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BioChem Ch 7
Structure-Function Relationships in Proteins
 Diseases can be caused by changes in protein structure that affect protein’s ability to bind other molecules and
carry out its function; can be caused by conformational changes in proteins that affect solubility and
 In amyloidosis (AL), Ig chains form insoluble protein aggregate (amyloid) in organs and tissues
 Alzheimer disease and familial amyloid polyneuropathy – neurodegenerative diseases characterized by
deposition of amyloid
 Prion diseases result from misfolding and aggregation of normal cellular protein
 Sickle cell anemia – mutation in Hgb, principally affects quaternary structure of Hgb and its solubility, not its
ability to bind O2
 Sequence of amino acids and primary structure determines way protein folds into 3D structure (native
conformation); once folded, 3D structure of protein forms binding sites for other molecules, thereby dictating
function of protein in body
o Protein must fold in such a way that it is flexible, stable, able to function in correct site in cell, and
capable of being degraded by cellular enzymes
 Rigidity of peptide backbone determines types of secondary structure that can occur
 In globular proteins such as myoglobin, tertiary structure generally forms densely packed hydrophobic core with
polar amino acid side chains on outside
 Quaternary structure – 2 or more subunits, each composed of polypeptide chain
 Tertiary structure of globular protein can be made up of structural domains (regions of structure that fold
independently); multiple domains can be linked together to form functional protein
o Within domain, combo of secondary structural elements forms fold, such as nucleotide-binding fold or
actin fold (folds defined by similarity in several different proteins)
 Assembly of globular polypeptide subunits into multisubunit complex (quaternary structure) can provide
opportunity for cooperative binding to ligands, form binding sites for complex molecules (antigen binding to Ig),
and increase stability of protein
 Polypeptide chains of fibrous proteins such as collagen aligned along axis, have repeating elements, and are
extensively linked to each other through hydrogen and covalent bonds
 Proteins form binding sites for specific molecules (ligands) or for another protein; affinity of binding site for
ligand characterized quantitatively by association or affinity constant (Ka) or its dissociation constant (Kd, such
that Kd = 1/Ka)
 Primary structure of protein dictates way it folds into tertiary structure, which is stable conformation that is
identical to shape of other molecules of same protein (native conformation)
 Chaperonins act as templates to overcome kinetic and thermodynamic barrier to reaching stable conformation
 Prion proteins cause neurodegenerative diseases by acting as template for misfolding
 Simplest test for detecting protein in urine is use of specific reagent test strips coated with tetrabromophenol
blue, buffered at pH 3.0; with protein, indicator dye is no longer as responsive to changes in pH unlike in
absence of protein; yellow color indicates that protein not detectable; as protein levels increase, yellow color
changes, going to green, then bluish green; useful qualitative test but to be more quantitative, different dyes
(which react specifically with particular amino acid side chains) used
o Different tests required to detect presence of specific protein in urine or sera
Descriptions of Protein Structure
 Proteins generally grouped into major structural classifications: globular proteins, fibrous proteins, and
transmembrane proteins
o Globular proteins – usually soluble in aqueous medium and resemble irregular balls
o Fibrous proteins – geometrically linear, arranged around single axis, and have repeating unit structure
o Transmembrane proteins – consist of proteins that have one or more regions aligned to cross lipid
o DNA-binding proteins (member of globular protein family) sometimes classified separately
 Forces involved in protein folding into final conformation primarily noncovalent interactions; include ionic
interactions, hydrophobic effect, hydrogen bonding, and van der Waals interactions
Requirements of Three-Dimensional Structure
 Protein must create binding site specific for just one molecule or group of molecules with similar structural
properties; specific binding sites of protein usually define biologic functions
 3D structure must exhibit degrees of flexibility and rigidity required to carry out specific function; some rigidity
essential for creation of binding sites and stable structure, but appropriate degree of flexibility and mobility in
structure enables protein to fold as it is synthesized and to adapt as it binds other proteins and small molecules
 Conformation must be stable, with little tendency to undergo refolding into form that can’t fulfill its function or
that precipitates in cell
 Must have structure that can be degraded when damaged or no longer needed in cell
 Almost every region of primary structure participates in fulfilling one or more of above requirements through
chemical properties of peptide bonds and individual amino acid side chains
Three-Dimensional Structure of Peptide Backbone
 Amino acids joined sequentially by peptide bonds between carboxyl group of one amino acid and amide gropu
