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(M.Pharm., Ph.D.)
Sub: Biology (056) (E)
Time: 1.5 hour
STD-12 (Semester-3)
1. The incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration results in the formation of
(a) Fructose and water
(b) Glucose and carbon dioxide
(c) Alcohol and CO2 (d) Water and CO2
2. The most readily available source of energy in a cell is
(b) ATP
(c) Glucose
(d) Sucrose
3. In fermentation
(a) Energy is consumed
(b) Energy is liberated
(c) Energy is neither consumed nor liberated
(d) Energy is stored
4. Respiratory enzymes are localised in
(a) ribosmomes
(b) chloroplast
(c) mitochondria
(d) none of the above
5. Respiration is an
(a) Exothermic process
(b) Endothermic process (c) Anabolic process (d) None of these
6. In how many steps is CO2 released in aerobic respiration
(a) One or two
(b) Three
(c) Six
(d) Twelve
7. R.Q. of germinating ground nut & castor seed is
(a) 1
(b) < 1
(c) >1
(d) 0
8. Which of the following scientist discovered the conventional path of anaerobic glycolysis
(a) Embeden, Myerhoff and Parnas
(b) Emerson, Hoffman and Peterson
(c) Embeden, Morrison and Pitcher
(d) Warburg, Dickens and Horecker
9. The enzyme which converts glucose to glucose - 6 phosphate (a) Phosphorylase (b) Gluco-phosphorylase (c) Hexokinase
(d) Phospho glucomutase
10. How many molecules of ATP are produced per molecule of FADH2 oxidised?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
11. The full form of NAD is
(a) Nicotine adenosine diphosphate
(b) Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide
(c) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(d) Nicotinamide adenine diphosphate
12. Product formed by the activity of malic dehydrogenase is
(a) Fumaric acid
(b) Malic acid
(c) Oxaloacetic acid (d) Succinic acid
13. Which is the connecting link between glycolysis and Krebs’ cycle?
(a) Iso-citric acid
(b) Acetyl CoA
(c) a-keto glutaric acid
(d) Glucose
14. The net gain of ATP molecules in glycolysis is:
(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
15. In oxidation of one molecule of glucose during respiration, 36 molecules of ATP are liberated
as follows:
(a) 2 ATP molecules outside the mitochondria and 34 ATP molecules inside the mitochondria
(b) All the 36 ATP molecules inside the mitochondria
(c) 2 ATP molecules during glycolysis and 34 ATP molecules during Krebs’ cycle
(d) 2 ATP molecules during glycolysis and 34 ATP molecules during respiratory chain
16. When the NADH2 formed in glycolysis reacts with an inorganic element the nature of
respiration is?
(a) Aerobic/oxy respiration
(b) Anaerobic respiration
M.No. : 09898715582,
E-mail: [email protected]
Page 1
(M.Pharm., Ph.D.)
(c) Fermentation
(d) Photorespiration
17. Most of enzymes which participate in Krebs’ cycle are found in:
(a) Matrix of mitochondria
(b) Inner membrane of mitochondria
(c) Outer membrane of mitochondria
(d) Stroma of chloroplast
18. In anaerobic respiration pyruvic acid in muscle forms:
(a) Alcohol
(b) Lactic acid
(c) Acetaldehyde
(d) Acetyl coenzyme
19. Which of the following is required for conversion of 3-PGAL and dihydroxy acetone phosphate
to fructose 1,6-diphosphate?
