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Definition: from Greek “glykys”
(sweet) & “lysis” (splitting)
“Living organisms, like machines,
conform to the law of the conservation
of energy, and must pay for all their
activities in the currency of catabolism”
Ernest Baldwin, Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry
 Carried out by nearly every living cell
Catabolic process
In cytosol of eukaryotes
Releases energy stored in covalent bonds
Stepwise degradation
Other simple sugars
I. Background, cont…
Anaerobic process
Evolved in an environment lacking O2
Early, important pathway
Primitive earth … millions of years ago
Provided means to extract energy from nutrient
Central role in anaerobic metabolism
For the first 2 billion years of biological evolution on earth
Modern organisms
Provides precursors for aerobic catabolic pathways
Short term anaerobic energy source
Background, cont…
Glucose is a precursor
 Supplies metabolic intermediates
 Three fates
 Storage
 Oxidation to pyruvate
 Oxidation to pentoses
Background, cont…
beta D-Glucose is the major fuel
 Rich in potential energy
Stored in bonds
Is literally solar energy
ΔG01= -2840 kJ/mole
Advantages to glucose
Catabolism  ATP
Can be stored
Eg: Polysaccarides, sucrose
Can be transported
Blood glucose
Organism to organism
Background, cont…
Began with Pasteur: Mid- nineteenth century
Eduard Buchner: 1897
Arthur Harden and William Young: 1905
Discover phosphate is required for glucose fermentation
Gustov Embden, Otto Meyerhof and Jocob Parnas
Fermentation in broken extracts of yeast cells
Seminal work
Often called the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway
Elucitated in 1940
Fritz Lipmann and Herman Kalckar: 1941
Metabolic role of high energy compounds like ATP
“Most completely understood biochemical
Sequence of 10 enzymatic pathways
1 molecule of glucose is converted to 2 3-carbon
pyruvate molecules
Concomitant generation of 2 ATP
Key role in energy metabolism
Provides free energy for organisms
Prepares glucose (and other molecules) for further
oxidative degradation
Function, Glycolysis, cont…
Most carbon in cells follows this
Only source of energy for many
Rates and Regulation vary among
Most significant difference is the way
that pyruvate is utilized
Glycolosis, cont…
The fates of pyruvate
Oxidative decarboxylation to acetyl
2-cabon molecule
Forms acetyl-coenzyme A
To Krebs cycle
Electrons to ETS
To lactate
To ethanol
Glycolysis, cont…
Overview of glycolysis in animal metabolism
 Glucose in the blood
 From breakdown of polysaccharides
Liver glycogen
Dietary sources
Synthesis from noncarbohydrate precursors
Glucose enters cells
Specific transporters
Glycolosis, cont…
Enzymes of glycolysis in cytosol
Glucose converted into 2 3-carbon unites (pyruvate)
Free energy harvested to synthesis ATP from ADP
and Pi
Pathway of chemically coupled
phosphorylation reactions
10 reactions broken into 2 phases
 Preparatory phase (energy investment)
Reactions 1 – 5
Payoff phase (energy recovery)
Reactions 6 - 10
Glycolosis, cont…
Preparatory phase (energy investment)
 Hexose glucose is phosphorylated
by ATP
 C3-C4 bond broken
 yields 2 triose phosphates
(glyceraldehyde -3-phosphate)
 Requires 2 ATP to “prime” glucose
for cleavage
Glycolosis, cont…
Payoff Phase (energy recovery)
 Each triose phosphate is oxidized
 Energy is conserved
by reduction of NAD+
Phosphate is transferred to ADP  ATP
Net gain: 2 ATP
2 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules
are converted to 2 molecules of pyruvate
NadH must be reoxidized
Glycolosis, cont…
ATP formation is coupled to glycolysis
 Glucose  pyruvate generates 2 ATP (net)
 Involves coupled reactions
 Makes glycolysis irreversible under
intracellular conditions
Most energy remains in pyruvate
 Glycolysis releases ~ 5%
 Oxidation via TCA cycle releases the rest
Glycolosis, cont…
Phosphorylated intermediates are
 Each intermediate is phosphorylated
 Phosphate has 3 functions:
 Prevent diffusion of the
intermediates out of the cell
 Can donate Pi to ADP  ATP
 Provide binding energy to increase
specificity of enzymes
The Reactions of Glycolysis
10 enzymes
9 Intermediates
Cost (2 ATP)
2 NADH +H+
End products
Metabolic crossroads
Reaction 1
Hexokinase: First ATP Utilization
 Transfer of a phosphoryl group
From ATP
