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Quick Review
1. Radio waves have
frequency than
2. Visible light waves have shorter wavelength than
infrared light.
3. X-rays are more damaging to cells than UV rays.
Quick Review
4. A certain laser produces
infrared light with a
wavelength of 0.72 mm this
wavelength in meters =
0.0o072 m or 7.2 x 10-4 m
5. The speed of all
electromagnetic waves =
3.0 x
Lesson 5.2 – Heredity
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
1. Any characteristic of an
organism, such as its shape
or the way it functions is
called a trait
a. The traits of organism
are stored in its DNA
b. An organism gets its
DNA and thus its traits
from its parents. When
traits are passed from one
generation to another, this
is called heredity.
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
2. A section of DNA that
determines a specific trait is
a gene
a. Since organisms have
different traits, there must
be different versions of
genes. These different
versions of genes are
called alleles.
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
i. For example, a rabbit species
has a section of its DNA that
controls fur color. This is
called a
gene . There is
one version of this DNA that
gives white fur, another gives
brown fur, and one gives black
fur. Thus there are three
different alleles , one for
each white fur, brown fur, and
black fur.
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
b. Alleles can be
represented by letters of
the alphabet.
i. The allele for brown
fur could be represented
by B and the black allele
by b.
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
3. Organisms that reproduce
sexually receive one allele
for each gene from its
mother and another allele for
each gene from its father.
a. All humans have two
copies of each gene and
thus humans are called
diploid organisms.
b. If an organism’s two
alleles of a certain gene are
known, this is called its
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
i. For example, if a baby
rabbit received the
brown allele from its
mother and the black
allele from its father,
this would be called its
ii. The genotype could
also be represented with
letters as Bb .
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and
phenotype of an organism. (3d)
c. If the physical
appearance of the
organism is being
described, this is called its
i. For example, if the
baby rabbit described
above has brown fur,
this would be the baby
rabbit’s phenotype .
I can explain heredity. I can define alleles and identify the genotype and phenotype of
an organism. (3d)
Fill in the boxes below to describe the genotype and
phenotype of the three plants.
Do you know what that means?
(5 Questions)
1. Which of these would be considered a
trait of a human?
A. Preference for chicken over steak.
B. A desire to attend college.
C. A favorite color of red.
D. The color of the human’s hair.
2. Since organisms of the same species have
different traits, there must be different
versions of the gene that controls this trait.
Which of these words would describe this
A. Heredity
B. Sexual reproduction
C. Alleles
D. Trait
3. Which of these is an example of heredity?
A. A child enjoys the same sports as his
B. A child has the same disease as his
C. A parent cares for a child providing for
its needs.
D. A parent teaches his child to play the
same instrument he plays.
4. Which of these correctly
describes the genotype of the
organism shown at the right?
A. Flowers that are colored red.
B. Two R alleles.
C. The organism has the same
flower color as its parents.
D. A section of DNA causes the
flower to be red.
5. Which of these correctly
describes the phenotype of the
organism shown at the right?
A. Flowers that are colored red.
B. Two R alleles.
C. The organism has the same
flower color as its parents.
D. A section of DNA causes the
flower to be red.