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Adapting to Climate Change in
the Caribbean (ACCC)
GECAFS Meeting
February 24-26, 2003
CIMH, Barbados
Marcia Chevannes Creary
Project Component Manager, ACCC
Adapting to Climate Change in the
Caribbean (ACCC)
• Funded by The Canadian Climate Change Development
Fund (CCCDF) through the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA)
• Implemented in 12 CARICOM countries from September.
2001 to August. 2004.
• Designed to maintain momentum on climate change
issues initiated under CPACC
• Lead into the follow-on MACC program being proposed to
the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Adapting to Climate Change in the
Caribbean Region
Consists of 9 Components
• 1:
Detailed Project Design and Business Plan for
Regional Climate Change Centre
• 2:
Public Education and Outreach (PEO)
• 3:
Integrating Climate Change into a Physical Planning
Process using a Risk Management Approach
• 4:
Strengthening Technical Capacity
• 5:
Integrating Adaptation Planning in
Environmental Assessments for National and
Regional Development Projects
• 6:
Implementation Strategies for Adaptation in the
Water Sector
• 7:
Formulation of Adaptation Strategies to Protect
Human Health
• 8:
Adaptation Strategies for Agriculture and Food
• 9:
Fostering Collaboration and Cooperation with
non-CARICOM Countries
Component 1
Detailed Project Design and Business Plan for
Regional Climate Change Centre
To provide for detailed planning and approval of all projects and to
develop a sustainable business plan for the Regional Climate Change
This project is in the final stages of completion. The MACC project is
expected to be submitted to the World Bank for approval in March
2003 following the finalizing of MOU’s with cooperating agencies and
sign-off by beneficiaries.
Component 2
Public Education and Outreach (PEO)
To develop and implement a Regional Climate Change Public
Education and Outreach (PEO) Strategy for participating CARICOM
This project will be implemented by the GEF-funded Mainstreaming to
Adaptation to Climate change (MACC) project, due to commence in
March 2003.
Component 3
Integrating Climate Change into Physical Planning
Process using a Risk Management Approach
To build capacity for integrating adaptation to climate change risks
into the physical planning process, in the private sector and
governments, using a risk management approach.
A series of workshops were conducted in 2002 to look at risk
management in the tourism, financial, water and agricultural sectors.
Coming out of recommendations from these workshops a draft
document entitled “Guidelines on Risk Management for Climate
Change in the Caribbean” is being developed and is expected to be
completed in March 2003.
Component 4
Strengthening Technical Capacity
To respond to the gaps and needs in regional and national
technical capabilities identified in the first three years of the
CPACC program.
On-going staff training and development is taking place at the
Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) to
strengthening their climate change capacity;
Eight Students from five countries are participating in the Master’s
Degree course in climate change at the University of West Indies
Component 4
Strengthening Technical Capacity
Training was provided for two persons on statistical downscaling
techniques to assist in the development of capability for definitive
regional and local climate change projections. Preliminary
climate change scenarios are expected to be produced by April
Dialogue established with SPREP and the Pacific Islands Climate
Change Assistance Program (PICCAP) for collaboration on issues
related to climate change between the Caribbean and the South
Component 5
Integrating Adaptation Planning in Environmental
Assessment for National and Regional Projects
To integrate adaptation planning into the project cycle for
international and national development activities
Collaboration is taking place with the Disaster Mitigation Facility of
the Caribbean Development Bank with a view to integrating climate
change and natural hazards considerations into the EIA process of the
region. In addition the EIA process within CARICOM is under review.
Component 6
Implementation Strategies for Adaptation in the
Water Sector
To establish a comprehensive set of adaptation strategies in the
water sector and the establishment of a pilot project in a select
Guidelines for adaptation in the water sector have been developed.
The Water Resources Authority, Jamaica is to undertake a pilot study
to evaluate the guidelines and incorporate the new risk management
guidelines being developed for the region.
Component 7
Formulation of Adaptation Strategies to Protect
Human Health
To build upon the risk management assessment in the health sector
in Component 3 and develop a strategy for the protection of human
health and the establishment of pilot projects in select countries.
Information on health and climate variation relationships are being
collected by CEHI, SENES, UWI, and CAREC with a view to developing
adaptation strategies for public health.
Project 8:
Adaptation Strategies for Agriculture and Food
To develop national and regional strategies that will provide for
food security and sustainable rural livelihoods in the Caribbean
Draft document in final stages of preparation to include the
following chapters • Climate change scenarios for factors affecting agriculture,
fisheries and imported food
• Agriculture and fisheries in the Caribbean
• Imported food commodities
• Implication for food security and adaptation to climate change
Component 9
Fostering Collaboration/Cooperation with nonCARICOM countries
To focus on the formulation of a strategic framework to foster closer
collaboration/cooperation in the implementation of climate change
adaptation activities in CARICOM countries and other non-CARICOM
countries in the Caribbean region (British, French, Latin and Dutch
There is on-going collaboration with Cuba, Dominican Republic and
Puerto Rico in the areas of health and climate variability,
downscaling of climate scenarios and exchange of weather related
GECAFS Caribbean Food Systems Project
Story Line 1: Local Level
Target: Food systems in resource-poor communities based on fishing
and locally produced food crops
To reduce food system vulnerability especially in relation to
changes in climate variability.
Story Line 2: Regional Level
Target: Caribbean regional food provision
To develop regional-level strategies to reduce the additional
complication GEC would bring to regional food provision, given
changing preferential export markets.
Collaboration between ACCC/MACC and GECAFS
Areas of collaboration include:
• Development of adaptation strategies and policy formulation in the
areas of agriculture, food security and water resources
• Building on the ongoing work of the ACCC and its continuation under
the MACC program.
• Building on links and dialogue already established with national and
regional institutions (such as CIMH, CEHI, UWI, etc)
• Downscaling of global climate models and the development of
regional and local level scenarios for use in decision making and
policy formulation.