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Abraham Maslow
Edward Bradford Titchener
Amos Tversky
Edward Chace Tolman
B F Skinner
Edward Lee Sapir
Benjamin Whorf
Edward Lee Thorndike
Beverly Inez Prosser
Elizabeth Loftus
humanistic psychologist
Structuralism; "thoughts
who developed a theory of
and feelings can be reduced
motivation that emphasized
to sensations and images"
psychological growth
behaviorist, demonstrated that rats
that had explored a maze that
contained food while they were not
hungry were able to run it correctly
on the first trial when they entered it
having now been made hungry
availability and
representative heuristics
With Whorf, developed
"linguistic determinism"
behaviorism; pioneer in
operant conditioning; behavior
is based on an organism's
reinforcement history; worked
with pigeons
Learning occurs gradually, language; his hypothesis is
positive consequence
that language determines
strengthen, negative do not the way we think, "linguistic
cognition and memory; studied repressed
memories and false memories; showed
how easily memories could be changed
and falsely created by techniques such as
leading questions and illustrating the
inaccuracy in eyewitness testimony
first African-American
female to receive a Ph.D in
Francis Cecil Sumner
John Watson
George Sperling
Julian Rotter
Herbert Simon
Konrad Lorenz
Ivan Pavlov
Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
Lewis Terman
behaviorism; emphasis on external
behaviors of people and their
reactions on a given situation;
famous for Little Albert study in
which baby was taught to fear a white
First African American to
receive a Ph.D in
Developed terms:
internal/external locus of
first studied sensory memory
using iconic memory, found
that you can read visual info
from sensory memories
researcher who focused on
critical attachment periods
in baby birds, a concept he
called imprinting
advanced study of problem
child development; investigated
how culture & interpersonal
communication guide
development; zone of proximal
development; play research
a Russian researcher in the
early 1900s who was the first
research into learned behavior
(conditioning) who discovered
classical conditioning
revised Binet's IQ test and established
norms for American children; tested
group of young geniuses and followed in
a longitudinal study that lasted beyond
his own lifetime to show that high IQ
does not necessarily lead to wonderful
things in life
Swiss psychologist who pioneered the study of
cognitive development in children; fourstage
theory of cognitive development: 1. sensorimotor,
2. preoperational, 3. concrete operational, and 4.
formal operational. He said that the two basic
processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive
growth-assimilation and accomodation
Margaret Floy Washburn
Richard Walk
Martin Seligman
Robert Rescorla
Max Wertheimer
Robert Rosenthal
Philip Zimbardo
Robert Sternberg
Richard Solomon
Robert Zajonc
Created the visual cliff
experiment with Eleanor
American psychologist who
studied animal behavior;
first woman to receive a
Ph.D. in psychology
American psychologist who
experimentally demonstrated
the involvement of cognitive
processes in classical
researcher known for work
on learned helplessness and
learned optimism as well as
positive psychology
social psychology; focus on nonverbal
communication, self-fulfilling
prophecies; Studies: Pygmalion
Effect-effect of teacher's expectations
on students
a gestalt psychologist who argued
against dividing human thought and
behavior into discrete structures,
Gestalt: the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts
intelligence; devised the
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
(academic problem-solving,
practical, and creative)
social psychology; proved
peoples behavior depends
to a large extent on the
roles they are asked to play
motivation; believes that we
invent explanations to label
Opponent-process theory-the brain is
structured in such a way that pleasurable
emotions such as drug induced euphoria
inevitably lead to opponent processnegative aftereffects- that leave the
person feeling worse than usual
Roger Sperry
Stanley Milgram
Stanley Schachter
Wilhelm Wundt
William Stern
studied split brain patients;
showed that left/right
hemispheres have different
obedience to authority; had participants
administer what they believed were
dangerous electrical shocks to other
participants; wanted to see if Germans
were an aberration or if all people were
capable of committing evil actions
emotion; stated that in order to
experience emotions, a person
must be physically aroused and
know the emotion before you
experience it
german physiologist who
founded psychology as a formal
science; opened first
psychology research laboratory
in 1879
derived the intelligence
quotient (IQ) from tests like
the Stanford-Binet test