of next amino acid in sequence – usually assumes trans configuration in which successive α-carbons and their R
groups located on opposite sides of peptide bond
 Polypeptide backbone can bend in very restricted way; peptide bond itself is hybrid of 2 resonance structures,
one of which has double-bond character, so carboxyl and amide groups that form bond must remain planar; as
consequence, peptide backbone consists of sequence of rigid planes formed by peptide groups
 Rotation within certain allowed angles (torsion angels) can occur around bond between α-carbon and α-amino
group and around bond between α-carbon and carbonyl group; rotation subject to steric constraints that
maximized distance between atoms in different amino acid side chains and prohibit torsion angles that place
side-chain atoms too close to each other
Secondary Structure
 Secondary structures – regions within polypeptide chains forming recurring, localized structures
 Both α-helix and β-sheet contain repeating elements formed by hydrogen bonding between atoms of peptide
 Other regions form irregular, nonrepetitive secondary structures such as loops and coils
 α-helix common secondary structural element of globular proteins, membrane-spanning domains, and DNAbinding proteins; has rigid stable conformation that maximizes hydrogen bonding while maintaining allowed
rotation angles of polypeptide backbone
o Peptide backbone formed by hydrogen bonds between each carbonyl oxygen atom and amide hydrogen
of amino acid residue located 4 residues farther down the chain ; each peptide bond connected by H
bonds to peptide bond 4 AA residues ahead of it and 4 AA residues behind it
o Core of helix tightly packed, thereby maximizing association energies between atoms
o Trans side chains of AAs project backward and outward from helix, thereby avoiding steric hindrance
with polypeptide backbone and with each other
o Proline, because its N is part of its cyclic structure, cannot form appropriate bond angles to fit into αhelix, so proline is the helix breaker
 β-sheets – H bonding usually occurs between regions of separate neighboring polypeptide strands aligned
parallel to each other; carbonyl oxygen of one peptide bond is H-bonded to N of peptide bond on adjacent
strand; optimal H bonding occurs when sheet is bent (pleated)
o β-sheet described as parallel if polypeptide strands run in same direction (as defined by amino and
carboxy terminals), and antiparallel if they run in opposite directions
o Antiparallel strands often same polypeptide chain folded back on itself, with simple hairpin turns or long
runs of polypeptide chain connecting strands
o Amino acid side chains alternate between extending above or below plane of sheet
o Parallel sheets tend to have hydrophobic residues on both sides of sheets; antiparallel sheets usually
have hydrophobic side and hydrophilic side
o Frequently, sheets twist in one direction
o In antiparallel sheet, atoms involved in H bonding are directly opposite each other
o In parallel sheet, atoms involved in H bonding slightly skewed from one another, such that one amino
acid is H-bonded to 2 others in opposite strand
Bends, loops, and turns are irregular secondary structures that do not have repeating element of H bond
formation; characterized by abrupt change of direction and often found on protein surface
o β-turns – short regions that usually involve 4 successive AA residues; often connect strands of
antiparallel β-sheets
o Surface of large globular proteins usually has at least one omega loop (structure with a neck like Ω)
 LDH typical of globular proteins, which average 31% α-helical structure and 28% β-sheet structure
o Helices of globular domains have average span of 12 residues, corresponding to 304 helical turns
(though many are longer)
o Sheets are average of 6 residues long and 6 wide (2-15 strands); generally twist to the right rather than
life flat
o Most globular domains contain motifs (relatively small arrangements of secondary structure recognized
in many different proteins (for example, certain β-strands connected with α-helices to form βαβαβ
structural motif)
o Remaining polypeptide segments connecting helices and sheets have coil or loop conformation; some of
these have names, and some appear disordered or irregular; nonregular regions (coils) are stabilized
through specific H bonds dictated by primary sequence of protein and do not vary from one molecule of
protein to another of same protein
o Irregular coils, loops, and other segments usually more flexible than relatively rigid helices and sheets;
often form hinge regions that allow segments of polypeptide chain to move as compound binds or to
move as protein folds around another molecule
 Amyloid fibril structure composed of repeated β-sheets aligned orthogonally (perpendicular) to axis of fiber
o In amyloid diseases, amyloid derived from different protein that has changed its conformation to that of
amyloid repeated β-sheet structure
o Once amyloid deposition begins, it proceeds rapidly as if fibril itself were promoting formation and
deposition of more fibrils (seeding)
o Different clinical presentations of each disease result from differences in function of native protein and
site of amyloid deposition
Tertiary Structure
 Tertiary structure of protein is folding pattern of secondary structural elements in to 3D conformation
