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Biotechnology Unit 3: DNA to Proteins
The Shape and Structure of Proteins
__________________ are by far the most structurally and functionally __________________
molecules that are known
a. They can range in size from approximately ________ amino acids to more than
__________________ but most are between 50 and 2,000 amino acids
b. They can be __________________, fibrous, __________________, sheets,
__________________, spheres, and many other __________________
The shape of a protein is specified by its amino acid __________________
a. There are ________ different amino acids, each with different __________________ and
__________________ properties
b. Proteins consist of long __________________ of __________________ bonded amino acids
i. The __________________ of amino acids is called the amino acid sequence and each
individual molecule of a type of protein has an __________________ amino acid
ii. Bonds are called __________________ bonds
iii. Proteins are often called __________________
1. The __________________ of the protein consists of the repeating amine groups
and carboxylic acid groups of the amino acids and the __________________ are
the unique portions of the amino acids
2. These side chains __________________ with each other or with other chemicals
to provide the __________________ and __________________ of the protein
c. The protein backbone is very __________________ which allows the proteins to
__________________ in an incredible number of ways
i. Regions of the proteins are held together by __________________ bonds including
__________________ bonding, __________________ connections, and
__________________ attractions
1. __________________ interactions are also very important to protein folding
because several amino acids are __________________ (hydrophobic) and
therefore will be attracted to each other in __________________ (water based)
ii. Each protein will fold into a final __________________ called a __________________
based on its amino acid sequence
1. Proteins will naturally fold into the __________________ possible
__________________ conformation
2. Each protein has one __________________ stable conformation, but there can be
slight __________________ based on __________________ with other
3. __________________ involves chemically causing the protein to become
__________________ (usually by temperature or pH changes)
4. When proteins fold __________________, they can form __________________
that can cause damage to whole cells or even to tissues
a. __________________ disorders like mad-cow disease and CJD in humans
b. __________________ and __________________ disease in humans
iii. The two most common folding patterns are the __________________ (alpha helix) and
the __________________ (beta sheet)
1. Both of these patterns are common in __________________ proteins and they are
both the result of __________________ bonds between the __________________
molecules and not the side chains
Essential Cell Biology Chapter 4
Biotechnology Unit 3: DNA to Proteins
2. An α-helix is caused by a single polypeptide chain __________________ around
itself to form a __________________
a. A hydrogen bond forms between every __________________ amino acid
whit the C=O of one bonding to the N-H of the other
b. The __________________ makes a complete turn every 3.6 amino acids
c. Sometimes two or three α-helices wrap around each other to form a
structure called a __________________
3. β-sheets form when __________________ bonds form between segments of
proteins lying __________________ by __________________
a. Parallel β-sheets are when the polypeptide chains have the same
__________________ and antiparallel β-sheets are when they are in
__________________ orientations
b. β-sheets have some __________________ properties
i. They are what give silk its incredible __________________
ii. They are abundant in __________________ proteins in insects that
prevent them from freezing in extreme cold temperatures
Proteins have several __________________ of organization
a. The __________________ structure is the amino acid sequence
b. The __________________ structure is the folding of the protein
i. Includes α-helices and β-sheets
c. The __________________ structure involves all of the smaller folds interacting with each other
to form the final structural conformation
d. The __________________ structure is when the protein is combines with other polypeptide
molecules to create a larger structure
e. Proteins also have a level of organization called __________________
i. These are units that are usually made up of 100-250 amino acids folded into a secondary
structure that act as __________________ units that are found in many different types of
ii. Small proteins consist of only __________________ domain where as larger proteins
will have several __________________ domains
Protein __________________ consist of groups of proteins that have very similar amino acid
sequences and three dimensional conformations
Essential Cell Biology Chapter 4