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The principle objectives of this chapter are for students to understand the concepts
of global change, global climate change, and global warming. The students also need to have a firm grasp
of the ways human actions affect global change and the impact of these actions on the environment.
My advice is to spend lots of time on this chapter. Climate change has shown
up on the FRQ’s almost every year. There are also many multiple-choice questions devoted to this topic.
This topic can be controversial and you should know that some students will want to debate the subject.
A class debate can be a good idea as long as the teacher is careful to keep the focus on science rather than
opinion in the debate.
NAT’S ADVICE Global Warming and Stratospheric ozone loss (discussed in chapter 18) are two very
important topics that all AP environmental students must understand. Both topics frequently appear in
both the multiple-choice and free response questions on the exam. I spend about two weeks on the topic
but wish I could spend three. I typically teach this unit after air pollution. I know other APES teachers
who teach the chapters on air pollution and global change as a single unit.
180 class periods (45 minutes)
Week 1
D1 Difference between global climate change and
global warming, opener on polar bears
D2 Sun-Earth heating system, greenhouse effect,
gases involved natural and anthropogenic
D3 Deforestation, landfills, agricultural, industrial
D4 Changes in Carbon Dioxide and Temperature,
Graph Carbon Dioxide over time.
D5 Do the math box, projecting the future in
Carbon Dioxide, Mean temperature graph over
Week 2
D1 Ice Cores, Graph Carbon Dioxide and
temperature over time. Climate models
D2 Positive and Negative feedback, ice caps,
glaciers, permafrost, sea levels, heat waves, cold
spells, storm intensity
D3 Lab Climate Change
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90 class periods (90 minutes)
Week 1
D1 Difference between global climate change and
global warming, opener on polar bears, Sun-Earth
heating system, greenhouse effect, gases involved
natural and anthropogenic
D2 Deforestation, landfills, agricultural, industrial
practices, changes in Carbon Dioxide and
Temperature, Graph Carbon Dioxide over time.
D3 Do the math box, projecting the future in
Carbon Dioxide, Mean temperature graph over
Week 2
D4 Ice Cores, Graph Carbon Dioxide and
temperature over time, climate models, Positive
and Negative feedback, ice caps, glaciers,
permafrost, sea levels, heat waves, cold spells,
storm intensity
D5 Lab Climate Change, Assessment Quiz
Chapter 19: Global Change
D4 Assessment Quiz
D5 Kyoto Protocol and Carbon sequestration
Week 3
D1 Assessment Test FRQ’s
D2 Assessment Test Multiple Choice
D6 Kyoto Protocol and Carbon sequestration
Week 3
D7 Assessment Test FRQ’s and Multiple Choice
USING THE OPENING STORY The opening story should grab the students’ attention. Who doesn’t
like Polar Bears? A good activity that builds from the opening story is to have students research another
animal that is thought to be endangered or has gone extinct because of climate change. The website that
lists all animals on the “red list” is One example you can give is the golden
toad from Costa Rica, which has not been seen anywhere in the world since 1989 and is classified by the
IUCN as extinct. Many scientists believe that the reason for this extinction is climate change.
This chapter looks at the causes, both natural and human, and consequences of
climate change. It also explains the greenhouse effect and the history of climate change. The chapter
ends with the summary from the IPCC in 2007 (Table 19.2, page 540) that reviews methods countries are
looking at to reverse the trend.
• global change
• global warming
• Kyoto Protocol
• global climate
• greenhouse warming potential
• carbon sequestration
FROM COURTNEY I suggest you use the images in this chapter as you teach; they are included in the
prepared Lecture PowerPoints for your convenience. For example, Figure 19.2 does a great job of
explaining the greenhouse effect. This picture will probably make more sense to a student than a lecture
alone. I would also refer students to Figure 19.7 on page 526. A graph similar to this one appeared on
previous AP exams. Figure 19.10 on page 528 is another very useful tool for discussing why the poles
have a greater temperature change than the tropics. Finally, have them look at Figure 19.13 on page 530,
the historic levels of CO2. Discuss the current level and the implications of that level compared with the
historical ones.
