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Chapter 11- Genetics
Principles of genetics require:
-each organism inherits a single copy of
every gene from each parent
-during gamete formation, two sets of
genes must separate, so each gamete
contains just one set of genes
Chapter 11- Genetics
Chromosome Number
Fruit fly example:
8 chromosomes total
4 came from male parent
4 came from female parent
Two sets are homologous
Chapter 11- Genetics
Homologous chromosomes- paired
chromosomes having genes for the same
trait located at the same place on the
Diploid- having two of each kind of
chromosome (2n); normal body cells
Diploid cells have two complete sets of
chromosomes/two complete set of genes
Chapter 11- Genetics
Gametes of sexually reproducing organisms
have only a single set of chromosomes
Haploid- having one of each kind of
chromosome (n)
Fruit fly gametes would be n = 4
Chapter 11- Genetics
Phases of Meiosis
How haploid cells (gametes) produced from
diploid cells (somatic cells)
Meiosis- cell division that results in a
gamete containing half the number (n) of
chromosomes of its parent (2n)
Involves two rounds of division:
-Meiosis I
-Meiosis II
Chapter 11- Genetics
Phases of Meiosis
Meiosis I
Similar to mitosis
Four phases the same: prophase I,
metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I
Chapter 11- Genetics
DifferencesProphase I:
Pairing of homologous chromosomes to
form tetrad (4 chromatids)
Crossing over- exchange of genetic
material between non-sister chromatids of
homologous chromosomes
Shuffles genes like a deck of cards
Chapter 11- Genetics
Meiosis II
Second round of division (reduction)
NO chromosome replication
Phases just like meiosis I:
Prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II,
telophase II
At end of division cycle, each cell contains
haploid # of chromosomes (n)
Chapter 11- Genetics
Gamete Formation
In male animals, gametes produced through
meiosis called sperm
In some plants, pollen contains sperm cells
In female animals, only one cell produced is
made into a gamete
Cytokinesis is uneven: produces one egg
and 3 polar bodies
Chapter 11- Genetics
Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis
2 identical diploid cells 4 genetically different
haploid cells
organisms: growth &
Asexual reproduction
Formation of gametes
Sexual reproduction
Chapter 11- Genetics
The Work of Gregor Mendel
Genetics- scientific study of heredity
Gregor Mendel- Austrian monk who
experimented using pea plants
Determined rules of inheritance
Fertilization- joining of male & female
gametes to form single cell
Chapter 11- Genetics
Pea plants normally self-pollinating
Mendel used stock of true-breeding plants
(produced offspring identical to themselves)
Cross-pollinated pea plants with different
traits to study resulting offspring
Chapter 11- Genetics
Genes & Dominance
Studied 7 different pea plant traits
Trait- a characteristic that can be passed on
to offspring
For each trait, studied a contrasting
Ex. Seed color- green or yellow
Chapter 11- Genetics
Original pair of plants = P generation
Offspring = F1 generation
Hybrid- offspring of parents that have
different forms of a trait
Every offspring had a character of only one
of the parents
Chapter 11- Genetics
Two conclusions:
• Inheritance determined by factors passed
from one generation to the next
Gene- the functional units of inheritance
Each trait controlled by one gene with two
contrasting forms
Alleles- alternate forms of a gene
Chapter 11- Genetics
Second conclusion called the principle of
• Some alleles are dominant and others are
Dominant- an allele of a gene that is always
expressed (T)
Recessive- an allele of a gene that is
expressed only when the dominant allele
is not present (t)
Chapter 11- Genetics
What had happened to recessive alleles
(traits) in plants?
Mendel allowed F1 plants to self-pollinate
Produced F2 generation which showed
recessive trait in 1 out of 4 plants (3:1 ratio)
Chapter 11- Genetics
Dominant allele masked recessive trait in F1
Reappearance in F2 generation showed that
at some point alleles became separated
Mendel suggested that they segregated
from one another during gamete formation
Chapter 11- Genetics
Law of Segregation- states that every
individual has two alleles of every gene;
when gametes are produced, each gamete
receives one of these alleles
Chapter 11- Genetics
Probability & Punnett Squares
Every time Mendel repeated a particular
cross, he obtained similar results
¾ plants showed dominant trait; ¼ showed
recessive trait
Mendel realized that probability could be
used to explain results
Chapter 11- Genetics
Chapter 11- Genetics
Chapter 11- Genetics
Genetics & Probability
Probability- the likelihood that a particular
event will occur
Two possible outcomes for a coin flip:
heads or tails
Probability of each occurring is equal
Chance of heads is 1 in 2, or 50%
Chapter 11- Genetics
Chance of heads coming up three in a row?
