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Honors Biology B Exam Review Guide
This is not a mandatory assignment. This review guide is to help you prepare for your final exam, should you choose to complete it.
DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis
What are two reasons that DNA is “special”?
What are the building blocks (monomers) of DNA?
What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
What are the four nitrogen bases present in DNA?
What are purines? How many rings do they have?
What are pyrimidines? How many rings do they have?
The double helix structure of DNA was discovered by what FOUR scientists and in what year?
Be able to label the structures of a DNA molecule (refer to notes):
What is the backbone of DNA made out of?
What holds the DNA molecule together?
The nitrogen bases are always connected to the (sugar or phosphate)?
Name the complementary strands of a DNA molecule.
What enzyme “unzips” the two strands of DNA in DNA replication?
What does DNA polymerase do?
If one strand of DNA is ATTCCG, what is the other complementary strand of DNA?
What are the three types of RNA? What does each type do?
What are the three differences between RNA and DNA?
What is transcription? Where does it occur in the cell (nucleus or cytoplasm)?
Briefly describe the steps of transcription.
What enzyme is responsible for transcription?
How does mRNA move from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of a cell?
If an RNA molecule contains the sequence AAC GCU, what is the sequence of the DNA molecule from which it was made?
A series of three mRNA nitrogen bases that contains the information needed to make proteins are called what?
What is the universal start codon?
What are the three stop codons? (look at codon wheel; this will be provided on the test)
What is translation? Where does it occur in the cell (nucleus or cytoplasm)?
Draw a tRNA molecule and label its parts.
Find the mRNA strand, tRNA anticodon and amino acid sequence for the following DNA strand: TAC
On a separate sheet of paper (staple to this) draw a picture of what happens in protein synthesis, starting with the mRNA strand
leaving the nucleus.
What does the word “mutation” mean?
Mutations that produce changes in a single gene are called ___
Mutations that produce changes in whole chromosomes are known as ___
In what way(s), if any, do mutations change organisms?
What are the 3 examples of gene (point) mutations?
What are the 3 types of substitutions? Explain each.
Insertions and deletions usually result in frameshift mutations. What does this mean?
What are the 4 examples of chromosomal mutations? Explain each.
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
1. What are the two reasons why cells have to divide?
2. Cell division occurs in two main stages. What are they?
3. Differentiate between chromatin and chromosomes in terms of:
a. Structure
b. Appearance
c. Organization
d. Presence in cell
e. Visualization on a microscope
4. Draw an unduplicated chromosome.
5. Draw a duplicated chromosome and label: centromere, sister chromatids, telomere
6. Briefly explain how 6 feet of DNA is packed into the nucleus of every cell in our body. Use the terms: histone, nucleosome,
7. What is the cell cycle?
8. What are the 4 stages of the cell cycle?
a. Explain each stage of the cell cycle.
b. What is the G0 stage? Give 3 examples of cell that, once matured in the G1 phase, enter the G0 stage indefinitely.
9. Cells spend most of their lifetime in _____ (about 90% of the time)
10. What are the four stages of mitosis, in order?
11. Briefly describe what happens in each of the four stages of mitosis.
12. Be able to identify the stage of mitosis being shown in a picture.
13. Look at the Cancer Fact Sheet to answer:
a. What is the name of the proteins that regulate the cell cycle?
b. Define cancer.
c. What are tumors? What are 2 types of tumors?
d. What causes cancer?
e. What are the 3 most common ways to treat cancer?
1. Who is considered the “Father of Genetics”? What type of plant did he study?
2. How did Mendel set up his experiment, starting with the P1 generation to the F2 generation?
3. What does “true-breeding” mean?
4. Summarize Mendel’s 4 principles.
5. Be able to solve monohybrid and dihybrid story problems!
a. What are the steps to solving dihybrid story problems?
6. Give 3 examples to show how dominant traits don’t necessarily mean that they are more prevalent in the population.
7. What are the 4 blood types?
8. For each blood type, know:
a. The type of antigen (protein) present
b. Possible genotypes
c. Antibodies found
d. What type they can donate blood to
e. What type they can receive blood from?
What is the rH factor? Why is it important during pregnancy?
