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What Are The Best Supplements For Muscle Building?
Most bodybuilders would love to keep gaining mass and stay ahead of the pack.
Even if you follow a very strict training & diet program you may not get that edge many
are hoping to achieve - this is where supplements might be able to offer some help.
What are the best supplements for muscle building?
In the bodybuilding world, you can’t turn a corner without hearing about this
“revolutionary” new supplement that can make you build “10 pounds of muscle in a
month” or “break plateau.” But what supplements actually do help build muscle. The
answers in order of best to worse:
Creatine Monohydrate
Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA)
Protein is no doubt the best supplement for building muscle. The word protein
even mean important. It comes from the Greek word “portas” which means of primary
importance. 60- 70% of your body protein is in your muscle. You can’t build muscle
without protein, protein is what builds muscles. With the help of protein supplements,
muscle can recover and grow when broken down.
But there are many types of proteins, but out of five type of protein supplements
(Whey, Casein, Soy, Egg, and Milk), overall, whey protein ranks supreme.
Whey Protein
Whey protein is very high in BCAA (Which we will discuss later) and is thought
to contain the perfect combination of muscle-building amino-acids. It also has a
biological value (BV) of 159, which basically means it will take 2 hours for your body to
digest. Compare to other types of protein like egg protein which takes 3 hours to digest
and casein which takes 5- 7 hours to digest. And your body will absorb 80- 90% of whey
protein, 99% of whey protein isolate compare to the 50- 80% absorption rate of casein
and the 80- 90% absorption rate from soy (Note, some people can only absorb 50%). And
if you are wondering if whey protein absorb so fast, would it be smart to take it at night.
It can be smart if you take in some peanut-butter with it to slow down the digestion. So
whey protein has every advantage, good quality and good absorption. It is easy to
understand why whey protein is the best selling protein.
Recommend using Optimum 100% Whey Protein
2 Lbs. $16.99
5 Lbs. $34.99
10 Lbs. $67.99
Inferior Types of Protein
Casein Protein
Casein protein is not a bad supplement for building muscle. But it does not work
the same way Whey Protein does, Casein protein is a slow digesting protein. It may take
5- 7 hours to digest casein protein. But because casein digests so slowly, there are many
benefits. During the full 5- 7 hours that the casein protein are digesting, it sustain a steady
amino acid elevation. Keeping your muscle from breaking down. Casein protein is best
taken before bed.
Soy Protein
Soy Protein is a protein deprived from plant. Soy protein benefits are: that they
are high is arginine and glutamine, are low in fat, can help lower cholesterol, and
approved for those who are lactose intolerant. But Soy protein is not good for
bodybuilder; studies have shown that soy protein can lower the level of testosterone.
Which is one of the useful hormones in the body to build muscle?
Egg Protein
Egg Protein powder is a more trouble-free way and safe way of getting egg
protein. Raw eggs have aviden, which bonds with biotin in your body making it useless.
Biotin is also a supplement in your body which helps gain muscle. But getting all your
protein from supplement is not healthy, nor is it smart. I suggest cook your eggs white
well, to destroy all the aviden, and get your egg protein that way.
Milk Protein
Whey and Casein protein are both deprived from milk. But that does not make
milk a superior protein. Milk only contains 3.3% protein, which means the protein in
milk is being diluted.
Studies have shown that a post work-out protein shake help build muscle and stop
your body from entering a catabolic state. Lack of protein can cause digestion problem,
lost of sleep, loss of muscle, vision problem, weak joints, bruising, difficulty breathing,
etc. The list can go on and on. So make sure you take your PROTEIN!!!
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine Monohydrate hit the stage about 15 years ago, and since then has
revolutionized the supplements world. Creatine is the best selling supplement out there.
Creatine is a compound made of three amino acids: Arginine, Glycine and Methionine.
Although Creatine can be found in food like steak and chicken, the only way to get all the
benefit of Creatine is by taking supplements. Creatine has shown that creatine can pull
water into muscle cell, increasing their volume and size. This results in your muscle
looking more round and fuller. Creatine doesn’t just make your muscle bigger either,
creatine induce your body to a more anabolic state (muscle building) by increasing
protein synthesis. The more protein synthesis, the more the muscles gain. Some studies
have even shown that creatine can also delay the build up of lactic acid, which causes the
sore feelings in your muscle. And if that wasn’t enough, Creatine can actually give you
an energy boost by changing ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate used up energy) to ATP
(Adenosine tri-phosphate, new energy). So that you can get more reps, more weight,
more endurance, and overall, more muscular growth.
