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Dietary Supplements and
Performance Enhancers
Are supplements the “magic” ingredient you need
to take your workout to the next level?
People looking for drastic/quick improvements often think supplements are
the magic cure all for their desires.
For example – looking at a fitness magazine one can’t help but notice
advertisements for “breakthrough” products that will help you “see results
What most don’t know – often supplement brands are owned by the
magazine you are looking at or vice versa! (Ex: MuscleLink supplements
are owned by Ironman magazine, Flex magazine is owned by Weider
You CAN build muscle without taking supplements by eating a healthy
diet rich in nutrients (in particular protein)
Supplements are meant as a compliment to a regular healthy diet and in
some cases are more convenient methods of obtaining crucial nutrients for
healthy active individuals.
Proposed benefit(s)
● For muscle growth/repair
● Kinds include Whey (by-product
of cheese), Casein, Soy.
● Often difficult to get RDA of
protein from food.
● Whey in particular is easily
transportable and absorbed
quickly (protein gets to muscles
10-15 min after ingestion)
Side effects or other issue
● Costly
Some people can get enough
protein through diet; excess
protein may be a waste
● Possibly digestive issues, kidney
problems with too much protein
Protein and Amino Acids
Proposed benefit(s)
● It is produced naturally, and
found within skeletal muscle.
● Helps produce ATP/Energy
rapidly (Lift more, for longer)
● It is useful for short-term, high
intensity bursts of activity
(ie. powerlifting, wrestling and
Side effects or other issue
● Possible stomach pain, nausea,
diarrhea and muscle cramps.
● High doses of creatine may be
associated with kidney, liver or
heart problems
● There is a limit to the amount of
Creatine that can be stored excess
is excreted.
Proposed benefit(s)
● A stimulant that is found in tea,
coffee, colas, chocolate
● Increases alertness, and possibly
helps to utilize fat stores during
long duration exercise
Side effects or other issue
- It acts as a diuretic, therefore there is
potential for dehydration.
Proposed benefit(s)
● It is advertised as a product that
promotes the loss of fat/weight
through increased metabolic rate
Side effects or other issue
● One of the main ingredients is
Caffeine (stimulant) and formerly
Ephedrine (now illegal to be sold
with that ingredient).
● Possible side effects include:
increase in B.Pressure, Heart
Rate, restlessness, loss of
Hydroxycut (“fat burners”)
Proposed benefit(s)
● They help to decrease amino acid
breakdown, increase protein
synthesis and increase lean body
● In the past they were commonly
used by athletes in strength/power
Side effects or other issue
● They are illegal and banned by
most sports
POTENTIAL harmful side effects
● Liver damage, erectile
dysfunction, and impotence;
Gynecomastia (growth of the
breasts in males); atrophy of the
testicles; increase in
aggressiveness/mood swings.
● high blood pressure
● cardiovascular & kidney
● stunted growth
● Virilization (Development of
male characteristics in women)
Anabolic Steroids
Proposed benefit(s)
● It is produced naturally in the
● Prescribed for many reasons by
● Anabolic effect on various tissues
-- muscle, skeleton (increase in
● Synthetic versions of HGH are
used by some athletes to
replicate/increase these anabolic
Side effects or other issue
● Nerve, muscle, joint pain
● Risk of diabetes
● Contribute to the growth of
cancerous tumors
● May be linked to certain cancers
● It is illegal in most sports
Human Growth Hormone
Proposed benefit(s)
● A natural protein hormone,
produced in kidneys
● It causes an increase in
Hemoglobin, improves the
oxygen-carrying capacity of
blood, and is therefore beneficial
to endurance athletes
Side effects or other issue
● It is difficult to test for (since it's a
naturally occurring hormone)
● Side effects may include high
blood pressure, headaches, nausea
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Proposed benefit(s)
● Involves the intravenous
administration of blood, RBC's,
and related blood products
● Used to increase the bloods
oxygen carrying capacity, and
enhance performance in
aerobic/endurance activities
Side effects or other issue
● Banned by sport governing bodies
● Difficult to detect (b/c
hemoglobin levels are only
slightly altered)
● This method is being replaced by
the use of EPO
● Banned by most sports
Blood Doping