What blood type is the universal donor? Why? What blood type if the universal recipient? Why?
What is the most common blood type? Least common?
Describe the following:
a. Incomplete dominance (and give an example)
b. Codominance (give an example)
c. Multiple alleles (give an example)
d. Polygenic traits (give an example)
e. Homologous chromosomes
f. Haploid (what type of cells are haploid)
g. Diploid (what type of cells are diploid)
13. What is meiosis?
14. Know the steps of meiosis I and II. Be able to match drawings with descriptions. What is the end result of meiosis I? What is the
end of meiosis II?
15. Complete the chart below:
Is the original parent cell
haploid or diploid?
How many daughter cells
are produced?
Are the daughter cells
haploid or diploid?
Are the daughter cells
identical to the parent cell?
____sperm cell(s) are formed in males; ____egg
cell(s) are formed in females.
yes or no
Are the daughter cells
identical to each other?
yes or no
What type of cell does this
occur in? somatic or sex
16. How many viable sperm cells are created during meiosis? How many viable egg cells are created during meiosis?
17. What are polar bodies? How many form during female meiosis?
18. Define the following words:
a. Genotype
b. Phenotype
c. Homozygous
d. Heterozygous
e. Segregation
f. Allele
g. Punnett square
19. What is a karyotype?
20. Be able to interpret a karyotype:
a. What is the sex of the child?
b. Label the autosomes. Label the sex chromosomes.
c. Does the child display any disorders such as:
i. Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)
ii. Klinefelter Syndrome (47, XXY)
iii. Turner Syndrome (45, X)
21. What is a pedigree?
a. Be able to draw a pedigree based on given information.
b. Be able to interpret a pedigree.
22. Describe autosomal dominant genetic disorders. Be able to show how this type of disorder is passed on to offspring using a Punnett
23. Describe autosomal recessive genetic disorders. Be able to show how this type of disorder is passed on to offspring using a Punnett
24. Describe X-linked disorders. Be able to show how this type of disorder is passed on to offspring using a Punnett square.
1. Define evolution.
2. Who was responsible for adopting the theory of evolution?
3. What is a scientific theory?
4. Describe the Galapagos Islands (why is life there so diverse?)
5. Why were Darwin’s ideas so controversial at the time?
6. What did James Hutton propose?
7. What did Charles Lyell propose?
8. How did the above scientists help shape Darwin’s theory?
9. Describe AND give an example of each of Jean Baptiste Lamarck’s 3 hypotheses about how and why organisms evolve.
10. Why do we study Lamarck’s ideas if they are flawed?
11. What was the name of the book that Darwin wrote 25 years after his journey on the HMS Beagle?
12. Describe struggle for existence.
13. Briefly describe what natural selection is.
14. What is descent with modification?
15. Give two examples of evolution that we can see happening today.
16. What are 4 pieces of evidence supporting evolution?
17. Describe how geographic distribution of living species supports evolution.
18. What are homologous structures? Give an example.
19. What are analogous structures? Give an example.
20. What are vestigial organs? Give 3 examples (what they used to do and why we don’t need them anymore)
21. How do similarities in embryology support evolution?
22. What is convergent evolution?
a. Give an example.
23. What is divergent evolution?
a. Give an example.
b. Define adaptive radiation.
24. Define gene pool.
25. What are two sources of genetic variation?
26. What is genetic drift?
a. What is the founder effect?
27. Define species.
28. For a species to evolve into two (or more) new species, the _____of the two populations must become separated.
29. Describe and give an example of the 3 types of reproductive isolation.
30. Describe how one species of finch on the mainland of South America became 13 different species dispersed throughout the
Galapagos Islands.
31. In just a few simple sentences, describe how Earth formed, according to scientists.
32. What did Stanley Miller and Harold Urey’s experiment prove?
33. How did living cells originate from organic molecules?
34. What were the very first life-forms on Earth?
35. Name the four eras in Earth’s history (you do NOT need to include periods). For each era, describe 4 significant events and/or
species that originated during that time.
Human Body Systems
Copy and complete the following table:
Name of System
Major Organ(s)
Involved in System
Main Function(s) of System
**Pig Dissection is NOT on the final exam. Only the information that you put in the chart above is on the final exam**