Recommend using Higher Power Micronized Creatine 1000
500 Grams
1000 Grams
Branch Chain Amino Acids are a combination of three essential amino acids:
leucine, isoleucine, and valine which all have a branched-chain molecular structure.
Hence the name, Brach Chain Amino Acid. Essential amino acid mean that your body
can’t produce it on its own and needs to be taken in by means of food or supplements.
The combination of leucine, isoleucine, and valine are especially important because they
metabolized in the muscle, rather than the liver. BCAA can be used to build new protein
or used as energy. Muscles are particularly high in branched-chain amino acids. BCAA
can help build muscle and reduce the risk of overtraining.
Recommend using Optimum BCAA Caps
200 Capsules
400 Capsules
Glutamine can be found in food and whey protein. But to harness the real power
of glutamine, it has to be free-form. Which mean a pure glutamine supplement to get the
maximum benefit of glutamine. But what are the benefits of glutamine, you say?
Glutamine is very important in protein metabolism and can reduce the amount of muscle
deterioration that occurs when other tissue in your body need glutamine. So it is
important to “restock” your body full of glutamine to help keep your body satisfied. And
glutamine level can decease by much as 50% during a hard workout. And glutamine can
help also help cell volumizing and studies have shown growth hormone can increase up
to 400% with just 2 grams of free-form glutamine.
Recommend using Higher Power Micronized Glutamine 1000
1000 Grams
Multi-vitamin/Multi-mineral is one of the most important supplements that can be
consumed by bodybuilders. For a body to work to properly and to its fullest, bodies need
heaps of vitamins and minerals.
Multi vitamins provide you all the vitamins you need like Vitamin B, which help
digestion and absorption of carbs, protein, and fat. Which keeps your digestion system
clean which keep your body at max potential. Vitamin C keeps testosterone levels high
and decrease cortisol, which is a hormone that puts your body in a catabolic state. And
the more testosterone, the more muscle. And Vitamin E can help your body make
collagen, which help prevent stretch marks. A problem for many bodybuilders. And
many vitamins can serve as anti-oxidant. Which fight free radicals, which destroy your
body’s cell. Multi-vitamin/Multi-mineral has many more benefits, too much to explain.
Recommend using AST Multi-Pro 32X
100 Caplets
What are the worst supplements for muscle building?
Caffeine is a great supplement; caffeine can increase energy, make you more alert
and keep you awake. But a disadvantage of caffeine is that it doesn’t build muscle. In
now way does caffeine build muscle.
Dietary Supplements
Supplement that are meant to help you lose weights are obviously not your friend
if you’re trying to build muscle. Some dietary supplements contain ingredients that can
put your body in a catabolic state, or at the very least, prevent you from gaining any more
What is a good daily/weekly plan for including those muscle
building products?
Workout Day
9 A.M.
Protein Shake (1 Scoop) mixed with pack of oatmeal, Multi-Vitamin
10 A.M.
6 ounces of beef, 3 Eggs white, Baked potatoes, 2 cups of rice
Workout (Levels of testosterone are highest in morning, best to workout
Post-workout BCAA Caps (Take immediately after work-out), Protein Shake (1 Scoop)
with Creatine and Glutamine mixed (take shake 20 min after)
2:30 P.M.
2 Cups of rice, 1 cup of asparagus, 10 ounces of beef
5 P.M.
6 Eggs white, Pack of oatmeal
6 P.M.
4 tuna sushi, 7 ounces turkey, Multi-Vitamin
9 P.M.
Protein Shake (1 Scoop) with pack of oatmeal and Glutamine
Non-Workout Day
9 A.M.
10 A.M.
2:30 P.M.
5 P.M.
6 P.M.
9 P.M.
Protein Shake (1 Scoop) with pack of oatmeal and Glutamine, MultiVitamin, BCAA
6 ounces of beef, 4 Eggs White, Baked potatoes, 1 cup of asparagus
Protein Shake (Half Scoop), 8 ounces of steak
2 Cups of Rice, 1 cup of asparagus, 10 ounces of beef
6 Eggs whites, Brown Rice
4 Tuna Sushi, 7 ounces turkey, Multi-Vitamin
Protein Shake (1 Scoop) with pack of oatmeal, 2 teaspoon of peanutbutter, and Glutamine
Bonus: Have you used this plan in the past/present and what
success did you have with it? Would you have changed
I used a similar program like this, and got great success. I made the adjusted
changes in the plan, like adding some greens for a source of fiber, and adding some fruit
juice with the creatine. A body needs simple carbs, like from fruit juice or white rice to
be able to absorb creatine. Adjust plan if needed. I gained about 20 pounds of muscle
within 6 months, and kept fat gain to a minimum.
Good Luck Bodybuilders