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1. Most of the DNA of a human cell is contained in the
nucleus. Distinguish between unique and highly
repetitive sequences in nuclear DNA.
U=Unique sequences; H= Highly repetitive sequences
U: occur once in genome; H: occur many times;
U: long base sequences; H: short sequences/5–300
U: (may be) genes; H: not genes;
U: (may be) translated/coding sequences; H: never
U: small differences between individuals; H: can
vary greatly;
U: exons (are unique sequences); H: introns (may
be repetitive);
U: smaller proportion of genome; H: higher
proportion of genome;
repetitive sequences are used for profiling;
prokaryotes do not (usually) contain repetitive
2. Draw a labelled diagram to show four DNA
nucleotides, each with a different base, linked
together in two strands.
four nucleotides shown in diagram with one
nucleotide clearly labelled;
base, phosphate and deoxyribose (shown as
pentagon) connected between the
correct carbons and labelled at least once;
backbone labelled as covalent bond between
nucleotides correctly shown as 3 to 5 bond;
two base pairs linked by hydrogen bonds drawn as
dotted lines and labelled;
two H bonds between A and T and three H bonds
between C and G;
adenine to thymine and cytosine to guanine; do
not accept initials of bases
antiparallel orientation shown;
3. Explain the structure of the DNA double helix,
including its subunits and the way in which they are
bonded together.
subunits are nucleotides
one base, one deoxyribose and one phosphate in
each nucleotide
description/ diagram showing base linked to
deoxyribose C1 and phosphate to C5
four different bases - adenine, cytosine, guanine
and thymine
nucleotides linked up with sugar-phosphate bonds
covalent/ phosphodiester bonds
two strands (of nucleotides) linked together
base to base
A to T and G to C
hydrogen bonds between bases
antiparallel strands
double helix drawn or described
4. Outline the structure of the nucleosomes in
eukaryotic chromosomes.
contain histones
eight histone molecules form a cluster in a
DNA strand is wound around the histones
wound around twice in each nucleosome
(another) histone molecule holds the nucleosome(s)
5. State a role for each of four different named
enzymes in DNA replication.
DNA polymerase / DNA polymerase III
RNA primase
DNA polymerase I
(DNA) ligase
splits/ breaks hydrogen bonds/ uncoils DNA/
unwinds DNA
(DNA) polymerase III
adds nucleotides (in 5' to 3' direction) extending
existing strand
(RNA) primase
synthesizes a short RNA primer (which is later
removed) on DNA
(DNA) polymerase I
replaces RNA primer with DNA
(DNA) ligase
joins Okazaki fragments/ fragments on lagging
strand/ makes sugar-phosphate bonds between
6. Explain the process of DNA replication.
occurs during (S phase of ) interphase/in
preparation for mitosis/cell division;
DNA replication is semi-conservative;
unwinding of double helix / separation of strands
by helicase (at replication origin);
hydrogen bonds between two strands are broken;
each strand of parent DNA used as template for
synthesis continuous on leading strand but not
continuous on lagging strand;
leading to formation of Okazaki fragments (on
lagging strand);
synthesis occurs in 5 3direction;
RNA primer synthesized on parent DNA using
RNA primase;
DNA polymerase III adds the nucleotides (to the 3
added according to complementary base pairing;
adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs
with guanine; (Both pairings required. Do not
accept letters alone.)
DNA polymerase I removes the RNA primers and
replaces them with DNA;
DNA ligase joins Okazaki fragments;
as deoxynucleoside triphosphate joins with growing
DNA chain, two phosphates
broken off releasing energy to form bond;
7. Explain how the process of DNA replication depends
on the structure of DNA.
 DNA molecule is double (stranded)
