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Inquiry Objectives Review
1a. Design, conduct, and analyze conclusions from an investigation that includes using experimental controls.
1) Give a description for each element of a lab write-up.
a. Question
b. Hypothesis
c. Independent (manipulated) variable
d. Dependent (responding) variable
e. Controlled variables
f. Materials
Qualitative data
Quantitative data
Data analysis
1b. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative observations and make inferences based on observations.
1. What is a qualitative observation? Give an example
2. What is a quantitative observation? Give an example.
3. What is the difference between an observation, an inference, and a prediction? Give an example of each.
1c. Summarize data to show the cause and effect relationship between qualitative and quantitative observations
(using standard, metric, and non-standard units of measurement).
1) Explain what each of these is used to measure and sketch a picture of each.
a. English and metric ruler
b. Thermometers
c. Scales
d. Microscopes
e. Triple Beam Balances
f. Stopwatches
g. Graduated cylinders
h. Pipettes
2) Explain the differences between each of the following types of graphs and tell what type of data they contain: bar
graph, line graph, pie chart.
3) What type of data is depicted in all graphs?
Analyze evidence that is used to form explanations and draw conclusions.
1) Explain the following measures of central tendency:
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Range
2) Explain when the median would be a better representation of data. Give a specific example.
1g. Justify a scientist’s need to revise conclusions after encountering new experimental evidence that does not match
existing explanations.
1) Explain why it is necessary to revise an experiment after finding new evidence.
1h. Analyze different ideas and recognize the skepticism of others as part of the scientific process in considering
alternative conclusions.
1) Explain what scientific skepticism is.
1f. Develop a logical argument to explain why perfectly designed solutions do not exist.
1) What is a valid experiment?
2) What is experimental error? What are common sources of error?
3) Explain how controls are used to design “fair experiments”?
Life Science Objectives Review
3b. Compare and contrast the major components and functions of different types of cells.
1) Draw a plant and animal cell. Be sure to include ALL of the proper organelles in the each cell.
2) What organelles are present in a plant cell, but missing from the animal cell?
3) Give the function of each of the following organelles.
a) Nucleus
b) Cytoplasm
c) Nuclear membrane
d) Cell membrane
e) Cell wall
f) Chloroplast
g) Mitochondria
h) Ribosomes
i) Large vacuole
j) Golgi apparatus
4) List and describe the four main tissue types.
5) Draw a picture of each of the four main tissue types.
6) What is the organization of life beginning with the cell?
3d. Describe heredity as the passage of instructions from one generation to another and recognize that hereditary
information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of each cell.
1) Sexual fertilization differs from asexual reproduction because sexual fertilization involves gametes.
a) How are gametes formed and how do they differ from their parent cell?
b) What happens during fertilization?
c) What is a zygote?
d) Explain two forms of asexual fertilization. (budding and binary fission)
e) What is a mutation and how do they occur? Are they always harmful?
f) Describe how parents pass traits on to their offspring.
2) What is the difference between a dominant and a recessive trait?
3) Explain the hierarchy of DNA to physical expression of traits.
4) Define the following and give an example of each.
a) Genotype
i) Homozygous dominant (Purebred)
ii) Heterozygous (Hybrid)
iii) Homozygous recessive (Purebred)
b) Phenotype
5) In humans, brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes. Both Joe and Cindy are heterozygous for brown eyes (Bb). If
they marry and have a child, what are the possible genotypes of their child? What are the possible phenotypes of
their child?
6) Explain what is a pedigree and how can it be used by geneticist.
7) Create your own Punnett square problem and solve it.
3h. Describe how organisms get energy from oxidizing their food, and release some of their energy as heat.
1) Give the reactants, products, and location for a photosynthesis reaction.
2) Give the reactants, products, and location for the cellular respiration process.
3) Explain the differences between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
4) What biological process provides most of an organism’s thermal energy