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Final conference: Large Developing Economies: Current and future contribution to climate change. 2010-2013 Cecilie Mauritzen, CICERO 4-6°C 2°C Source: Peters et al. 2012a; Global Carbon Project 2012 4-6°C Stern 2006 2050 Source: Peters et al. 2012a; Global Carbon Project 2012 2°C 1. Climate policy with poverty reduction? Is that feasible and if so, how? 2. Bioenergy and emissions in rural households – black carbon: climate driver, health risk & short-term fix CICERO’s research Climate Economics Economic Modelling Green Energy & Economy Klima finans iering Integrated Assessment modelling Climate Policy International Climate Policy Agreements Behavioural Economics Domestic and Regional Climate Policy Climate Transformation Climate & Development Global Health & Environment Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic Policies for Change Climate Forcing Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling Climate Modelling and Radiative Transfer The project has established very good relations with Chinese and Indian partners – Fudan University, Jiaotong University and Tshinghua University, and TERI - which we hope to continue working with after this project has come to an end. GOOD LUCK WITH THE CONFERENCE!