hydrogen bonds linking the two strands are weak/
can be broken
DNA can split into two strands
split by helicase
helicase moves progressively down the molecules
backbones are linked by covalent/ strong bonds
strands do not therefore break/ base sequence
reference to semi-conservative replication
base pairing/ sequences are complementary
A=T and C=G
the two original strands therefore carry the same
the two new strands have the same base sequence
as the two original ones
the strands have polarity
base/ nucleotides added in 5` to 3` direction
the two strands have opposite polarity
discontinuous segments/ Okazaki fragments added
to one strand
DNA ligase needed to connect the segments
8. Describe the genetic code.
composed of mRNA base triplets
called codons
64 different codons
each codes for the addition of an amino acid to a
growing polypeptide chain
the genetic code is degenerate
meaning more than one codon can code for a
partiuclar amino acid
the genetic code is universal
meaning it is the same in almost all organisms
(AUG is the) start codon
some (nonsense) codons code for the end of
9. Discuss the relationship between genes and
originally assumed one gene codes for one
(one) gene is transcribed into (one) mRNA
mRNA is translated by a ribosome to synthesize a
many exceptions to one gene --> one polypeptide
many more proteins made than there are genes
some genes do not code for polypeptides
some genes code for tRNA/rRNA
some genes regulate gene expression
genetic information transcribed by eukaryotes is
edited before it is translated
polypeptides may be altered before they become
fully functional proteins
10. Explain briefly the advantages and disadvantages of
the universality of the genetic code to humans.
genetic material can be transferred between
species/ between humans
one species could use a useful gene from another
transgenic crop plants/ livestock can be produced
bacteria/ yeasts can be genetically engineered to
make a useful product
viruses can invade cells and take over their genetic
viruses cause disease
11. Compare the processes of DNA replication and
both involve unwinding the helix
both involve spearating the two strands
both involve breaking hydrogen bonds between
both involve complementary base pairing
both involve C pairing with G
both work in a 5` --> 3` direction
both involve linking/ polymerization of nucleotides
replication with DNA nucleotides and transcritpion
with RNA nucleotides
details of ribose/ deoxyribose difference
adenine pairing with uracil instead of thymine
only one strand copied not both
no ligase/ no Okazaki fragments with transcription
DNA or RNA polymerase
both require a start signal
but this signal is different for each
transcripiton has only one starting point
but replication has multiple starting points
replication gives two DNA molecules whilst
transcription gives mRNA
12. Distinguish between RNA and DNA.
DNA is double-stranded while RNA is singlestranded;
DNA contains deoxyribose while RNA contains
the base thymine found in DNA is replaced by
uracil in RNA;
one form of DNA (double helix) but several forms
of RNA (tRNA, mRNA and rRNA);
13. Describe the roles of mRNA, tRNA and ribosomes
in translation.
mRNA with genetic code/ codons
tRNA with anticodon
tRNA with amino acid attached
ribosome with two sub-units
mRNA held by ribosome
start codon
two tRNA molecules attached with mRNA on
peptide bond between amino acids on tRNA
polypeptide forms
continues until a stop codon is reached
polypeptide is released
14. Outline the structure of tRNA.
tRNA is composed of one chain of (RNA)
tRNA has a position/end/site attaching an amino
acid (reject tRNA contains an amino acid)
at the 3' terminal / consisting of CCA/ACC
tRNA has an anticodon
anticodon of three bases which are not base paired
/ single stranded / forming part of a loop
tRNA has double stranded sections formed by base
double stranded sections can be helical
tRNA has (three) loops (somethimes with an extra
small loop)
tRNA has a distinctive three dimensional / clover
leaf shape
15. Outline the structure of a ribosome.
small subunit and large subunit;
mRNA binding site on small subunit;
three tRNA binding sites / A, P and E tRNA
binding sites;
protein and RNA composition (in both subunits);
16. Explain the process of translation.
translation involves initiation,
elongation/translocation and termination;
mRNA binds to the small sub-unit of the ribosome;
ribosome slides along mRNA to the start codon;
anticodon of tRNA pairs with codon on mRNA:
complementary base pairing (between codon and
(anticodon of) tRNA with methionine pairs with
start codon / AUG is the start codon;
second tRNA pairs with next codon;
peptide bond forms between amino acids;
ribosome moves along the mRNA by one codon;
movement in 5 to 3 direction;
tRNA that has lost its amino acid detaches;
another tRNA pairs with the next codon/moves
into A site;
tRNA activating enzymes;
link amino acids to specific tRNA;
stop codon (eventually) reached;
17. Compare DNA transcription with translation.
both in 5` to 3` direction
both require ATP
DNA is transcribed and mRNA is translated
transcription produces RNA and translation
produces polypeptides/ protein
RNA polymerase for transcription and ribosomes
for translation/ ribosomes in translation only
transcription in the nucleus (of eukaryotes) and
translation in the cytoplasm/ at ER
tRNA needed for translation but not transcription