The most common misconception is that global warming and ozone
depletion are the same thing. As the readers grade the AP exams, we are consistently seeing answers like
“driving cars has led to the hole in the ozone”, etc. You really need to straighten the students out so that
they can answer these types of questions correctly.
There are lots of ways to teach global warming and ozone depletion. However, the students
must understand the differences between the two. I teach the two concepts at the same time as a side by
side comparison. Other teachers approach the two topics in different units so as not to confuse their
Friedland & Relyea Environmental Science for AP*
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students. Either way can be effective as long as the students truly understand how different the two
subjects are. I give my students the following data table and have them fill it out as I lecture:
Global Warming
Ozone Depletion
Chemicals involved
Human Causes
Layer of atmosphere
Environmental Effects
Human Health Effects
WORKING TOWARD SUSTAINABILITY Ways to involve students are to do a school-wide PSA drive
to encourage people to install compact fluorescent light bulbs in their homes. Each day your students
could present facts over the intercom to explain the benefit of changing light bulbs. If your community
gets their electricity from coal burning power plants you could include how many pounds of CO2 are
saved by changing to CFL bulbs due to the energy that is saved. If you call your local power plant you
might even get them to donate fluorescent bulbs that you could give out at school.
This chapter involves a number of different quantitative skills that have been tested in FRQ’s on previous
AP exams. It would be wise to review with your students the calculations and interpretation skills used in
the following math problems. The first problem asks students to calculate sea level rise in meters over a
given time period The second problem requires students to read a graph and calculate net change in
carbon dioxide over a given period of time.
Problem 1 (Similar to FRQ from 2010, question #4)
In recent years many scientific studies have shown the relationship between the global mean atmospheric
temperature at Earth’s surface and rising sea levels. The increases in the global mean atmospheric
temperature during the past two hundred years have been accompanied by a gradual increase in sea level.
The average rate of increase in sea level over the past 200 years is 2.5mm/yr.
a) Calculate the expected increase in sea level, in meters, for the following lengths of time: 10 years,
100 years, 200 years.
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Chapter 19: Global Change
10 years:
2.5 mm
× 10 yrs = 25 mm = (convert mm to m) 0.025 m
(Note: 0.025 m is about the diameter of a quarter.
Note: to convert 25 mm to m, students must divide by 1000, which is done by moving the
decimal three places to the left.
100 years :
2.5 mm
× 100 yrs = 250 mm = (convert mm to m) = 0.25 m
200 years:
2.5 mm
× 200 yrs = 500 mm = (convert mm to m) = 0.5 m
Problem 2
Figure 19.13 on page 530 in the text presents historical CO2 levels. Use the graph to determine the net
change in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide concentration between 100,000 years ago and present day levels.
Read the graph to find the CO2 levels for 100,000 years ago and for the present day.
100,000 years ago: CO2 levels were about 230 ppm
(An accepted range of answers would be 220ppm to 235ppm)
Present day: CO2 levels are about 390 ppm
(An accepted range of answers would be 380ppm to 395ppm)
Then subtract the quantity for 100,000 years ago from the present day quantity.
390 ppm – 230 ppm = 160 ppm increase of CO2 concentration over past 100,000 years
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The Free Response questions can be found on the AP Central website:
Students should be able to answer all of the questions listed below with material learned in this chapter
and previous chapters. Questions that contain content from this chapter but also required content from
later chapters are listed in the last chapter required to complete the entire question. This list will be
updated after each AP Exam and will be posted on the books website:
Questions marked with * are from exams with released multiple-choice questions. You may want to save
these questions until the end of the year so you can give your students a complete released exam for
practice. Questions marked with ** are related to using math to calculate a problem.
2006 **
2 **
2010 **
1 **
Connection between Atmosphere and Ocean currents (El Nino)
Describe how climate change can be linked to an increase of human
What are two environmental problems associated with El Nino?
Comparing graphs of CO2 vs. temperature; Global warming
What was the net change in CO2? Calculate the ratio of the change
in mean temperature to that of CO2.
Calculate the mean temperature change over a 100 year period?
