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Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Clive Bowman, Project Coordinator
Centre for Mountain Studies, UHI Millennium Institute, Scotland
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
What is climate change adaptation?
Climate change impacts are the consequences
of the interactions between our natural and
human systems.
The impacts depend on the vulnerability of these
systems. Vulnerability is “the exposure to
multiple stresses, to shocks and to risk over a
longer period”.
Both impacts and vulnerability may be reduced by
adaptation – adjustments in natural or human
systems to a new or changing environment.
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Various types of adaptation can be distinguished:
anticipatory and reactive adaptation
private and public adaptation
autonomous and planned adaptation.
Adaptation can be seen as a process of social learning.
Adaptive capacity is the ability;
to understand climate changes and hazards,
to evaluate the consequences for communities, places and
to moderate potential damages
to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Changes in
natural systems
Climate Change
Adaptive capacity
Decision making
Diagram from Finland’s National Adaptation Strategy (2005)
Or let the polar bear tell you!........
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Clim-ATIC is an
ambitious, 2.35 Million
Euro, trans-national
project that will result in
the best possible
understanding of all
issues associated with
climate change
adaptation at a
community level – part
funded by the Northern
Periphery Programme.
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Clim-ATIC’s overall objective
The project will establish a
sustainable, self-financing
delivery mechanism to
provide information,
training and advice on
climate change adaptation
to communities, small
businesses, and local
administrations across the
Northern Periphery.
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
5 participating regions with similar climate change impact issues
Lapland, Finland
County of
Sweden (and Åre)
Flora, Sogn og
Fjordane, Norway
Highlands and
Islands, Scotland
“A European approach is necessary to ensure proper coordination and the efficiency
of policies that address the impacts of climate change.”
The EC Green paper ‘Adapting to climate change in Europe- options for EU action’ (2007)
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
5 participating regions with similar climate change impact issues
Lapland, Finland
Hey, tell
me about
Me too!
Some of that
would be
useful to us in
Ireland –
hope they tell
County of
Sweden (and Åre)
Flora, Sogn og
Fjordane, Norway
Highlands and
Islands, Scotland
“A European approach is necessary to ensure proper coordination and the efficiency
of policies that address the impacts of climate change.”
The EC Green paper ‘Adapting to climate change in Europe- options for EU action’ (2007)
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Climate change adaptation cuts across all sectors and political levels.
Clim-ATIC will focus on 4 key priority themes for the Northern Periphery
risk and response management
sustainable transport
local sustainable energy
tourism opportunities
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Clim-ATIC is a 3 year project with 5 interlinked transnational
WP 1
WP 2
WP 3
WP 4
WP 5
Project management, coordination & communication
Regional Climate Change and Scenarios
Identify community climate adaptation opportunities
Adaptation Demonstration Projects
Community Climate Change Adaptation Information, Training & Advice Service
Project launch meeting
exchange visits
International seminar
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
WP 2
Regional Climate Change impacts, scenarios and visualisations
Using existing climate models
and data to provide relevant
scenarios to communities
UKCIP08 data will provide climate
change scenarios for the UK :
• scenarios (High, Medium
and Low)
• information about
extreme events
• relative to a baseline
“uncertainties remain particularly in relation to more accurate and detailed forecasts as to the
impacts of climate change at regional and local levels”
The Commission of European Communities’ Green paper ‘Adapting to climate change in
Europe- options for EU action’ (2007)
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
WP 3
Community climate adaptation opportunities and strategies
Climate change
impact visualisations
Community / stakeholder
brainstorming meetings
Community adaptation
action plans
“adaptation measures should be fit for purpose, be based on a good evidence
base, involve all stakeholders and aim to achieve SMART objectives”
The UK Climate Impacts Programme report ‘Identifying Adaptation Actions’ (2007)
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Community Adaptation Demonstration Projects
WP 4
Planning, supporting, managing, evaluating and extracting lessons from 12 adaptation
projects across the Northern Periphery with a strong emphasis on local economic benefits
and response
“Building adaptation capacity involves creating information and conditions that enable
adaptation actions to take place and delivering adaptation actions that will help to reduce
vulnerability to climate risks or exploit opportunities ”
‘Climate Change – the UK Programme’ (2006)
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
WP 5
Establish a Northern Periphery Community Climate Change
Adaptation Information, Training, and Advice service
Carry out feasibility studies and
business planning to establish an
affordable, accessible, relevant and
up-to-date service for local
communities, businesses,
administrations and politicians across
the entire Northern Periphery.
The University of the Arctic will be
the initial framework for this service;
the aim is to have a network with a
node in each region.
“There is an obvious need to strengthen policy relevant research and development
relating to the impacts of climate change and adaptation”
Finland’s National Adaptation Strategy (2005)
Climate Change - Adapting to The Impacts, by
Communities in Northern Peripheral Regions
Plans for Clim-ATIC in Greenland
municipalities of Sisimiut, Ilulissat and Uummanaq
building sector
tourism sector
Possible demonstration projects:
1. Energy supply and management – A pilot project to build a small
demonstration biogas anaerobic digester that uses waste particularly from the
fishing industry and contribute to local sustainable energy supply.
2. New tourism strategies in relation to climate change - A project with a
focus on providing the infrastructure for ‘glacier tourists’ including
environmental viable access routes, accommodation, energy supply and waste
Project partners/funders:
ARTEK (Arctic Technology Centre) , Greenland Innovation Center
(Nutaaliorfik), Sisimiut Municipality, Home Rule, NORA? & ?