(a) Hexokinase
(b) Phosphatase
(c) Aldolase
(d) Transketolase
20. During anaerobic respiration in yeast:
(a) H2O, CO2 and energy are the only end products (b) H2O, C6H12O6 and energy are the end products
(c) CO2, C2H5OH and energy are the end products (d) Water and CO2 are the end products
21. R.Q. value of 4 may be expected for the complete oxidation of which one of the following?
(a) Glucose
(b) Malic acid
(c) Oxalic acid
(d) Tartaric acid
22. In Krebs’ cycle, the conversion of succinyl CoA to succinic acid requires:
(a) Acetyl CoA + GDP + ip
(b) CoA + GTP + ip
(c) Acetyl CoA + GTP + ip
(d) GDP + ip
23. Anaerobic process after glycolysis is called:
(a) TCA
(b) Calvin cycle
(c) Krebs’ cycle
(d) Fermentation
24. The formation of acetyl coenzyme from pyruvic acid is the result of its:
(a) Reduction
(b) Dehydration
(c) Dephosphorylation
(d) Oxidative decarboxylation
25. Glycolysis give rise to
(a) 8ATP, 2NADH2, 2 Pyruvate
(b) 2ATP, 2CoA, 2NADH2
(c) 2ATP, 2NADH2,2 Pyruvate
(d) 2ATP, 2 Acetate, 2NADPH2
26. The universal hydrogen acceptor is
(a) NAD
(b) ATP
(c) Co A
(d) FMN
27. When malic acid is the respiratory substrate:
(a) The amount of CO2 released is more than the O2 consumed
(b) The amount of CO2 released is less than the O2 consumed
(c) The amount of CO2 released is equal to O2 consumed
(d) CO2 is not released
28. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is used in converting
(a) Pyruvate to glucose
(b) Glucose to pyruvate
(c) Pyruvic acid to lactic acid
(d) Pyruvate to acetyl Co-A
29. What causes R.Q. to vary ?
(a) Resp. Substrate (b) Light & O2
(c) Respi. Product (d) Temperature
30. The high energy phosphate produced in Krebs’ cycle when succinyl CoA is converted into
succinate is:
(a) ATP
(b) CTP
(c) GTP
(d) VTP
31. In which one of the following reactions, substrate level phosphorylation does not occur?
(a) 1,3-biphosphoglyceric acid to 3-phosphoglyceric acid
(b) Glucose-6-phosphate to Fructose-6-phosphate
(c) Succinyl CoA to Succinic acid
(d) Phosphoenol pyruvic acid to Pyruvic acid
M.No. : 09898715582,
E-mail: [email protected]
Page 2
(M.Pharm., Ph.D.)
32. The formula for the process of glycolysis is
[KCET 1994]
(a) C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2 O + 868 Kcla
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2 O + 686 Kcla
(c) C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2 O + 668 Kcla
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2 O + 686 cla
33. How many ATP is formed on the inner membrane of mitochondria diring anerobic respiration
(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
34. The number of maltose molecules required to produce 40 ATP molecules under anaerobic
conditions by a yeast cells is
35. Assertion : F1 particles are present in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
: An electron gradient formed on the inner mitochondrial membrane, forms ATP.
(a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
(b) If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
(c) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
(d) If both the assertion and reason are false
36. Which of the following is the source of respiration?
(a) Stored food
(b) RNA
(c) DNA
(d) ATP
37. Assertion :
Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate gives rise to lactate.
Under anaerobic condition, pyruvate gives rise to acetyl CoA.
(a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
(b) If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
(c) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
(d) If both the assertion and reason are false
38. Choose the correct combination of labelling the molecules involved in the pathway of
anaerobic respiration in yeast. (Kerala 2008)
(a) A-Ethanol B-CO2 C-Acetaldehyde
(b) A-CO2 B - Ethanol C-Acetaldehyde
(c) A-CO2 B-Acetaldehyde C-Ethanol
(d) A-Acetaldehyde B-CO2 C-Ethanol
How many molecules of substrate based ATP are synthesized during glycolysis?
(a) 2 ATP
(b) 4 ATP
(c) 6 ATP
(d) 8 ATP
Name the coenzyme used for activation of lactic acid dehydrogenase?
(a) NADH2
(b) FAD
(c) NAD
(d) FADH2
Que: 2 answer the following:
1. Explain Kreb’s cycle
2. Explain the oxidative phosphorylation and chemosmotic hypothesis.
M.No. : 09898715582,
E-mail: [email protected]
Page 3