Global Warming
Calculate the increase in sea level rise during the next 50 years.
What are some reasons for increase in sea level rise?
How would sea level rising effect coastal areas like Chesapeake
Bay and Mississippi Delta?
Determine the expected increase in sea level during the next 50
What are two phenomena that could result if the global mean
temperature increases? For each of the phenomena you mentioned
describe how it would cause sea level to rise?
If sea level rises, how would that impact parts of the United States
like, the Mississippi Delta and the Chesapeake Bay?
Describe a negative economic impact if sea level rises along coastal
VIDEOS: Inconvenient Truth, 2006
Dimming the Sun
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(lists animals on the endangered species list)
Chapter 19: Global Change
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Climate Change Lab
To have students observe the greenhouse effect and analyze its effect on Earth.
This lab will take approximately 1 hour.
2 or 3 liter plastic soda bottles (3 bottles per group)
Lamp (100 watt or greater)
One-hole stopper that fits in the mouth of the bottle
1 sheet of black paper and 1 sheet of white paper
Ruler or meter stick
1. Divide the students into groups of 2 to 4 students per group.
2. Give each group a plastic soda bottle. Take the stopper and insert it into the mouth
of the bottle.
3. CAREFULLY insert the thermometer into the stopper so that it hangs in the middle
of the bottle. You might want to use petroleum jelly to help get the thermometer
through the stopper without breaking it.
4. Record the initial temperature of the air in the bottle before turning on the lamp.
5. Position the bottle so that it is 15 cm from the lamp.
6. Turn the light on and watch the temperature change. Once the temperature has not
changed for approximately 3 minutes record the final temperature in the data table
that follows.
7. Take the white piece of paper and wrap it around ½ of the second bottle. Tape the
paper on. Repeat steps 4 to 6 and record.
8. Take the black piece of paper and wrap it around ½ of the third bottle. Tape the
paper on. Repeat steps 4 to 6 and record.
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Chapter 19: Global Change
Without paper
With white
With black
1. How do the bottles represent Earth?
2. Explain the natural greenhouse effect and why it is important to our planet.
3. Why did the lab have you cover the bottle with white and black paper? What does
this represent?
4. List all the chemicals that have been linked to climate change, both natural and
5. How is global warming affecting the environment?
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Climate Change Lab
Instructor Version
To have students observe the greenhouse effect and analyze its effect on Earth.
This lab will take approximately 1 hour.
2 or 3 liter plastic soda bottles (3 bottles per group)
Lamp (100 watt or greater)
One-hole stopper that fits in the mouth of the bottle
1 sheet of black paper and 1 sheet of white paper
Ruler or meter stick
1. Divide the students into groups of 2 to 4 students per group.
2. Give each group a plastic soda bottle. Take the stopper and insert it into the mouth
of the bottle.
3. CAREFULLY insert the thermometer into the stopper so that it hangs in the middle
of the bottle. You might want to use petroleum jelly to help get the thermometer
through the stopper without breaking it.
4. Record the initial temperature of the air in the bottle before turning on the lamp.
5. Position the bottle so that it is 15 cm from the lamp.
6. Turn the light on and watch the temperature change. Once the temperature has not
changed for approximately 3 minutes record the final temperature in the data table
that follows.
7. Take the white piece of paper and wrap it around ½ of the second bottle. Tape the
paper on. Repeat steps 4 to 6 and record.
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Chapter 19: Global Change
8. Take the black piece of paper and wrap it around ½ of the third bottle. Tape the
paper on. Repeat steps 3-5 and record.
Without paper
With white
With black
1. How do the bottles represent Earth?
Each plastic bottle acts like a greenhouse and traps heat at the surface,
similar to how the gases on our planet keep Earth warm.
2. Explain the natural greenhouse effect and why it is important to our planet.
Incoming radiation is UV and visible light. 1/3 of this is reflected back into
space while the remaining is absorbed by clouds and the surface of the planet.
Both become warmer and emit infrared radiation. Much of this is absorbed by
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; the remainder is emitted into space. As
the greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation, they warm and emit infrared
radiation, with much of it going back toward Earth. The greater the
concentration of greenhouse gases, the more infrared radiation is absorbed
and emitted back toward Earth.
