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Cell Project
August 16th, 2010
All hours
School as a Cell
The school is the system that provides for
education as the cell is a system that
provides for growth, repair and
Building as Cytoskeleton
The structure we learn in holds up the roof
and walls of our school just like the
cytoskeleton holds up the cell from collapsing
on itself.
Hallways as Cytoplasm
Hallways are a way to move from one area of
the school to another just like cytoplasm allows
organelles to move to different parts of the cell.
Classroom as Cell Wall
Most classrooms are enclosed by a wall, just
like PLANT AND BACTERIA cells are surrounded
by walls.
Paint on walls as Cell Membrane
All classrooms have paint or some type of
wall covering, just like ALL cells have a
Cupboards as Vacuoles
Cupboards are storage areas in our school just
like vacuoles are storage areas in cells.
Teachers as Ribosomes
Teachers provide information to “feed students’
brains” just like the ribosomes provide proteins
to feed the cell.
Lessons/Activities as Lysosomes
The lessons and activities that you do break
down big ideas into smaller steps so that you
can use them, just like the lysosomes break
down materials into small particles so that the
cell can use them.
Cafeteria as Mitochondrion
The cafeteria is where energy for our bodies is
made, just like the mitochondria make energy for
the cell.
Lunch Food as Chloroplast
Your lunch provides energy and nutrients to
fuel your body just like the chloroplast turn
food into energy for PLANTS to use.
Busses as Golgi Complex
The busses take students away from the school,
just like the Golgi Complex takes materials away
from the cell.
Mr. Munoz as the Endoplasmic
Mr. Munoz assists in vital daily decisions in
the school just like the Endoplasmic
Reticulum assists in getting vital proteins
around the cell.
Office as Nucleus
The office is the “brains” of the school just like
the nucleus is the brains of the eukaryotic cell.
Office Staff as Chromosomes
Our office staff have all the information about
students, schedules, etc. just like the
chromosomes hold the information about the
Mr. Erickson’s office as a gene
Mr. Erickson’s office is the place in the school
where the details of how the school “should be”
are kept just like each gene holds information
on traits of the organism.
Mr. Erickson as an allele
Mr. Erickson determines exactly how the school
runs just like an allele determines exactly how a
trait will look.
District policies as DNA
District policies are the recipe that Mr. Erickson
uses to run the school just like the DNA is the
recipe that a cell uses to function.