To glucose (at C-6)
Intermediate formed: Glucose-6-
phosphate (G6P)
Enzyme: Hexokinase
Allosterically inhibited by product
REGULATION SITE (one of three)
Reaction is irreversible
Reaction 1, cont…
Kinase: enzymes that transfers phosphoryl
groups between ATP and a metabolite
Name of metabolite acceptor is in prefix of the
kinase name
glucokinase (in liver) is specific for glucose
Hexokinase: ubiquitous, relatively nonspecific for hexoses
Reaction 1, cont…
Second substrate for kinases (including
Mg2+ -ATP complex
Mg2+ is essential
Uncomplexed ATP is a potent inhibitor of
Mg2+ masks negative charge on phosphate
oxygen atoms
Makes nucleophilic attack by C6-OH group on
gamma-phosphorus atom more possible
Reaction 1, cont…
Substrate induced conformational
changes in yeast hexokinase
Glucose (magenta) induces significant change … like jaws … this places
ATP in close proximity to the C6-H2OH group and excludes water (which
prevents ATP hydrolysis)
Reaction 1, cont…
Begins glycolysis
Is first of 2 priming reactions
Reaction is favorable under cellular
Hydrolysis of ATP: liberates 30.5 kJ/mol
Phosphylation of glucose: costs 13.8kJ/mol
Delta G= -16.7 kJ/mol
Reaction 1, cont…
Importance of phosphorylating glucose
Keeps substrate in the cell
Glucose enters cell via specific transporters
G6P is negatively charged, thus can not pass through
plasma membrane
Rapid phosphorylation of glucose keeps
intercellular concentrations of glucose low
The transporter does not bind to G6P
Favors diffusion into cell
Regulatory control can be imposed only on
reactions not at equilibrium
Large negative free energy change make this an
important site for regulation
Reaction 1, cont…
In liver
Carries out same reaction, but is glucose
specific (high Km for glucose)
Not inhibited by the product
Important when blood glucose levels are high
Glucose to G6P to stored glycogen
Inducible by insulin
When blood glucose levels are low, liver
uses hexokinase
Reaction 2
Phosphoglucose Isomerase (PGI)
Conversion of G6P to Fructose-6-phosphate
Isomerization of an aldose to a ketose
Intermediate formed: Fructose-6phosphate (F6P)
Enzyme: Phosphoglucose Isomerase
Reversible reaction
Reaction 2, cont…
Common reaction: isomerization of a sugar
Requires ring of G6P to open
Ring of F6P closes
Prep for next reactions
R3: Phosphorylation at C-1
R4: cleavage between C-3 and C-4
PGI in humans
Requires Mg2+
Highly specific for G6P
Reaction is near equilibrium, easily reversible
Small delta G value
Reaction 3
Phosphofructokinase: second ATP utilization
Phosphorylation of F6P to Fructose-1,6bisphosphate
bis not di: phosphates not together)
 ATP donates a phosphate
Intermediate formed: Fructose-1,6bisphosphate (FBP or F1,6P)
Enzyme: Phosphofructokinase (PFK-1)
REGULATION SITE (two of three)
Irreversible reaction
Reaction 3, cont…
Similar to Hexokinase reaction
PFK plays central role in control of
Nucleophilic attack by C1-OH of F6P on
Mg2+ -ATP complex
Catalyzes one of the pathway’s ratedetermining reactions
Allosteric regulation of PFK in many
Reaction 4
Cleavage of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
Forms two trioses
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP)
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)
Intermediates formed: GAP and DHAP
Enzyme: aldolase
Reversible reaction
Reaction 4, cont…
A cleavage between C-3 and C-4
 two molecules from one
 Requires:
A carbonyl at C-2
A hydroxyl at C-4
Hence the “logic” at reaction 2
2 classes of aldolases
Class I: in animal tissues
Class II: in bacteria and fungi
Require a active-site metal, normally zinc Zn 2+
Reaction 5
Triose phosphate isomerase
Interconversion of DHAP and GAP (triose
Isomerization of aldose-ketose isomers
Intermediate formed:
Enzyme: Triose phosphate isomerase
Reversible reaction
Reaction 5, cont …
Only glyceraldehyde-3-P can
continue in glycolysis
Dihydroxyacetone-P is rapidly
Taking Stock so far
Investment phase: Produces 2 triose
 One glucose  2 glyceraldehyde-3-P
 Costs 2 ATP
 Now, need a little chemical “artistry”
to convert low energy GAP to high
energy compounds and synthesis
Next …
Payoff phase: Produces ATP
 One glucose  2 glyceraldehyde-3-P
 Conversion to pyruvate  4 ATP
 Also 2 reduced NADH
Reaction 6
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase:
First “High-energy” Intermediate Formation
