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Name ______________________________________________________ Class period ______
Intro/review to climate change webquest
Part 1 Go to
1.How long ago did the last ice age end? ______________________________.
2. Most of the climate changes over the past 650,000yrs are attributed to what happening?
3. What percent of climate change scientist agree that climate warming trends over the past century are very
likely due to human activities? __________
4. The heat-trapping nature of __________________ and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th
5. List the 9 main types of evidence that is compelling for rapid climate change
6. Of the 9 different evidences for rapid climate change which one do you think is the most worrisome and
support your choice.
Part 2 Go to
7. Click on "sea ice" how does the ice in 1979 compare to the sea ice in 2015?
8. Click on "Sea level" the sliding bar shows how high sea level will rise if the Greenland ice sheets completely
melt, how many feet will the world's oceans rise if all the ice melts? _____________________ feet.
9. Slide the bar across the bottom while the "southeast United States" is selected. What do you see happening
to the land as you move the bar across simulating the rising of sea levels. What is happening to the coastline
and what will happen to all of the people living there if this really happens?
10. Click on "carbon dioxide" the slide shows the global concentration and distribution of carbon dioxide from
2002-2014 slide the bar from 2002 to 2014. What is happening to the global levels of carbon dioxide?
11. Knowing that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas (meaning it traps heat in the atmosphere) what can you
conclude has happened to the temperature of the atmosphere temperature between 2002 and 2014?
12. Click on "global temperature" using the slide move the bar from 1884-2015 around what year does the
global temperature start to be 3+ degrees higher? _________________________________________
13. What can you conclude when comparing the global temperature changes from 1884 to 2015?
14. What things can a higher temperature cause worldwide?
Part 3 go to
On the page it lists 10 different technologies that can help prevent, reduce, or slow down climate change.
Select one of them that interests you.
15. The technology I selected is __________________________________________
16. Describe/ explain how the technology you selected works
17. How does this technology help reduce human impact on climate change?
18. Since the future is also yours, what are your thoughts on climate change and the impact it might have on
your future?