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Study of heredity, or the
passing on of traits
(characteristics) from
parent to offspring.
Important concepts for review
• Meiosis divides the genes found
on homologous chromosomes
from parent cells into separate
Important concepts for review
• Fertilization combines genes
found in opposite sex cells in
order to form new offspring with
half of each parent’s traits.
How was genetics
• Genetics was
discovered by
Mendel. So he
is known as the
Father of
Some Terms
• True-breeds –
organisms that
produce offspring
identical to
themselves if they self
• Hybrids – offspring
of crosses between
parents with different
• P generation – the
parents of a cross
• F1 generation – the
offspring of the P
• F2 generation –the
offspring of the F1
• What is genotype?
• What is phenotype?
How was genetics discovered?
• Gregor Mendel observed traits or
characteristics of the garden pea.
• Some are short-stemmed, some seeds
are round, some are yellow...
• He observed that different pea traits
are produced by different varieties of
parent plants.
How do traits get inherited?
Pea plants self-pollinate
Resulting in true-breeds – pea plants
with only one form of a
characteristic: only the short allele,
or only round seeds, only the yellow
pea pod color…
Mendel controlled the
pollination of two true
breed pea plants.
Mendel’s Experiments
What would result if a true breed yellow pea plant was
crossed with a true breed green pea plant?
What happened to the yellow?
Did yellow disappear or is green simply dominant?
Mendel then crossed
the F1 generation that resulted from the previous cross…
Yellow did not disappear; green is dominant
*What did he realize?*
Key terms highlighted
1. There is some hidden factor that controls
inheritance. It’s called a gene.
2. Genes can be of alternate forms called
E.g. one form of the gene that determines pod color was
green; the other was yellow.
*What did he realize?*
Key terms highlighted
3. Alleles may be dominant or recessive. The
dominant trait is expressed or shown while
the recessive is hidden.
Alleles are carried on
opposite homologous
We’ll label the
dominant allele with a
capital letter P and
the recessive allele
with a lower case p.
*What did he realize?*
Key terms highlighted
4. Organisms inherit two alleles for each
trait. One from each parent.
Allele combinations are either homozygous (both alleles
are identical; AA or aa) or heterozygous (alleles are
different; Aa).
5. Gametes play a role in genetics. Sex cells
only carry one allele each because alleles
segregate into separate gametes during
meiosis. This is known as the Law of
Watch the segregation of A, a, B, b genes by clicking here
Through Mendel's observations we are
now able to predict the probability of the
genes a offspring may have. Base upon
the parents traits.
Lesson EQ
• What does Mendel’s Law of Segregation
The two alleles for each trait separate
during meiosis. During fertilization, two
alleles for that trait unite.
*Predicting genetic outcomes*
Monohybrid cross
A Punnett Square is used to
predict the probability of genetic
outcomes. Here’s how…
• The square has 2 columns
and 2 rows
• Each row and column
represents one of the 2
possible alleles carried by the
sex cells of each parent (i.e.
accounting for the 50%
probability of inheriting from
either gamete).
*Predicting genetic outcomes*
1. The dad’s genotype is
segregated on top of the
2. The mom’s genotype is
segregated on the side of
the square
*Predicting genetic outcomes*
3. The 4 boxes in the square
are filled in with the gene
type from dad’s gametes
4. The 4 boxes in the square
are filled in with the gene
type from mom’s gametes
*Predicting genetic outcomes*
Probability of inheriting traits:
• Of the four gametes produced by
meiosis, two contain one of the
homologous chromosome pair and
two contain the other chromosome
of the homologous pair
• Thus, if the parent was heterozygous
for gene “A” (Aa) there’s a 50%
chance that A will end up in the
gamete and a 50% chance that a will
end up in the gamete. Likewise for
the B gene.
• Cross a heterozygous tall plant with a short
plant. What is the probability that one of
the offspring will be short?
*Predicting genetic outcomes*
Accounting for probability in the
monohybrid cross (Punnett
• 50% chance of inheriting 1
of 2 gamete types from father
• 50% chance of inheriting 1
of 2 gamete types from
mother (rows)
• Thus, there’s a 25% chance
that sperm 1 fertilizes egg 1
What did
Mendel’s cross
look like?
True-breeding yellow pod
plants have 2 recessive
alleles (gg) for pod color.
green pod
plants have 2
alleles (GG) for
pod color.
The resulting plants are hybrids (Gg).
*Allele Expression*
(allele type or “ingredients”)
(expression or “cake”)
Try this one…
The ability to roll the tongue is dominant
over the inability to do so in humans.
(A) If two heterozygous tonguerollers have children, what genotypes
could their children have?
Hint: T=tongue-rolling and t=non-tongue-rolling
A little different….
• A man and a woman are heterozygous
for freckles. Freckles (F) are dominant
over no freckles (f). What are the
chances that their children will have
• A woman is homozygous dominant for
short fingers (SS). She marries a man
who is heterozygous for short fingers
(Ss). Will any of their children have long
fingers (ss)? yes / no
Requires some deep thought…
Start by writing what you know!
An allele for brown eyes B is dominant
over that for blue eyes b. A couple of
whom one is brown-eyed and the other
blue-eyed have eight children, all brown
eyed. What would be the genetic make
up of each parent in this regard? For
each parent state whether they are
homozygous or heterozygous.
Here’s a tricky one…
• A blue-eyed man, both of whose
parents were brown-eyed, marries a
brown-eyed woman. They have one
child who is blue-eyed. What are the
genotypes of all the individuals
• 1. What is phenotype?
• 2. What is genotype?
Mendelian Genetics
Benchmark Study Guide is on my Website
Benchmark Exam is on Wednesday, 3/13
End of the 3rd Quarter is 3/14! Report cards
will go out soon after. Be sure to make up
any missed tests by this Friday or the zero
in the grade book will stick.
One parent
2 parents
= one form of the gene
= variations in genes
results in a true
conjugation or
fertilization results
in a hybrid.
Law of Independent Assortment
• The random distribution of alleles occurs
during gamete formation (meiosis) when
chromosomes are packaged into egg or
sperm cells.
Mendel In Summary
• 1st Law of Dominance: A dominate trait
masks or hide the expression of the other
• 2nd Law of Segregation: alleles segregate
during gamete formation (meiosis)
• Offspring inherit 2 alleles for each trait
• Allele combinations are either homozygous
or heterozygous, which influences