Download OBJECTIVE MASTERY CHECKLIST – Science 8th Grade Third

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Third Nine Weeks
_____ Objective 3b - Compare and Contrast the major components and functions
of different types of cells.
_____ 1. Identify different cell types (plant cell, animal cell, bacterial cell).
_____ 2. Identify cell organelles : (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall, mitochondrion,
nuclear membrane, nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi
apparatus, vacuole, chloroplasts, lysosomes).
_____ 3. Explain functions of the cell organelles.
_____ 4. Recognize different types of tissues. ( epithelial, nerve, bone,
blood, muscle.)
_____5. Compare and contrast major components and functions of different
types of cells.
_____ 6. Trace the levels of organization in a living organism from smallest to
_____ Objective 3d. Describe heredity as the passage of instructions from one
generation to another and recognize that hereditary information is
contained in genes located in the chromosomes of each cell.
_____ 1. Differentiate between: homozygous, heterozygous, purebred, hybrid,
genotype, phenotype
_____ 2. Interpret information from a Punnett square
_____ 3. Define: gene, chromosome, DNA and relate these terms to each other.
_____ 4. Recognize advantages and disadvantages of purebreds and hybrids.
_____ 5. Analyze a pedigree diagram to predict the inheritance for a particular
trait for a family member.
_____ Objective 3f. Develop a logical argument for or against research
conducted in selective breeding and genetic engineering, including (but
not limited to) research conducted in Mississippi.
_____ 1. Explain terms related to selective breeding and genetic engineering and
identify examples.
_____2. Be able to consider the pros and cons of selective breeding and genetic
engineering and logically argue for or against research conducted in
_____ Objective 3a – Analyze how adaptations to a particular environment (e.g.
desert, aquatic, high altitude) can increase an organism’s survival and
reproduction and relate organisms and their ecological niches to
evolutionary change and extinction.
_____ 1. Relate the terms: variations and natural selection to adaptations of
_____ 2. Recognize and identify examples of structural, behavioral, and
social adaptations of organisms in different ecosystems.
_____ 3. Explain evolution of populations over time, extinction, and
conservation biology.