 Creates specific and flexible binding sites for ligands
 Maintains residues on surface appropriate for protein’s cellular location, polar residues for cytosolic proteins,
and hydrophobic residues for transmembrane proteins
 3D structure of protein flexible and dynamic, with rapidly fluctuating movement in exact position of AA side
chains and domains; fluctuations wiggle without unfolding
o Allow ions and water to diffuse through structure and provide alternative conformations for ligand
 Forces that maintain tertiary structure are H bonds, ionic bonds, van der Waal’s interactions, hydrophobic
effect, and disulfide bond formation
 Tertiary structure of large complex protein often described in terms of physically independent regions
(structural domains); each domain formed from continuous sequence of AAs in polypeptide chain that are
folded into 3D structure independently of rest of protein, and domains are connected through simpler structure
such as loop
o Structural features of each domain can be discussed independently of another domain in same protein,
and structural features in one domain may not match that of other domains in same protein
 Folds – relatively large patterns of 3D structure that have been recognized in many proteins, including proteins
from different branches of phylogenetic tree
o Characteristic activity associated with each fold, such as ATP binding and hydrolysis (actin fold) or NAD+
binding (nucleotide-binding fold)
 Actin fold – ATP bound in middle of cleft of actin fold by AA residues contributed by domains on both sides; ATP
binding promotes conformational change that closes cleft; once bound ATP cleaved to ADP and phosphate
o Actin fold found in actin (polymerizes to form cytoskeleton), heat shock protein 70 (hsp70 – uses ATP
energy in changing conformation of other proteins), and hexokinase (catalyzes phosphorylation of
glucose – these three look nothing like each other, but actin folds are almost superimposable
Amount of sequence identity they have in common is consistent with membership in same fold
family and establishes that they are homologs of same ancestral protein
 In all these proteins, ATP binding results in large conformational changes that contribute to
function of protein
 Nucleotide-binding fold – formed by one domain; fold is binding site for NAD+ or, in other proteins, molecules
with generally similar structure (e.g., riboflavin); many proteins that bind NAD+ or NADP+ contain very different
fold from separate fold family
o These 2 different NAD+-binding folds arise from different ancestral lines and have different structures,
but have similar properties and function (believed to be product of convergent evolution)
 Most globular proteins soluble in cell; in general, core of globular domain has high content of AAs with nonpolar
side chains out of contact with aqueous medium (hydrophobic effect)
o Hydrophobic core densely packed to maximize attractive van der Waals forces, which exert themselves
over short distances
o Charged polar AA side chains generally located on surface of protein, where they form ion pairs (salt
bridges, ionic interactions) or are in contact with aqueous solvent; charged side chains often bind
inorganic ions to decrease repulsion between like charges
 When charged amino acids located on interior, they are generally involved in forming specific
binding sites
 Polar uncharged AA side chains usually found in surface of protein, but may occur in interior, Hbonded to other side chains
 Cystine disulfide bonds (bond formed between 2 cysteine sulfhydryl groups) sometimes involved
in formation of tertiary structure
 Transmembrane proteins, such as β2-adrenergic receptor, contain membrane-spanning domains and
intracellular and extracellular domains on either side of membrane
o Many ion channel proteins, transport proteins, neurotransmitter receptors, and hormone receptors
contain similar membrane-spanning segments that are α-helices with hydrophobic residues exposed to
lipid bilayer – connected by loops containing hydrophilic AA side chains that extend into aqueous
medium on both sides of membrane
o In β2-adrenergic receptor, helices clump together so extracellular loops form surface that acts as binding
site for hormone adrenaline – binding site sometimes called functional domain even though it is not
formed from continuous segment of polypeptide chain
 Once adrenaline binds to receptor, conformational change in arrangement of rigid helical
structures transmitted to intracellular domains that form binding site for heterotrimeric G
protein (GTP-binding protein); thus receptors require both rigidity and flexibility to transmit
signals across PM
o Transmembrane proteins usually have several post-translational modifications that provide additional
chemical groups to fulfill requirements of 3D structure
 Amino terminus of β2-adrenergic receptor (residues 1-34) extends out of membrane and has
branched high-mannose oligosaccharides linked through N-glycosidic bonds to amide of
asparagines; part of receptor anchored in lipid PM by palmitoyl group that forms thioester with
–SH residue of cysteine; -COOH terminus, which extends into cytoplasm, has several serine and
threonine phosphorylation sites that regulate receptor activity
Quaternary Structure
