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Why do organisms look or behave in certain ways?
Why do kids look similar to their parents?
• Traits are a feature you inherit.
• Traits are passed from parents to offspring.
• Sexually reproduced organisms are a unique blend of
both parent’s traits
• Traits can be physical or behavioral.
• Physical traits in animals can include features such
as wings, claws, fur, which may provide advantages
for that organism, we call these adaptations.
• Or the physical traits may just influence the
appearance of an organism such as eye color, hair
color, or right/left handedness.
• Behavioral traits may include actions such as nestbuilding, swimming, or migrating.
• Human behavioral traits can include being diurnal,
flinching, and the moro-reflex
Traits can be used for security to
identify each unique person.
So how does each trait get passed
from parents to form in an offspring?
• Your DNA provides the instructions for your
types of traits.
• Your body is made of trillions of cells, each one
with a nucleus.
• Inside each nucleus are 46 chromosomes.
You got 23 from mom, 23 from dad
• Chromosomes are made of many genes
• A gene is a long section of DNA (deoxyribonucleic
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What is DNA and how does it work?
• Ribosomes “read” the DNA and make proteins
• Proteins make up all the cells and structures of
your body (fingernails, skin, muscles, etc.)
• Proteins also make enzymes which help
chemical reactions, like digestion, occur in your
0DU what are enzymes
• Every inherited trait is controlled by one or more
DNA and our genes are a code for
making proteins which make our
Traits –
including hair
color and
poor eyesight,
are passed
generation to
Traits are passed from parents to
offspring in different combinations
each time.
Making you one of a kind!
Mascot Bracket 2016!
• Who has the winning traits?
• Make your group predictions and turn in your
bracket by 1pm today!
What is a gene?