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Biology Jeopardy
Chapter 7 – Cell Structures
Biology Jeopardy
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Cell History - 100
• Q: Who first observed cells under a
Cell History – 100
• Q: Who first observed cells under a
• A: Robert Hooke
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell History - 200
• Q: When were cells first observed?
Cell History – 200
• Q: When were cells first observed?
• A: 1665
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell History - 300
• Q: Who first developed cell theory?
Cell History – 300
• Q: Who first developed cell theory?
• A: Matthias Jakob Schielden and Theodor
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell History - 400
• Q: Who discovered that cells are produced
through cellular division?
Cell History – 400
• Q: Who discovered that calls are produced
through cellular division?
• A: Rudolph Virchow
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell History - 500
• Q: Name the four parts of cell theory.
Cell History – 500
• Q: Name the four parts of cell theory.
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
2. That all cells come from preexisting cells.
3. That vital functions of an organism occur within cells.
4. That all cells contain the hereditary
information necessary for regulating cell functions and for
transmitting information to the next generation of cells.
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell Function - 100
• Q: What allows bacteria to adhere to one
Cell Function – 100
• Q: What allows bacteria to adhere to one
• A: Pili and capsule
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell Function - 200
• Q: How do vesicles help maintain
homeostasis in a cell?
Cell Function – 200
• Q: How do vesicles help maintain
homeostasis in a cell?
• A: By storing and releasing substances as
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell Function - 300
• Q: Name the three components that
compose the cytoskeleton.
Cell Function – 300
• Q: Name the three components that
compose the cytoskeleton.
• A: Microfilaments, intermediate filaments,
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell Function - 400
• Q: What is the function of the
Cell Function – 400
• Q: What is the function of the cytoskeleton?
• A: To provide support for and shape the
cell, as well as move parts of the cell during
the processes of growth and mobility.
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Biology Jeopardy
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Cell Function - 500
• Q: Place these steps of protein synthesis in
• 1. RNA binds to ribosome on the rough ER.
• 2. RNA is copied from DNA.
• 3. Protein is modified in Golgi Apparatus.
• 4. Protein is assembled.
• 5. Protein is modified in smooth ER.
• 6. Protein is exported for use in the cell.
Cell Function – 500
Q: Place these steps of protein synthesis in order.
A: 2,1,4,5,3,6
2. RNA is copied from DNA.
1. RNA binds to ribosome on the rough ER.
4. Protein is assembled.
5. Protein is modified in smooth ER.
3. Protein is modified in Golgi Apparatus.
6. Protein is exported for use in the cell.
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Biology Jeopardy
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Organelles - 100
• Q: What is the interior of a cell called?
Organelles - 100
• Q: What is the interior of a cell called?
• A: The cytoplasm
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Biology Jeopardy
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Organelles - 200
• Q: Which organelle stores the digestive
enzymes in a cell?
Organelles - 200
• Q: Which organelle stores the digestive
enzymes in a cell?
• A: Lysosome
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Biology Jeopardy
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Organelles - 300
• Q: Which two organelles produce energy
in a plant cell?
Organelles - 300
• Q: Which two organelles produce energy in
a plant cell?
• A: Mitochondria and chloroplasts.
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Biology Jeopardy
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Organelles - 400
• Q: What are the two types of ribosome,
and where are they located in a cell?
Organelles - 400
• Q: What are the two types of ribosome, and
where are they located within a cell?
• A: Free and membrane bound. Free
ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm,
and membrane bound ribosomes are
located on the Rough ER.
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Biology Jeopardy
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Organelles - 500
• Q: What is the function of the Golgi
Organelles - 500
• Q: What is the function of the Golgi
• A: To package and process
macromolecules (such as proteins and
lipids) prior to export to the cell.
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Biology Jeopardy
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Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 100
• Q: By what mechanism to prokaryotes
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 100
• Q: By what mechanism to prokaryotes
• A: Binary fission
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Biology Jeopardy
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Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 200
• Q: By what mechanisms do eukaryotic
cells divide?
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 200
• Q: By what mechanisms do eukaryotic cells
• A: Mitosis and meiosis
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Biology Jeopardy
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Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 300
• Q: Name at least three structures that
eukaryotic cells have that are not present
in prokaryotic cells.
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 300
• Q: Name at least three structures that
eukaryotic cells have that are not present in
prokaryotic cells.
• A: Mitochondria, chloroplast, Rough and
smooth ER, golgi apparatus, nucleus
– Prokaryotes do not possess membrane bound
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Biology Jeopardy
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Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 400
• Q: Which two domains of life are
composed of prokaryotes?
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 400
• Q: Which two domains of life are composed
of prokaryotes?
• A: Bacteria and archaea
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Biology Jeopardy
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Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 500
• Q: By what mechanism does a prokaryotic
organism incorporate extracellular DNA?
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes - 500
• Q: By what mechanism does a prokaryotic
organism incorporate extracellular DNA?
• A: Horizontal gene transfer
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Biology Jeopardy
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