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Plant Respiration
Respiration overview
• Retrieval of energy captured in photosynthesis; oxidation of carbohydrates
C6H12O6 + 6O2
6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
Overall pathway
• 1) Glycolysis
– Glucose converted to pyruvate
• 2) Citric Acid Cycle (aka Krebs or TCA cycle)
– Pyruvate converted to CO2 and electrons
• 3) Electron transport chain
– Electrons reduce O2 to H20 and create ATP
Energy storage
• Plants store energy in the form of the carbohydrates sucrose and starch
• In stroma of chloroplast, enzymes such as -amylase and
-amylase break
complex sugars down
• Products exported from chloroplast to cytosol through transport proteins in
plastid envelope
• Conversion of hexoses to pyruvate
• Anaerobic process that occurs in the cytosol
Glucose + 2NAD+ + 2ADP + 2P
2 Pyruvate + 2NADH + 2H+ 2H2O
Fate of pyruvate
• If oxygen is present (i.e., conditions are aerobic), pyruvate will cross the
mitochondrial membrane and enter the mitochondria
• If oxygen is absent (i.e. conditions are anaerobic), pyruvate will undergo
• Under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate + NADH converted to lactate or primarily
• Recycles NAD needed to oxidize Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate during
• Less efficient energy production than respiration (2 ATP per glucose)
The citric acid cycle
AKA Krebs or Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) cycle
In mitochondrial matrix...
Complete oxidation of pyruvate to CO2 and NADH (8 enzymatic steps)
The citric acid cycle
Begins with oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate (3C) to acetyl CoA (2C),
catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase
Citric acid cycle
Acetyl CoA (2C) condenses with oxaloacetate (4C) to form citrate (6C)
catalyzed by citrate synthase
Successive oxidation and decarboxylation of citrate to regenerate oxaloacetate
Citric acid cycle
OAA + Acetyl CoA + 3 H2O + ADP + P +3NAD- + FAD
OAA + 2CO2 + CoA + ATP + 3NADH + 3H+ + FADH2
• Two entire turns of the cycle to metabolize the equivalent of one hexose
(glucose) yields
Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation
• What happens to NADH?
• Across mitochondrial inner membrane...
• Electrons move through series of proteins in the mitochondrial membrane
• Electrons move from higher energy level to lower energy level, releasing
energy in the process
• O2 is final electron acceptor
Electron transport chain
• Proton gradient used to produce ATP through ATP synthase
Electron transport chain
• Net 3 ATP per NADH; 2 ATP per FADH2
– Yield 22 ATP
• 18 from 6 NADH
• 4 from 2 FADH2
Unique features of plant respiration
Plants have alternate membrane proteins in mitochondria
Unique plant respiration
• External NAD(P)H dehydrogenase -alternate source of electrons used to
reduce CoQ
• Complex I not involved, thus only 2 ATP can be produced
• Internal rotenone-insensitive dehydrogenase - oxidizes internal membrane
NADH only
Plant respiration
• Complex IV inhibited by CN, but much plant respiration continues with CN
• Cyanide (CN)-insensitive respiration - insensitive to many respiratory
inhibitors, uses alternative oxidase
• Energy converted to heat, rather than ATP
Unique plant respiration
• Role in heat generation (thermogenesis in skunk cabbage)
• Energy overflow metabolism when cytochrome pathway is saturated