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Cell Cycle Study Guide
Chapter 9 & Section 10.1
cell division
cell cycle
gene map
1) What is cellular reproduction?
2) Why must cells reproduce?
3) Describe the cell cycle. What is the first stage? What happens here?
4) Describe the make-up of a chromosome? Draw a single chromosome.
5) What is a homologous pair of chromosomes? How are they similar? Different?
6) How does a diploid cell differ from a haploid cell?
1) What types of cells are created through mitosis?
2) What types of organisms use mitosis?
3) Describe what occurs during interphase. G1, S, G2 phases? Remember this is
the first stage of the cell cycle. The cell hasn’t begun dividing, so it is not mitosis
4) Draw the stages of mitosis for a 2N=4 for both plant and animal cell.
5) What are some major differences in this process between animal and plant cells?
6) What phase of mitosis do sister chromatids break apart and move to opposite
sides of the cell?
7) What phase of mitosis do double chromosomes become visible?
8) What phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope disappear?
9) What phase of mitosis do doubled chromosomes align in the middle?
10) How many cells result from mitosis? What is their chromosome number? Are
they identical to the parent cell?
11) Draw telophase for a 2N=6 cell.
12) When are chromosomes doubled and DNA replicated?
13) Does crossing over occur? Why or why not?
1) What is a tetrad? When does it form? What does it help the cell prepare for?
2) How is crossing over important to a cell? When does it occur? Be able to
illustrate it occurring.
3) What types of cell are created through meiosis?
4) What types of organisms use meiosis?
5) Describe what occurs during interphase. G1, S and G2 phases? Remember this
is the first stage of the cell cycle. The cell hasn’t begun dividing, so it is not
meiosis yet.
6) Draw the stages of meiosis for a 2N=4 cell for both plant and animal cells.
7) What are some major differences in this process between animal and plant cells?
8) What phase of meiosis do sister chromatids break apart and move to opposite
sides of the cell?
9) What phase of meiosis are doubled chromosomes become visible?
10) What phase of meiosis does the nuclear envelope disappear?
11) What phase of meiosis do double chromosomes (no longer in their homologous
pair) align in the middle?
12) How any cells result from meiosis? What is their chromosome number? Are
they identical to the parent cell?
13) Draw telophase for a 2N=2 cell.
14) When are the chromosomes doubled and DNA replicated?
15) Does crossing over occur? Why or why not?
16) Be able to explain what happens in each stage of meiosis I and II.
17) What are the cells called formed from meiosis?
18) How does spermatogenesis differ from oogenesis? What is their a difference?
19) What is cytokinesis? When does it begin? End? Does it occur in both mitosis
and meiosis?