Each flip is an independent event:
Probability of three heads in a row½ x ½ x ½ = 1/8
Way alleles segregate is random, like a coin
• Principles of probability can be used to
predict outcomes of genetic crosses
Chapter 11- Genetics
Punnett Squares
Gene combinations from a given cross can
be determined using a Punnett square
Letters in Punnett square represent alleles
Gametes from each parent are shown along
one side and the top of the square
Used to predict and compare genetic
variations resulting from a cross
Chapter 11- Genetics
Homozygous- if an organisms two alleles
for a trait are the same
Can be homozygous dominant (TT) or
homozygous recessive (tt)
Heterozygous- when the two alleles for the
same trait are different (Tt)
Homozygous = true-breeding for trait
Heterozygous = hybrid for trait
Chapter 11- Genetics
Phenotype- the physical expression of the
genes; how the trait looks
Ex.Tall; short; yellow seeds; green seeds
Genotype- allele combination that an
organism contains
Ex.TT; Tt; tt
Chapter 11- Genetics
Probability & Segregation
Probability predicts that if the alleles
segregate, then a 3:1 phenotypic ratio
should be seen
Each cross showed a 3:1 ratio
Mendel’s law of segregation proven correct
Chapter 11- Genetics
Since probabilities predict averages:
the larger the number of individuals, the
closer the data comes to the probability
Chapter 11- Genetics
Exploring Mendelian Genetics
Mendel further investigated:
Alleles segregatebut do alleles package together?
or are they independent of one another?
Chapter 11- Genetics
Independent Assortment
Mendel followed two different genes through
two generations
Crossed purebred plants for seed color and
seed shape
Round, yellow seeds (RRYY)
Wrinkled, green seeds (rryy)
Chapter 11- Genetics
Only provided hybrid plants needed for next
All F1 plants had genotype RrYy
F2 generation showed 209 plants that had
phenotypes not found in the parents
Alleles for different traits segregate
independently of one another
Chapter 11- Genetics
Summary of Mendel’s Principles
• Inheritance is determined by individual
units called genes.
Genes passed from parents to offspring.
• When two or more forms (alleles) of a
gene exist, some forms may be dominant,
others recessive.
Chapter 11- Genetics
• In most sexually reproducing organisms,
each adult has two copies of each gene –
one from each parent.
These copies are segregated from one
another during meiosis (gamete formation)
• Alleles for different genes usually
segregate independently of one another
Chapter 11- Genetics
Complex patterns of Inheritance
Important exceptions to Mendel’s principles
Some alleles are neither dominant nor
Many traits controlled by multiple alleles, or
multiple genes
Chapter 11- Genetics
Incomplete dominance
Appearance of a third phenotype
Due to one allele being not completely
dominant over another
3rd phenotype somewhere in between the
two homozygous phenotypes
Chapter 11- Genetics
Expression of both
(ex. White bull
crossed with a red
cow yields a roan
Both alleles contribute
to the phenotype
Chapter 11- Genetics
Multiple phenotypes from multiple alleles
• More common for multiple alleles to
control a trait in a population
• Only two alleles of a gene can exist within
the cell
• Multiple alleles for a single gene can be
found within a population
Blood type- A, B, o
Rabbit coat color- C, cch, ch, c
Chapter 11- Genetics
Polygenic Inheritance
• Traits that are determined through
expression of two or more genes
• Polygenic traits show wide range of
• Ex- eye color, skin color, height
Chapter 11- Genetics
Genetics & the Environment
Characteristics of any organism not solely
determined by genes
Determined by interaction between genes
and environment
Genes provide plan, how plan goes also
depends on environment