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31. Philosopher that was condemned to death for “corrupting the youth of Athens” and “neglecting the city’s
gods” was Socrates.
32. Philosopher who wrote The Republic, a book that set forth his vision of a perfectly governed society? Plato
33. Who was the Greek philosopher that was Alexander the Great’s tutor? Aristotle
34. What form of art was invented by the Greeks and performed in the first theaters in the west? drama
35. A serious drama about common themes (love, hate, war, betrayal) and featured a tragic hero is a tragedy.
36. A drama that contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and humor is a comedy.
37. The Greek physician who studied causes of illnesses and experimented with various cures and credited
with creation of a set of ethical standards for doctors was Hippocrates.
38. Alexander the Great’s father was Philip II of Macedonia.
39. Alexander’s first victories were to fulfill his father’s goal of conquering Persia.
40. Alexander’s empire stretched from Greece to India.
41. What school of philosophy promoted virtuous and simple lives? Stoicism
42. What school of philosophy believes people should focus on what the senses perceive? Epicureans
43. This type of culture was created by Alexander’s empire. It blended Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian
culture. Hellenistic
44. This mathematician who wrote Elements is the basis for courses in geometry? Euclid
45. This scientist and mathematician invented a pump that raised water from one level to another?
46. The Romans borrowed their religion from what culture? The Greeks
47. During times of crisis, dictators were chosen by the consuls and elected by the senate.
48. The three Punic Wars were fought between Carthage and Rome.
49. After this leader, Rome was no longer a republic and its leaders were emperors. Julius Caesar
50. Christians refused to do three things that upset Romans. They were: they refused to worship Roman
gods, they refused to honor the emperor as a god, and they refused to perform military service.
51. Which part of the Roman Empire (East or West) was the wealthiest? The Eastern part of the Roman
Empire was the wealthiest.
52. The emperor who ended Christian persecution in the Roman Empire was Constantine.
53. The wealthy aristocratic social class of Latin nobles were the patricians.
54. The two officials who commanded the army and directed the government (the executive branch of Roman
government) were the consuls.
55. The aristocratic branch, they led foreign and domestic policy (the legislative branch of Roman
government) were the senate.
56. The social class of non-aristocratic townspeople, landowners, merchants and farmers were the plebeians
57. A period of peace and prosperity that helped Rome become wealthy and powerful was the Pax Romana.
58. Professional fighters usually prisoners of war, slaves or criminals were gladiators.
59. Name of the structure where the gladiators fought was the coliseum.
60. A series of stone water channels built in and around Rome were aqueducts.