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Plant Physiology
Solute transport
Solute transport
• Plant cells separated from their environment by a
thin plasma membrane (and the cell wall)
• Must facilitate and continuously regulate the inward
and outward traffic of selected molecules and ions
as the cell
Takes up nutrients
Exports wastes
Regulates turgor pressure
Send chemical signals to other cells
Two perspectives for
membrane transport
• Cellular level
– Contribution to cellular functions
– Contribution to ion homeostasis (i.e., balance)
• Whole-plant level
– Contribution to water relations
– Contribution to mineral nutrition
– Contribution to growth and development
Moving into cells and between
compartments requires membrane to be
• Composed of a phospholipid
(Lipid+Phosphate group)
bilayer and proteins.
• The phospholipid sets up the
bilayer structure
• Phospholipids have
hydrophilic heads and fatty
acid tails.
• Such organization makes
plasma membrane
selectively permeable to ions
and molecules.
Membrane potential
• Membrane potential is the difference
in electrical potential between the
interior and the exterior of a biological
• Arise because charged solutes cross
membranes at different rates
• Create a driving force for ionic
• KCl Solution example
• K+ and Cl- ions diffuse at different
rates across the membranes
• Membranes are more permeable to K+
than to Cl• Initially diffuse at different rates
unless they achieve equilibrium
Potential as a result
of diffusion
Electrogenic pumps and
membrane potential
• Electrogenic pumps are
ATPases (enzymes that split
• ATPases use ATP energy to
“pump” out protons (H+) to
create charge gradients
• H+ gradients create a type of
“battery” to power transport
and maintain ion
-Na+/K+ -ATPase animal cells=Electrogenic
- H+/K+ -ATPase animal gastric mucosa=Electroneutral
Electrogenic pumps and
membrane potential
• To prove this
• Add cyanide (CN)
– Rapidly poisons mitochondria,
so cells ATP is depleted
– Membrane potential falls to
levels seen with diffusion
• So membrane potential has
too parts
– Diffusion
– Electrogenic ion transport
• Requires energy
Ion homeostasis within plant
• Plant cells segregate ions
based upon:
– Function or role
– Potential toxicity
• This segregation creates a
• Creating and maintaining
the balance may require
Ion homeostasis within plant
• Ion concentrations in cytosol and
vacuole are controlled by
passive (dashed) and active
(solid) transport processes
• In most plant cells vacuole takes
up 90% of the cell volume
– Contains bulk of cells solutes
• Control of cytosol ion concs is
important for the regulations of
enzyme activity
• Cell wall is not a permeability
– It is NOT a factor in solute
Passive vs active transport
• Passive or active transport depends on the gradient
in electrochemical potential
• The electrochemical potential has 2 parts
– Concentration
– Charge (Electrical)
• The two parts together dictate the electrochemical
potential for a compartment of a cell
Passive v. active transport
• Passive transport
– Movement down the electrochemical gradient
– From a more positive electrochemical potential
– to a more negative electrochemical potential
• Active transport
– Movement against electrochemical gradient
– From a more negative electrochemical potential
– to a more positive electrochemical potential
Electrochemical potential versus
water potential
• Just like water potential, solutes alone must follow
the rules of the electrochemical potential and move
• If this is not what the cell or plant tissue needs, two
components are required somewhere to counteract
this natural tendency
– Energy
– Membrane transport proteins
Summary of membrane
• Facilitate the passage of ions and other polar molecules
• Arabidopsis thaliana contains 849 membrane proteins (4.8% of genome)
• Three types of membrane transporters enhance the movement of solutes across
plant cell membranes
– Channels – passive transport
– Carriers – passive/active transport
– Pumps- active transport
Simple diffusion
• Movement down the gradient in
electrochemical potential
• Movement between phospholipid
bilayer components
• Bidirectional if gradient changes
• Slow process
• Transmembrane proteins that
work as selective pores
– Transport through these passive
• The size of the pore determines
its transport specifity
• Movement down the gradient in
electrochemical potential
• Unidirectional
• Very fast transport
• Limited to ions and water
• Sometimes channel transport
involves transient binding of the
solute to the channel protein
• Channel proteins have structures
called gates.