3. Why did the lab have you cover the bottle with white and black paper? What does
this represent?
The bottle with the black paper will absorb and convert the light to heat very
easily. The bottle with the white paper will reflect more of the light and
therefore not get as warm. The black paper represents land, plants, and water.
The white paper represents clouds, ice, and water that are reflecting the Sun.
4. List all the chemicals that have been linked to climate change, both natural and
Volcanic eruptions, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and carbon dioxide.
5. How is global warming affecting the environment?
Polar ice caps, Greenland, Antarctica, glaciers, and permafrost are all melting.
Sea levels are rising, heat waves are more frequent, precipitation patterns are
changing, storms are increasing in intensity, and ocean currents may shift.
Wild plants and animals can be harmed because climates may not be
hospitable for them.
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Which of the following activities causes a cooling of Earth?
(a) Volcanic eruptions
(b) Emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases
(c) Evaporation of water vapor
(d) Combustion of fossil fuels
(e) Deforestation
In regard to the greenhouse effect, which statement is not true?
(a) Ultraviolet and visible radiation are converted to infrared radiation at the surface of Earth.
(b) Approximately one-third of the radiation of the Sun does not enter the atmosphere of
(c) Infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases.
(d) Greenhouse gases were not historically present in the atmosphere.
(e) Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by ozone.
Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Water vapor
(c) Methane
(d) Nitrous oxide
(e) Nitrogen
Of the following factors, which ones are important when considering the effect of a greenhouse
gas on global warming?
I How much infrared radiation the gas can absorb
II How long the gas remains in the atmosphere
III The concentration of the gas in the atmosphere
(a) I
(b) I and II
(c) I and III
(d) II and III
(e) I, II, and III
Which greenhouse gas is not correctly paired with one of its sources?
(a) Nitrous oxide: landfills
(b) Methane: termites
(c) Water vapor: evaporation
(d) Nitrous oxide: automobiles
(e) CO2: deforestation
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Chapter 19: Global Change
Which statement about global warming is true?
(a) The planet is not warming.
(b) The planet is warming, but humans have not played a role.
(c) The planet has had many periods of warming and cooling in the past.
(d) Greenhouse gases compose only a small fraction of the atmosphere, so they cannot be
important in causing global warming.
(e) Such small increases in average global temperatures could not cause any important effects on
polar bears.
Which sources of data have been used to assess changes in global CO2 and temperature?
I Air bubbles in ice cores from glaciers
II Thermometers placed around the globe
III CO2 sensors placed around the globe
(a) I
(b) I and II
(c) I and III
(d) II and III
(e) I, II, and III
Which statement about feedback loops that occur with climate change is true?
(a) All feedback loops are positive.
(b) All feedback loops are negative.
(c) Increased soil decomposition under warmer temperatures represents a positive
feedback loop.
(d) Increased evaporation under warmer temperatures represents a negative feedback loop.
(e) Increased plant growth under higher CO2 concentrations represents a positive feedback loop.
Which predicted consequence of global warming has not yet occurred?
(a) Melting ice caps
(b) Rising sea levels
(c) Melting permafrost
(d) Shutting down the thermohaline circulation of the ocean
(e) Altered breeding times and flowering times of animals and plants
Which statement regarding the Kyoto Protocol is true?
(a) Developed and developing nations all agreed to reduce their emission of greenhouse gases.
(b) All nations agreed to stop their emission of greenhouse gases.
(c) The developed nations agreed to different levels of emission reductions.
(d) Developing nations agreed to reduce their emission of greenhouse gases.
(e) Developing nations agreed to stop their emission of greenhouse gases.
During a debate on climate change legislation in 2009, a U.S. congressman declared that humaninduced global warming is a "hoax" and that "there is no scientific consensus."
If you were a member of Congress, what points might you raise in the debate to
demonstrate that global warming is real? (4 points)
The students could discuss that CO2 concentrations are at unprecedented levels for the past
400,000 years, that nine of the 10 hottest years on record have been during the past decade,
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that ice caps are melting, that the permafrost is thawing, and that the seasonal timing of
events for many plants and animals has become earlier.