 Oxidation of GAP by NAD and Pi
Intermediate formed: 1,3bisphosphoglycerate
Reaction is reversible
Energy-conserving reaction
Reaction 6, cont …
 Aldehyde is dehydrogenated to an
acyl phosphate with a high
standard free energy of hydrolysis
(ΔG01 = -49.3 kJ/mole)
 NAD serves as hydrogen
NAD+  NADH + H+
Reaction 7
Phosphoglycerate kinase: first ATP generation
 Transfer of a phosphate to ATP
 Yields ATP & 3-phosphoglycerate
Intermediate formed: 3-phosphoglycerate
Energy-coupling reactions 6 & 7
 A substrate-level phosphorylation
Reaction 8
Conversion of 3 PG to 2phosphoglycerate (2PG)
Intermediate formed:
Reversible phosphate shift
Reaction 9
Dehydration to Phosphoenol Pyruvate
Intermediate formed:
phosphoenol pyruvate
Energy-conserving reaction
 Reversible reaction
Reaction 10
Pyruvate kinase: Second ATP generation
Transfer of a phosphate to  ATP
Product: pyruvate
 Enzyme: Pyruvate kinase
Irreversible reaction
 Substrate-level phosphorylation
 “enol” spontaneously tautomerizes to
“keto” form
Glycolosis, cont…
Overall balance sheet:
net gain of 2 ATP
Must “free” reduced NAD from reaction 6
In humans: lactic acid pathway
NADH re-oxidized to NAD+ via respiratory chain in
e- transfer provides energy for ATP synthesis
2.5 ATP/ reduced NAD
Therefore: 5 more ATPs if go aerobic
Glycolosis, cont…
Anaerobic alternatives for pyruvate
Must oxidize NAD
Lactic acid pathway
Aerobic alternatives for pyruvate
Hydrogens from reduced NAD transported
to ETS in mitochondria
Transporters in mitochondrial membrane
Glycolosis, cont…
Dietary polysaccharides:
must by hydrolyzed to monosaccarides
Dietary Disaccharides:
must by hydrolyzed to monosaccarides
Disaccharides cannot enter glycolytic
Glycolosis, cont…
Hexoses can enter glycolysis
 Hydrolytic enzyes are attached to
epithelial cells in intestines
 Monosaccharides  intestinal cells
 blood  liver (phosphorylation) 
Regulatory enzymes act as metabolic valves
Substrate-limited reactions are determined by [S]
Enzyme-limited reactions are RATE-LIMITING
Irreversible reactions
 Exergonic
 regulatory
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Regulation of glucose metabolism differs in
muscle & liver
 Muscle: Object is ATP production
Enzyme is allosterically regulated
Skeletal muscle signalled to  ATP by
Both enzyme & hormone influence ATP
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Liver: object is maintenance of blood
glucose levels
 Regulated by GLUCAGON & [blood
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Other regulatory enzymes
 Hexokinase: catalyzes entry of free
glucose into gycolysis
 Pyruvate kinase: catalyzes last step
in glycolysis
 Inhibited by ATP, excess fuel
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Phosphofructokinase-1: commits cell to
passage of glucose through glycolysis
 Irreversible reaction
 Allosterically inhibited by ↑ [ATP]
When ATP levels are sufficiently high,
glycolysis is turned down
Inhibition relieved by allosteric action of
Rate of glycolysis increases when ATP levels
are low
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Phosphofructokinase-1: links glycolysis and
citric acid cycle (CAC)
 Allosterically inhibited by citrate
An intermediate in CAC
When citrate accumulates, glycolysis slows
Phosphofructokinase-1also regulated by
Allosteric activator
Increases affinity of PFK for F6P
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Futile Cycling: simultaneous production
& consumption of glucose by the cell
Gluconeogenesis: conversion of pyruvate
 glucose (opposite of glycolysis)
Uses some of the same enzymes as
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
Both sets of reactions are substrate
Some glycolytic reactions are
irreversible (3, catalyzed by
regulatory enzymes)
Regulation of Carbohydrate Catabolism, cont…
These reactions are by-passed in
gluconeogenesis by different
enzymes limited reactions are subject
to reciprocal allosteric control
 Pentose Phosphate pathway
 Produces NADPH & ribose-5phosphate
 NADPH used in biosynthesis of fatty
acids, steroids
 Pentoses used in nucleic acid
Secondary Pathways of Glucose Oxidation, cont…
 Transformation into Glucuromic Acid &
Ascorbic Acid
 D-glucuronate: used to convert non-polar
toxins to polar derivatives
 L-ascorbic acid: cannot be accomplished
by humans