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Chapter 1- Sec. 2
Cell Parts
Life Science
A World of Cells
Cell- is the basic unit of structure in
living things that carry out life
– Many cells are about 0.01 mm long
Look at your Hand…
– One square centimeter of your skin’s
surface contains more than 100,000 cells.
Cells are Diverse!!!
Cells come in different sizes and their
shape can tell you something about its
2 Types of Cells
Prokaryotic Cells- no internal
Genetic Material is located in cytoplasm
Single-celled organisms
Eukaryotic Cells- contain organelles
- Genetic Material is located in nucleus
- some Unicellular and Multicellular organisms
What’s the Difference?
Open your textbooks to Page 20 and
see the differences between a
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell.
Cells contain structures that carry out
specific functions inside of the cell.
There are ONLY TWO types of
Eukaryotic Cells that we will
discuss in class!!!
See page 22
We will do multiple labs to see these
Plants and Animals have
Lets look at the “parts” that make up
eukaryotic cells…
Surrounding the Cell…
Cell Membrane- protective layer
around cells that allows material to
enter and exit the cell.
– Allows food, oxygen/carbon dioxide
into the cell and waste products out
of the cell.
Around Plant Cells…
Cell Wall- tough outer covering that
protects and supports PLANT cells
– Made up of a strong material called
Inside the cell…
Cytoplasm- clear, gelatin-like
substance that flows inside the cell
Throughout the cytoplasm is a
framework called…
 Cytoskeleton- helps the cell maintain
or change its shape
Inside of a Cell
What are Organelles???
Organelles- “scientific” word used to
describe any part of a cell
– Float throughout the cytoplasm
– Each organelle or “part” of the cell has a
specific function and job
Process Information
Nucleus- the control center of the cell
– Contains the instructions & information a
cell needs to function
– These “instructions” are made of DNA or
Energy Providing
Mitochondria- “powerhouse” of the
cell that releases energy from food.
– Found in both plant & animal cells
Chloroplasts- green organelles only
in plant cells that contain chlorophyll
– Uses energy from sun to make sugar
Ribosomes- grain-like bodies that make
proteins for cell activities.
– How you grow & repair
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)- a series of
smooth or rough membranes that transports
or carries proteins or other materials from
one part of the cell to another.
Golgi Bodies- stacked, flattened
membranes that sort and package
– Packages cell material for transport into
Storage & Recycling
Vacuoles- “storage” organelle that
stores water, waste, food, and other
– Most plant cells have one large
– Animal cells have a few
Lysosomes- “clean up crew” that
contains chemicals to break down
materials (food/wastes) in a cell.
– Recycling Organelle
– When a cell dies, it releases
chemicals that digests or eats the
From Cell to Organism