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Chapter 1 C
Cells: The Basic Units of Life
Section 1
• The Diversity of Cells:
• Cell – the smallest unit that can perform all
the processes necessary for life
- come in many different sizes and
Cells and the Cell Theory…..
• Robert Hooke – first to describe cells (1665)
- built simple microscope
- looked @ cork (saw little
rooms and called them cells)
Finding cells in other organisms…..
• Anton van Leeuwenhoek – 1673
- made microscope
- looked @ pond scum (animalcules/protists)
- looked at animal blood (noticed different shapes in different
• Zacharias Jannsen - built 1st compound scope
The Cell Theory…..
• Matthias Schleiden
– German
- all plant tissue made of cells
The Cell Theory…..
• Theodore Schwann
- German
- concluded that all animal tissue is
made of cells
The Cell Theory…..
• Rudolf Virchow –
- German
- Concluded all cells come from other
The Cell Theory…..
1. All organisms are made of cells
2. The cell is the basic unit of life
3. All cells come from other cells
Cell Size…..
There are a few large one – yolk of an egg
Many smaller ones –
size is controlled by the surface area to
volume ratio
Parts of a Cell…..
• Cells come in many different shapes and sizes
• Cells have many different functions
All cells have these parts…..
• Cell Membrane – protective layer around
- acts as a barrier
- controls what goes in/out
of a cell
- made of phospholipids
All cells have these parts…..
• Cytoplasm – jelly like part of cell
All cells have these parts…..
• Organelles – parts inside the cell that carry
out certain processes
All cells have these parts…..
• Genetic Material – DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
- contains information needed to
make new cells and new
- in some cells, the DNA is
contained inside a NUCLEUS
(brain of the cell)
2 Types of Cells…..
• Prokaryotic – cell with NO nucleus
• Eukaryotic – cells do have a nucleus
2 Types of Cells…..
• Prokaryotic –
• Most common are Bacteria (Bacterium)
2 Types of Cells…..
• Prokaryotic –
• 2nd most common are Archae
2 Types of Cells…..
• Eukaryotic – Largest cells
- Still microscopic
- ~ 10x larger than bacterial cells
- Have a nucleus (brain of the cell)
Section 2
• Eukaryotic cells – Animal cells and plant
cells are the most
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Cell Wall – rigid structure that gives
support and shape
- found in plants and algae
- made of cellulose (complex
- Fungus also have cell walls, but
they are made out of chitin
- Bacteria and Archae also have
cell walls, but are different
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Cell Membrane – all cells have this
- protective barrier
- separates from
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Cytoskeleton – web of proteins in the
- acts as a muscle and a
- made of 3 types of proteins
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Nucleus – in all eukaryotic cells
- contain DNA (genetic material)
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Ribosomes – smallest organelles
- most abundant organelle
- NOT membrane bound
- make proteins out of AMINO ACIDS
20 different amino acids
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Endoplasmic Reticulum – a system of folded
membranes in which proteins and lipids are made
- internal delivery system in cell
- it is either ROUGH or SMOOTH
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Mitochondria
(mitochondrion) –
- power source
of the cell
- breaks sugar
down into ATP
- needs oxygen
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Chloroplasts – Only in plants/algae
- carries out PHOTOSYNTHESIS*
* process of using sunlight, carbon dioxide,
and water to make sugar and oxygen
- green (chlorophyll)*
*traps the sunlight
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Golgi Complex – packages and distributes
proteins from E.R.
- pinches off bubble to
transport its contents
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• The bubble is called a VESICLE
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Lysosomes – a special vesicle responsible
for digestion
- contain digestive enzymes
- destroy damaged/worn out
Eukaryotic Cells…..
• Vacuoles – a
vesicle in
- aid in
- storage of
water *****
Section 3
• The Organization of Living Things –
Cells – every living thing is made of cells
Tissue- groups of cells working together to do
a job
Organs – groups of tissues working together
to do a job
Organ Systems – groups of organs working
together to do job
Organism – groups of organ systems working
together to do a job
The Organization of Life…..