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Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- You will understand that DNA is genetic material
- You will understand that many proteins work together in DNA replication and repair
- A chromosome is DNA packed together with proteins
Proof that nucleic acid is what codes phenotypes
-Hershey Chase experiment
-Concluded that the protein didn’t enter the cell
and that DNA is what produces phenotypes
-Found that Adinine
and Thymine
occurred in equal
amounts in Nucleic
-Ratios of C and G
also equaled
Structure of DNA
-Purines (Guanine, Adinine)
-Double Helix
-Pyrimidines (Tymine, Cytosine)
-Hydrogen Bonds
-Phosphate Group
-Chargaff’s Rule
Human Genome
-6 billion base pairs
-Genome will fill 1,200 AP bio books
-Replicated in just a few hours
-Errors occur in 1/10 billion base pairs
-Most of Replication is known about
prokaryotic cells – Eukaryotic is similar to
What is the driving force behind gene
expression? (Quote from Watson and Crick p. 311)
-Complimentary base pairs allow for an accurate replication
-Basics of the DNA Replication
1. Double Helix
2. The two strands “unzip”
3. Free nucleotides bond to the parent DNA strands
Replication Stage 1: Initiation
-”Start” DNA sequence
-Creates replication bubble
-Uses a variety of enzymes
Topoisomerase – Relieves stress on rest of Helix
Helicase – Untwists the Helix and separates the DNA
Single-stranded binding proteins – Stabilize single
stranded DNA
Primase – adds RNA to the parent DNA and will act as a
primer for DNA to form (3’ to 5’)
DNA Polymerase
-Speeds up the reaction of a single
nucleoside with the new chain
-There are many types of polymerases
-Phosphate groups are highly reactive
-Add to the 3’ end of the new chain
Leading Strand Synthesis
-Adds in a 5’ to 3’ direction
-DNA Poly III is the enzyme that adds the nucleosides
Replication Fork: Solving the Anti-parallel
problem in a Bacterial Cell
Lagging Strand
-Has to add in a 5’ to 3’ direction
-Needs to use multiple RNA Primers (Use of primase)
-Telomeres are repeating DNA units at the
end of Chromosomes that help combat the
natural shortening of chromosomes due to
-DNA Poly III synthesizes nucleoside addition until reaches next Primer
-DNA Poly I then replaces the RNA primer with DNA
-DNA Ligase connects the Okazaki fragments
-Nucleas is an enzyme that cuts out
damaged or incorrect DNA pairings
DNA Packaging
DNA is packaged
in a Double Helix
Histones are proteins
that are made mostly
out of positively
charged amino acids
DNA wraps twice
around Histones
Supercoils of DNA
Histones are
linked together
by the Linker