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Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
难点: 整合促销组合必须考虑的因素
 Define the five promotion tools.
 Describe the major decisions involved in developing an advertising program.
 Explain how sales promotion campaigns are developed.
 Explain how companies use public relations to communicate.
1 The Marketing Communications Mix
 Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of
ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
 Sales promotions are short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale
of a product or service.
 Public relations involves building good relations with the company’s various
publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image,
and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.
 Personal selling is personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the
purpose of making sales and building customer relation-ships.
 Direct marketing establishes direct connections with carefully targeted
individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate
lasting customer relationships.
Integrated Marketing Communications
The Changing Communications Environment
The shift from mass marketing to segmented marketing has had a dramatic impact
on marketing communications. The shift toward one-to-one marketing is spawning a
new generation of more specialized and highly targeted communications efforts.
2 Communication Process
Integrated marketing communications involves identifying the target audience and
shaping a well-coordinated promotional campaign to elicit the desired audience
3 Setting the Overall Communication Mix
 Advertising can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at a low cost
per exposure, and it enables the seller to repeat a message many times.
Personal selling is the most effective tool at certain stages of the buying process,
particularly in building up buyers’ preferences, convictions, and actions.
Sales promotion includes a wide assortment of tools. These tools attract
consumer attention, offer strong incentives to purchase, and can be used to
dramatize product offers and to boost sagging sales.
Public relations is very believable.
Direct marketing is nonpublic. The message is normally directed to a specific
Marketers can choose from two basic promotion mix strategies.
 A push strategy involves “pushing” the product through distribution channels
to final consumers. The producer directs its marketing activities toward channel
members to induce them to carry the product and to promote it to final
 In a pull strategy, the producer directs its marketing activities toward final
consumers to induce them to buy the product. Consumers will demand the
product from channel members, who will in turn demand it from producers.
3 Advertising
Setting Advertising Objectives
The first step is to set advertising objectives. These objectives should be based on
past decisions about the target market, positioning, and marketing mix, which define
the job that advertising must do in the total marketing program.
Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose—whether the aim is to
inform, persuade, or remind.
Setting the Advertising Budget
There are four common methods used to set the total budget for advertising.
 In the affordable method, the company sets the promotion budget at the level it
thinks it can afford.
In the percentage-of-sales method, the company sets the promotion budget at a
certain percentage of current or forecasted sales.
 In the competitive-parity method, companies set their promotion budget to match
competitors’ outlays.
 The most logical budget-setting method is the objective-and-task method. Here,
the company sets its promotion budget based on what it wants to accomplish with
Developing Advertising Strategy
Advertising strategy consists of two major elements: creating advertising messages
and selecting advertising media.
The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to plan a message
strategy—to decide what general message will be communicated to consumers.
Media planners consider many factors when making their media choices.
a) The media habits of target consumers.
b) The nature of the product.
c) The different types of messages.
d) Cost is another major factor. Media impact and cost must be
reexamined regularly.
Evaluating Advertising
The advertising program should regularly evaluate both the communication effects
and the sales effects of advertising.
Measuring the communication effects of an ad—copy testing—tells whether the ad is
communicating well. Copy testing can be done before or after an ad is printed or
4 Sales Promotion
Sales promotion consists of short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sales
of a product or service.
Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion
a) Sales promotion tools are used by most organizations, including
manufacturers, distributors, retailers, trade associations, and not-for-profit
b) They are targeted toward final buyers, retailers, and wholesalers; business
customers; and members of the sales force.
Sales Promotion Objectives
Sales promotion objectives vary widely.
Sellers may use consumer promotions to increase short-term sales or to
help build long-term market share.
Objectives for trade promotions include getting retailers to carry new
items and more inventory, getting them to advertise the product and give
it more shelf space, and getting them to buy ahead.
For the sales force, objectives include getting more sales force support
for current or new products or getting salespeople to sign up new
Major Sales Promotion Tools
The main consumer promotion tools include those following: Samples/ Coupons
/Cash refund / Price packs (also called cents-off deals) /Premiums /Advertising
Developing the Sales Promotion Program
The marketer must make several other decisions in order to define the full sales
promotion program.
 The marketer must decide on the size of the incentive.
 The marketer must set conditions for participation.
 The marketer must decide how to promote and distribute the pro-motion program
 The marketer must consider the length of the promotion, which is also important.
 The marketer must also evaluate the program.
5 Public Relations
Public relations is building good relations with the company’s various publics by
obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or
heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.
The Role an Impact of Public Relations
Public relations can have a strong impact on public awareness at a much lower cost
than advertising can.
Major Public Relations Tools
Public relations professionals use several tools.
One of the major tools is news. PR professionals find or create favorable
news about the company and its products or people.
Speeches can also create product and company publicity.
Special events range from news conferences, press tours, grand openings,
and fun events.
Many marketers are now designing buzz marketing campaigns that
create excitement and generate favorable word-of-mouth communication
for their brands.