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Roman Study Guide
Judges- the most important elected official of a tripartite government
Roman 12 tables- Similar to the U.S. Constitution it gave rights to the citizens of Rome in a written form.
Checks and Balances- a system to ensure one part of the government does not get to powerful
Forum- center of life in Rome
Tripartite- A government that has three political factions
Peninsula- a geographic term that means land with water on three sides
Senate-Elected officials (for life) that create new laws in Rome. Usually rich nobles
Republic- A type of government where people have the power
Dictator- A military leader with absolute power
Veto- to prohibit
Latin- Roman language
Legions- group of 6,000 soldiers
Pax Romana- Time of Peace in Rome
Aqueduct- Roman technology designed to keep water safe and deliver it to the city.
Romance Language- French, Italian, Spanish they were all originated from Latin
Civil Law- The law of the people
Crucifixion- the Roman way of punishing people to death
Resurrection- To rise from death
Corruption-abandoning morals and values to gain personal interest over public interest
Byzantine Empire- Empire east of the Roman empire and one of the last areas taken over by the Romans
Roman Roads- structure of roads built in order to provide a means of fast and reliable transportation for
Roman soldiers.
Roman Gods- Were the same gods as the Greek, with different names. They explained the natural
occurring events in the world.
Judaism-Jewish religion, which originated in Judea
Christianity –religion that gain popularity after Jesus death, by spreading the life stories of Jesus of
Cicero-A person who wanted to give power back to the senate
Julius Caesar-General, senate, consuls, emperor, dictator for life that was murdered by his friends
because he had gained too much power.
Marc Antony- Julius Caesar’s former assistant that teamed up with Octavian to revenge Caesars’ death.
Augustus (Octavian) - Step son of Caesar, who gain popularity by giving the power back to Roman Senate
Jesus of Nazareth-A Jewish Carpenter, believed to be the son of GOD, who is the Icon or symbol of
Paul of Tarsus-The Apostle responsible for most of the Book of Romans
Constantine- The emperor that split the empire in two, and moved the eastern capital to Constantinople
Justinian and Theodora-The Last emperor of Rome, responsible for rebuilding the empire around the
Mediterranean Sea.
Apostles (Luke, Mark, Matt, John, Etc...)- Followers of Jesus
Aeneas- where Roman founder’s descended from.
Hannibal-Carthage general who went to battle with Rome in 218 BC
Tiberius Gracchus-Was a tribune that tried to take land from the wealthy and give to the poor, which
angered many rich.
Gaius Gracchus- Was the brother of Tiberius Gracchus and he encouraged the poor to join the army in
order to live better lives, which angered the wealthy.
Goths- received payments from the Romans so they would not invade.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla- Won a civil war, named himself dictator and punished his enemies.
Spartacus- Slave turned gladiator who led a revolt that lasted many years against Roman forces
Romulus and Remus- credited with founding Rome and naming it, they were twin brothers.
Plebeians- Common people of Rome
Patricians –Rich and powerful people of Rome.
Consuls – Two most powerful magistrates in Rome.
Vandals – Outside invaders that caused many problems for Rome.