– Open and close pore in response
to signals
• Light
• Hormone binding
K+ form the environment,
opening of stomata
• Only potassium can diffuse
either inward or outward
– All others must be expelled by
active transport.
Release of K+ into xylem
Closing of stomata
Remember the aquaporin
channel protein?
• There is some diffusion of
water directly across the bilipid membrane.
• Aquaporins: Integral
membrane proteins that form
water selective channels –
allows water to diffuse faster
– Facilitates water movement in
• Alters the rate of water flow
across the plant cell
membrane – NOT direction
• Do not have pores that extend
completely across membrane
• Substance being transported is
initially bound to a specific site
on the carrier protein
– Carriers are specialized to carry a
specific organic compound
• Binding of a molecule causes the
carrier protein to change shape
– This exposes the molecule to the
solution on the other side of the
• Transport complete after dissociation of
molecule and carrier protein
• Moderate speed
– Slower than in a channel
– 100-1000 ions or molecules/second
• Binding to carrier protein is like
enzyme binding site action
• Can be either active or passive
• Passive action is sometimes
called facilitated diffusion
• Unidirectional
Active transport
• To carry out active transport:
– The membrane transporter must couple the uphill
transport of a molecule with an energy releasing event
• This is called Primary active transport
– Energy source can be
• The electron transport chain of mitochondria
• The electron transport chain of chloroplasts
• Absorption of light by the membrane transporter
• Such membrane transporters are called PUMPS
Primary active transportPumps
• Movement against the
electrochemical gradient
• Unidirectional
• Very slow
• Significant interaction with
• Direct energy expenditure
pump-mediated transport against the
gradient (secondary active transport)
• Involves the coupling of the
uphill transport of a
molecule with the downhill
transport of another
• (A) the initial conformation
allows a proton from outside
to bind to pump protein
• (B) Proton binding alters the
shape of the protein to allow
the molecule [S] to bind
pump-mediated transport against the
gradient (secondary active transport)
• (C) The binding of the
molecule [S] again alters
the shape of the pump
protein. This exposes the
both binding sites, and the
proton and molecule [S] to
the inside of the cell
• (D) This release restores
both pump proteins to their
original conformation and
the cycle begins again
pump-mediated transport against the
gradient (secondary active transport)
• Two types:
• (A) Symport:
– Both substances move in the
same direction across
• (B) Antiport:
– Coupled transport in which the
downhill movement of a
proton drives the active (uphill)
movement of a molecule
– In both cases this is against
the concentration gradient of
the molecule (active)
pump-mediated transport against the
gradient (secondary active transport)
• The proton gradient required for secondary active
transport is provided by the activity of the
electrogenic pumps
• Membrane potential contributes to secondary active
• Passive transport with respect to H+ (proton)
Overview of Ion homeostasis in
plant cells
Ion homeostasis in plant cells
• Tonoplast antiporters
move sugars, ions and
contaminants to the
cytoplasm from the
• Anion channels maintain
charge balance between the
cytoplasm and vacuole
• Ca channels work to control
second messenger levels &
cell signaling paths between
vacuole and cytoplasm
Plasma membrane transporters
Plasma membrane transporters
Ion transport in roots
• As all plant cells are
surrounded by a cell wall,
Ions can be carried through
the cell wall space with out
entering an actual cell
– The apoplast
• Just as the cell walls form a
continuous space, so do the
cytoplasms of neighboring
– The symplast
Ion transport in roots
• All plant cells are connected by
• In tissues where large amounts of
intercellular transport occurs
neighboring cells have large
numbers of these.
– As in cells of the root tip
• Ion absorption in the root is more
pronounced in the root hair zone
than other parts of the root.
• An Ion can either enter the root
apoplast or symplast but is
finally forced into the symplast
by the casparian strip.
Ion transport in roots
• Once the Ion is in the symplast
of the root it must exit the
symplast and enter the xylem
– Called Xylem Loading.
• Ions are taken up into the root by
an active transport process
• Ions are transported into the
xylem by passive diffusion