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Chapter 8, Section 1
What is a Protist?
One or many celled eukaryotic
organism that lives in moist or wet
Remember, a eukaryotic cell does
have membrane bound organelles
and nucleus.
Belong to the kingdom, Protista.
How do Protists Reproduce?
Asexual Reproduction
Requires only one parent.
 For single celled protists:
• Hereditary material is duplicated.
• Nucleus and cytoplasm divides.
• The two resulting cells are genetically
For multiple celled protists:
• Part of the parent organisms breaks off
and grows into a new organism through
cell division.
How do Protists Reproduce?
Sexual Reproduction:
Meiosis produces gametes.
 Gametes fuse to form genetically
different offspring.
Classification of Protists
Divided into three groups based on
whether they share characteristics
with plants, animals, or fungi.
Classification of Protists
Plantlike Protists
Contain chlorophyll.
 Make their own food through
 Have cell walls.
 Do not have specialized ways to move
from place to place.
 Include:
• Euglenoids, diatoms, dinoflagellates,
green algae, red algae, brown algae.
Classification of Protists
Animal-like protists:
Have to capture other organisms for
 Do not have cell walls.
 Have specialized ways to move from
place to place.
 Include:
• Amoebas, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans
Classification of Protists
Fungus like Protists
Absorb food from their surroundings.
 Some have cell walls, some do not.
 Have specialized ways to move from
place to place.
 Include:
• plasmoidial slime molds, cellular slime
molds, water molds and downy mildew.