cell body
one per cell
axon terminals
Nerve Anatomy
axon terminal can connect to another neuron
synapse = junction between neurons
gap = ?
Nerve Anatomy
myelin: whitish, fatty, waxy
protects and insulates fibers
increases rate of impulse
Schwann cells - PNS
nodes of Ranvier
Oligodendrocytes - CNS
Schwann Cells & Nodes of Ranvier
Peripheral nerve regeneration is
assisted by the Schwann cells
Multiple Sclerosis
myelin sheaths gradually destroyed
loss of muscle control
Nerve Anatomy
nuclei: clusters of cell bodies in CNS
ganglia: clusters of cell bodies in PNS
tracts: bundles of fibers in CNS
nerves: bundles of fibers in PNS
white matter: myelinated fibers in CNS
gray matter: unmyelinated fibers in CNS
Neurons can be
classified by function
Neurons can be
classified by structure
based on # of processes
that extend from the cell
Nerve Physiology
If neurons are excitable cells…
What does this mean?
How are they different from other cells in the
Have we talked about a model in another cell
for propagation of an impulse?
The cell membrane is where all the
action occurs.
Remember the chemical composition of the cell
How does the chemical composition promote a
separation of ions?
Which ions are in greater concentration inside
the cell? Outside the cell?
So far we know the following:
For an inactive nerve cell:
Intracellular fluid contains a high concentration of
Extracellular fluid contains a high concentration of
Inside of cell has fewer cations than outside…
therefore the membrane is polarized
In a resting neuron…
Na+ cannot normally diffuse through membrane
What would happen if the cell membrane were
freely permeable?
When a neruon is stimulated…
Na+ gates open and Na+
diffuses into where?
the polarity of the
membrane is changed
graded potential:
membrane is depolarized
in one area
If stimulus is strong enough…
action potential (nerve impulse) is generated
long distance signal
all or none
propagates over entire axon
Action Potential
Na+ rushing into cell triggers another change in
membrane permeability
membrane is no longer permeable to Na+, but
IS permeable to K+
K+ diffuses out of the cell rapidly
restores electrical conditions
until restored, neuron cannot conduct impulse
After repolarization
how do Na+ and K+ get back to original resting
ionic conditions?
Saltatory conduction
saltare = “dance, leap”
myelin sheaths insulate
no current flow
nerve impulse jumps
from node to node
What happens at the synapse?
conduction of electrical impulse to another
nerve via a neurotransmitter
if enough neurotransmitter is released, action
potential is generated
electro = transmission down neuron membrane
chemical = transmission at synapse
What is happening when…
hands get cold?
foot goes numb?
Lab Exercise 13
Turn in:
Activities 1, 2, 3
Review Sheet on pp. 291-294