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Asian Regional Workshop on “Capacity Development for
the Clean Development Mechanism”
19-21 October 2005
AIT, Bangkok, Thailand
Institutional Building: DNA
Presented by
Heng Chan Thoeun, Team Leader for
Capacity Building, CD4CDM Project-Cambodia
Outline of Presentation
1. Status before CD4CDM project and current situation
2. Number of staff and activities
3. Role of CD4CDM project implementation institutions
4. Current and proposed collaboration between DNA and
5. Approach used by CD4CDM
6. Lesson learnt and issues to be addressed
7. Impact of the CD4CDM project on institutional
1. Status before CD4CDM project and
current situation (1/3)
Before CD4CDM project:
- No Designated National Authority (DNA), and limited
knowledge about CDM institutional requirement.
- No idea how to establish DNA.
Current situation:
- Cambodia acceded to the Kyoto Protocol on 04 July
2002, in the process of establishing a Designed National
Authority (DNA)
• The Ministry of Environment (MoE) was appointed as
the Interim Designated National Authority (DNA) for
CDM by the Prime Minister’s Declaration No 01dated
15 July 2003;
1. Status before CD4CDM project and
current situation(2/3)
CDM4CDM helps develop DNA structure, sustainable
development (SD) criteria, assessment process,
operational guidelines.
• Established Cambodian Climate Change Office – good
capacity, inter-ministerial members and good
relationships with Ministries, stakeholders, private
• A sub-decree on the establishment of National Climate
Change Committee has been drafted and submitted to
the Council of Ministers for approval. An interministerial consultation meeting was conducted on 12
1. Status before CD4CDM project and
current situation (3/3)
Cambodia's DNA Structure
DNA Board
DNA Secretariat
(Climate Change Office)
Technical InterMinisterial Working
Energy Technical
Working Group
Forestry Technical
Working Group
Representatives of
Note: MoE: Ministry of
Environment, MAFF: Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, MIME: Ministry of
Industry, Mines and Energy,
MoP: Ministry of Planning, CDC:
Cambodia Development Council,
MPWT: Ministry of Public Works
and Transport
(if necessary)
2. Number of Staff and Activities (1/2)
Number of Staff:
1 National Project Coordinator
3 Advisors
2 National Team Leaders
5 Government counterparts from concerned
• 2 working groups.
2. Number of Staff and Activities (2/2)
2. Activities carried out:
Searched and reviewed available information/option of DNA establishment
from other countries that can be used for Cambodia.
Established Cambodian DNA with its structure, assessment process, roles of
key players, level of decision making authorities.
Identified government legislations and policies that can be used for
preparing a SD Criteria.
Identified Human and Technical Needs of the DNA operation
Established working groups with representatives from concerned ministries.
The working groups have been trained on how to assess proposed CDM
projects using real projects from the UNFCCC website.
Prepared "Application Form" for project developer to apply for Letter of
Approval or Letter of Non Objection.
Several meetings have been orgainzed to discuss the SD criteria, assessment
process, DNA structure and its key players.
Assisted DNA members in participating in selected CDM regional and local
Organized field trips for DNA members to visit demonstrative research
project sites.
3. Role of CD4CDM project implementation
UNEP -Collaborating Center for Energy and
Environment (UCCEE) and the Dutch
Government help provide funding for the
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT):
 Technical assistance and advice
 Provision of guidance materials for CDM;
 Facilitation of regional collaboration and with
 Establishment of networking, training, facilitation of
access to carbon market;
 Information dissemination to stakeholders.
4. Current and proposed collaboration
between DNA and CD4CDM
CD4CDM is working with DNA working groups from
MIME and MAFF to develop and review SD criteria for
assessing proposed CDM projects based on existing
Cambodian laws, regulations, policies;
Staff of CD4CDM still remain in the DNA Secretariat;
Government counterparts of project from concerned
ministries such as MoE, MIME, MAFF, MPWT and
Academic will be formed as National Technical
5. Approach used by CD4CDM
Learning by doing:
- Search available information from other CDM Countries
- Read and reviewed CDM text books, CDM guidelines materials available
to support DNA establishment process
- Review existing models for establishing Designated National Authority
(DNA) from other countries
- Review sustainable development (SD) criteria and approval process
- Backstopping support by project advisors.
Broad stakeholder consultation;
Direct involvement of project staff and government counterparts
from concerned ministries in DNA establishment;
Short training session (CDM concept and baseline calculation)
for project staff, government counterpart and DNA working
Exchange experience of other countries, through email, regional
6. Lesson learnt and issues to be addressed
Support of government is a key toward successful DNA
• Establishment of the working groups is an excellent way to get
Inter-Ministerial involvement in DNA establishment. It is also
a good way to build capacity of policy makers in other
ministries and to improve inter-ministerial relationships,
although time consuming.
• Staff of the Cambodian Climate Change Office (CCCO) have a
deeper understanding of DNA requirements, therefore usually led the
process. Good co-operation with working groups.
• Road testing SD criteria using real PDD is crucial to improve the
capacity of the DNA working group;
• Regional exchange of experience and knowledge through Regional
workshops provide good opportunity to make contacts and access
DNA information.
6. Lesson learnt and issues to be addressed
Comprehensive review of existing legislation
and policies is crucial for developing
appropriate SD criteria;
Interim DNA establishment is a well-balanced
approach. Ministry of Environment works cooperatively with other Ministries to establish an
inter-ministerial DNA.
Bottom-up approach in establishing DNA is
practical and relevant.
7. Impact of the CD4CDM project on
institutional building
Generated supports from government
CDM procedures are in place
Enabling Cambodia to be eligible in participation in
CDM Projects.
DNA nearly established and functional: Roles and
Responsibilities (DNA Board, DNA secretariat, and Technical Working
Group), structure, assessment procedure, legal mechanism.
Improved inter-agency collaboration (MIME, MAFF,
private sector, NGOs)
International promotion and networking of Cambodian
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