What points might you raise to demonstrate that global warming has been influenced by
humans? (4 points)
Students might explain that when scientists look at all the data, they find that the patterns
in temperature change are strongly consistent with increased greenhouse gases such as CO2
and not consistent with increased solar radiation. This body of evidence led the IPCC to
conclude in 2007 that “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since
the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic
greenhouse gas concentrations.”
What are some human health and economic effects that could occur because of global
warming? (2 points)
Climate change has the potential to affect human health. Continued warming of the planet
could affect the geographic distribution of temperature-limited disease vectors. The
mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus and malaria, for example, could expand the
geographic range over which they live, introducing novel health threats to regions that were
once relatively untouched. Heat waves could cause more deaths to the very young, the very
old, and those without access to air conditioning. Infectious diseases and bacterial and
fungal illnesses might extend over a wider range than at present.
Climate changes will also have economic consequences. In northern locations, for example,
warmer temperatures and shorter winters may sound appealing at first, with reduced
heating bills and less winter damage. However, they would alter the character of northern
communities that depend on snow for tourism such as ski resorts. In the Swiss Alps, for
example, many ski resorts are already adjusting to reduced snow on the mountains by
catering to new groups of tourists who are more interested in warmer weather activities. In
warmer regions, the damage to coral reefs would negatively affect tourism as well. The
economic impact on these types of tourist attractions depends on the rate of climate change
and the ability of entrepreneurs to adjust to continue attracting the tourists.
Given what you have learned about global warming and global climate change,
what actions might you propose in the United States to reduce CO2 emissions? (3 points)
Students might talk about reducing carbon emissions by using more energy efficient
technologies and by having more fuel efficient cars.
what actions might you propose in the United States to reduce methane emissions? (3
The major producers of methane in the United States are the digestive processes of
livestock, landfills, and the production of natural gas and petroleum products. Possible
examples of how to lower these would be to eat less meat, reduce, reuse and recycle, and
switch to alternative fuels.
what actions might you propose in the United States to reduce nitrous oxide emissions?
(3 points)
If we consider nitrous oxide, we see that there is one major contributor and several minor
contributors. The major contributor of nitrous oxide comes from agricultural soils which
receive nitrogen from synthetic fertilizers, applications of manure as an organic fertilizer,
and the growing of nitrogen-fixing crops such as alfalfa. Agricultural fields that are overirrigated or deliberately flooded for cultivating crops such as rice create low-oxygen
environments that can also produce nitrous oxide by the process of denitrification. With
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Chapter 19: Global Change
this information, students might discuss various ways of changing the way we farm and by
switching to crops that produce less nitrous oxide and methane.
what evidence have scientists used to support that global warming is happening? (1 point)
One commonly used biological measurement has been the change in species composition of
a small protist, called foraminifera, over millions of years. The foraminifera are tiny,
marine protists that have hard shells which resist decay after the organism dies. In some
regions of the ocean floor, the tiny shells have been building up in sediments for millions of
years. Because different species of foraminifera prefer different water temperatures,
identifying the predominant species of foraminifera in a layer of sediment can indicate the
ocean temperature when each layer of sediment was deposited.
A commonly used physical measurement is the examination of ancient ice. In cold areas
such as Antarctica and the top of the Himalaya Mountains, snow falls each year and
eventually packs down to become ice. When it does so, small bubbles of air are captured in
the ice. These bubbles contain tiny samples of the atmosphere that existed at the time the ice
was formed. Scientists can drill deep into the ice and extract ice cores which represent up to
500,000 years of ice formation. By knowing the age of different ice depths, one can remove
pieces of ice from different depths, melt the layer, and measure the concentration of CO2
that was in the trapped air bubbles.
