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Genetic Engineering Notes:
Selective Breeding
Selective breeding allows only those organisms with __________________
characteristics to produce the next generation.
Nearly all domestic _____________ and most ________________ have been
produced by ________________________.
Hybridization is the crossing of ___________________ individuals to bring
together the best of __________ organisms.
________________, the individuals produced by such crosses, are often
________________ than either of the parents. (Example: _______________)
Inbreeding is the continued breeding of individuals with ___________________
Inbreeding helps to ensure that the characteristics that make each breed unique
will be _____________________. Example:
Serious ________________ problems can result from excessive inbreeding.
Breeders increase the genetic ___________________ in a population by
inducing _________________.
Mutations occur _____________________, but breeders can increase the
mutation rate by using ______________ and ______________.
Producing New Kinds of Bacteria
Introducing ___________________ has allowed scientists to develop hundreds of
useful bacterial strains, including bacteria that can ________________________.
Producing New Kinds of Plants
Mutations in some plant cells produce cells that have double or triple the normal
number of ______________________.
This condition, known as _____________________, produces new species of
plants that are often _____________ and _______________ than their diploid
Polyploidy in animals is usually fatal. Examples:
Manipulating DNA
Scientists use their knowledge of the structure of DNA and its chemical
properties to study and change DNA molecules.
Scientists use different techniques to:
 ______________ DNA from cells
______________ DNA into smaller pieces
______________ the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule
make ______________________ of DNA
In genetic engineering, biologists make changes in the ________________ of
a living organism.
DNA Extraction
DNA can be extracted from most cells by a simple chemical procedure.
The cells are _______________ and the DNA is ______________ from the other
cell parts.
Cutting DNA
Most DNA molecules are too ____________ to be analyzed, so biologists cut
them into smaller fragments using ________________________.
Each ____________________ cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides.
A _________________________ will cut a DNA sequence only if it matches the
sequence precisely.
Separating DNA
In ___________________________, DNA fragments are placed at one end of a
porous gel, and an _____________________ is applied to the gel.
When the power is turned on, the ___________________-charged DNA
molecules move toward the __________________ end of the gel.
___________________________ can be used to compare the genomes of
different organisms or different individuals.
First, ______________________ cut DNA into __________________.
The DNA ______________________ are poured into wells on a gel.
An _____________________ is applied to the gel. This moves the DNA
fragments across the gel.
The _______________ the DNA fragment, the _____________ and
______________ it will move across the gel.
Based on _________, the DNA fragments make a pattern of ____________ on
the gel.
These _______________ can then be compared with other samples of DNA.
Reading the Sequence
In DNA sequencing, a ____________________ DNA strand is made using a
small proportion of fluorescently labeled ____________________.
Each time a labeled ________________ is added, it stops the process of
______________________, producing a short color-coded DNA fragment.
When the mixture of fragments is separated on a gel, the DNA sequence can be
Base sequence as “read” from the order of the dye bands on the gel from
______________ to _____________: T G C A C
Making Copies
______________________________ (PCR) is a technique that allows biologists
to make copies of genes.
A biologist adds ___________________ pieces of DNA that are ______________
to portions of the sequence.
DNA is ________________ to separate its two strands, then cooled to allow the
_________________ to bind to single-stranded DNA.
_____________________ starts making copies of the region between the
During transformation, a cell takes in DNA from ___________ the cell. The
external DNA becomes a component of the cell's DNA.
Foreign DNA is first joined to a small, circular DNA molecule known as a
_____________________ are found naturally in some _______________ and
have been very useful for DNA transfer.
The __________________has a _______________________—a gene that
makes it possible to distinguish ____________________ that carry the
________________ (and the foreign DNA) from those that don't.
If transformation is successful, the _______________________ is integrated
into one of the chromosomes of the cell
Transgenic Organisms
An organism described as transgenic, contains ___________ from other
Transgenic Microorganisms
Transgenic ____________ produce important substances useful for health and
industry. Transgenic ______________ have been used to produce:
 _______________
 _______________hormone
 _______________factor
A clone is a member of a population of ___________________________ cells
produced from a _________________.
In 1997, Ian Wilmut cloned a ________________ called Dolly.
What items are required to clone a species?