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the cell!!
Animal and Plant cells
Grade 8 Science
Today you will learn:
What the Cell Theory states
What an organelle is
How to label an animal cell
How to label a plant cell
What each of the organelles in a cell does
Three main differences between plant and
animal cells
Cell Theory
The Cell Theory states:
•The cell is the basic unit of
•All living things are made
of one or more cells.
•All cells come from other
living cells.
All cells contain organelles
The structures of a cell that perform a
specific function are called organelles.
 Animal and plant cells have some organelles
in common but there are also differences in
the organelles each have.
 You will need to know the function of each
organelle and how to draw a plant and
animal cell.
 Get ready to label your diagram and write
down the definitions for the organelles
Animal Cell : Label your diagram
Cell membrane
Plant Cell : Label your diagram
Cell membrane
Cell Wall
Cell Organelles:
 Cell
 Found
in both plant and animal cells
 •Surrounds and protects the contents of
the cell
 •Controls the movement of materials in
and out of the cell
Cell Organelles:
 Cytoplasm:
 •Found
in both plant and animal cells
 •Jell-like fluid that in which the organelles
 •Helps to move materials like food to
different parts of the cell
Cell Organelles
 Nucleus:
 •Found
in both plant and animal cells
 •Large round structure often visible
 •Contains the chromosomes
 •The “control centre” of the cell
Cell Organelles
 Vacuole:
 •Balloon-like
spaces in the cytoplasm
 •Store materials that can not be used
right away
 •Found in both plant and animal cells
(smaller and more numerous in animal
cells, larger and fewer in plants)
Cell Organelles
 Mitochondrion:
 •Oval,
bean-like structures
 •Produces energy by breaking down
food particles
 •Found in both plant and animal cells
Cell Organelles
 Chloroplast:
 •Green
structures that contain chlorophyll
 •Capture the sun’s energy for
 •Found only in plant cells
Cell Organelles
 Cell
 •Found
only in plant cells
 •Tough, rigid structure that give plant cells
their box-like shape
 •Made mostly of cellulose
Three differences between
plant and animal cells:
 Plant
cells have chloroplasts . Animal cells
do not.
 Plant cells have cell walls, therefore they
have a regular shape. Animal cells do not.
 Plant cells have fewer, but larger
vacuoles. Animal cells have more but
they are smaller .
Wasn’t that ex-cell-ent!!