The ice cores can also be used to estimate past temperatures by examining the oxygen atoms
contained in the water of the melted ice. Oxygen atoms occur in two forms or isotopes: an
atom of light oxygen contains 8 neutrons whereas an atom of heavy oxygen contains 10
neutrons. Scientists have known for some time that ice formed during warmer temperatures
contains a higher percentage of heavy oxygen whereas ice formed during colder
temperatures contains a lower percentage of heavy oxygen. By examining changes in the
percentage of heavy oxygen atoms from different layers of the ice core, we can indirectly
estimate the temperature that existed for hundreds of thousands of years into the past.
Car bon pr oduced by differ ent modes of tr avel. Approximately 6.3 billion metric tons of
carbon—6.3 x 1012 kg—are emitted worldwide each year. Approximately 20 percent comes from
the United States. In this exercise, you can calculate the carbon emission you contribute to this
total through your use of transportation in a typical year. Next, you will calculate what the
world’s carbon emissions from transportation would be if everyone’s carbon emissions were the
same as yours.
Estimate your personal transportation carbon emissions using the information
provided below. Don’t worry that your numbers will not be exact:
Student answers will vary. Following are example answers.
Personal transportation per year by automobile
(a) Miles traveled per year: 10,000
(b) Miles per gallon: 20
(c) Number of gallons used per year: 500 gallons
(d) Convert to liters of gasoline used per year (1 gallon = 3.875 liters):
1937.5 liters
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(e) Amount of carbon produced (1,577 liters of gasoline produces one metric
ton of carbon): 1.23 metric tons of carbon
Public transportation per year by bus
(a) Miles traveled per year: 10,000
(b) If an average bus travels 4 miles per gallon of diesel fuel, number
of gallons used per year: 2,500 gallons
(c) If an average bus carries 40 people, number of gallons used by you each year:
62.5 gallons
(d) Convert to liters of gasoline used per year (1 gallon = 3.875 liters): 242.2 liters
(e) Amount of carbon produced (1,382 liters of diesel fuel produces one metric ton of
carbon): .18 metric tons of carbon
Public transportation per year by airplane
(a) Miles traveled: 10,000
(b) Metric tons of carbon released (1 mile traveled by air releases 0.0002 metric tons of
carbon): 2 metric tons of carbon
tons carbon = 0.0002 metric ton/mile (10000) miles = 2 metric tons carbon
Determine the total metric tons of carbon you emitted by summing all the individual
Total annual metric tons of carbon you released = metric tons from personal
transportation + metric tons from bus travel + metric tons from air travel:
1.23 + .18 + 2= 3.4 total annual metric tons of carbon
Multiply your personal annual carbon release from transportation by 310 million to see what
the U.S. release from transportation would be if everyone had a carbon emission similar to yours.
3.4 X 310 million = 1.05 billion total annual metric tons produced in the U.S. if everyone
had a carbon emission similar to yours.
Multiply your personal annual carbon release by 6.9 billion to see what the global release would
be if everyone in the world consumed carbon at the same rate you do.
3.4 X 6.9 billion= 23.5 billion
Discuss briefly if this is a good estimate of global carbon emissions. Why or why not? Consider
these questions as you compose your answer: Is transportation the only source of carbon
emissions (you can find the fraction of total emissions from transportation on the web)? Would
your personal estimate be different if you lived in a different country?
This is not a good estimate of global carbon emissions because transportation is not the only
source of carbon emissions. As we learned in the book, carbon comes from the burning of
coal, deforestation, slash and burn agriculture, etc. To estimate global carbon emissions we
would have to consider all sources of carbon, both anthropogenic and natural. Yes, my
personal estimate of carbon emissions would be different if I lived in a different country.
Developed nations such as the U.S. use a significantly higher amount of carbon than
developing nations do.
If your main means of transportation is a car, what would happen to your carbon emissions if you
were to increase your reliance on public transportation?
My carbon emissions would decrease dramatically because of the number of people that can
use public transportation as opposed to the number of people that can ride in my
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Chapter 19: Global Change
To save paper and reduce waste, we have placed the prepared quiz for this chapter on the
Teacher’s Resource CD. It may also be downloaded from the password protected Teacher’s
side of the Book Companion Web site:
Friedland & Relyea Environmental Science for AP*
© BFW Publishers