 Association of individual polypeptide chain subunits in geometrically and stoichiometrically specific manner
o Oligomers – proteins that have a few subunits (unspecified) combined to make one protein
 Subunits of particular protein always combine in same number and in same way because binding between
subunits dictated by tertiary structure, which is dictated by primary structure, which is determined by genetic
 Protomer – unit structure within protein composed of multiple, nonidentical subunits (Hgb is tetramer of α2β2,
but one α-β pair can be called a protomer)
 Oligomer – multisubunit protein composed of identical subunits (i.e., F-actin)
 Multimer – generic term for complex with many subunits of more than one type
Insulin composed of 2 nonidentical polypeptide chains attached to each other through disulfide bonds between
chains; subunits of globular proteins generally not held together by disulfide bonds, but regions of same chain
may be connected by disulfide bonds that form as chain folds
o Insulin fits generalization because it is synthesized as single polypeptide chain, which forms disulfide
bonds; subsequently, proteolytic enzyme in secretory vesicles clips polypeptide chain into 2 nonidentical
o Generally each subunit of most protomers and oligomers synthesized as separate polypeptide chain
o In fibrous proteins, which have regular sometimes repeating sequence of AAs, interchain and intrachian
covalent binding serves different functions
 In collagen, extensive interchain binding provides great tensile strength
 Contact regions between subunits of globular proteins resemble interior of single subunit protein: contain
closely packed nonpolar side chains, H bonds involving polypeptide backbones and their side chains, and
occasional ionic bonds or salt bridges
 Subunits of globular proteins rarely held together by interchain disulfide bonds and never by other covalent
bonds; fibrous and other structural proteins may be extensively linked to other proteins through covalent bonds
 Assembly into multisubunit structure increases stability of protein; increase in size increase number of possible
interactions between AA residues, and therefore makes it more difficult for protein to unfold and refold; as a
result, many soluble proteins composed of 2-4 identical or nearly identical subunits
 Multisubunit structure enables protein to exhibit cooperation between subunits in binding ligands or to form
binding sites with high affinity for large molecules; different subunits can have different activities and cooperate
in common function
Quantitation of Ligand Binding
 Association constant (Ka) is equilibrium constant for binding reaction of ligand (L) and protein (P)
[LP]/[L][P] = Ka = 1/Kd
o The tighter the binding of ligand to protein, the higher the Ka and lower the Kd
o Ka useful for comparing proteins produced by different alleles or describing affinity of receptor for
different drugs
Structure-Function Relationships in Myoglobin and Hemoglobin
 Myoglobin and hemoglobin are 2 oxygen-binding proteins with very similar primary structures
o Myoglobin is globular protein composed of single polypeptide chain that has one O2-binding site
o Hemoglobin is tetramer composed of 2 different types of subunits; each subunit has strong sequence
homology to myoglobin and contains O2-binding site
 Tetrameric structure of Hgb facilitates saturation with O2 in lungs and release of O2 as it travels through capillary
 When amount of O2 bound to myoglobin or Hgb plotted against PO2, hyperbolic curve obtained for myoglobin
but sigmoidal for Hgb (myoglobin is much more to the left than Hgb)
 Myoglobin present in heart and skeletal muscle; can bind O2 released by Hgb, which it stores to meet demands
of contraction; as O2 used in muscle cell for generation of ATP during contraction, it is released from myoglobin
and picked up by cytochrome oxidase (heme-containing enzyme in electron-transport chains that has even
higher affinity for O2 than myoglobin)
 Myoglobin readily released from skeletal muscle or cardiac tissue when cell damaged; large injuries to skeletal
muscle that result from physical crushing or lack of ATP production result in cellular swelling and release of
myoglobin and other proteins into blood
o Myoglobin passes into urine (myoglobinuria) and turns urine red because heme (which is red) remains
covalently attached to protein
o During AMI, myoglobin is one of first proteins released into blood from damaged cardiac tissue;
however amount released not high enough to cause myoglobinuria
o Because myoglobin not present in skeletal muscle and heart as tissue-specific isozymes, and amount
released from heart much smaller than amount that can be released from large skeletal muscle injury,
myoglobin measurements not specific for MI
o Because of lack of specificity in myoglobin measurements, cardiac markers of choice for detection of MIs
are heart isozyme of troponins (I and/or T), and CK
Tertiary structure of myoglobin consists of 8 α-helices connected by short coils (globin fold); unusual for a
globular protein because it has no β-sheets; helices create hydrophobic O2-binding pocket, containing tightly
bound heme with Fe2+ in its center
o Negatively charged propionate groups on porphyrin ring interact with arginine and histidine side chains
from Hgb, and hydrophobic methyl and vinyl groups that extend out from porphyrin ring interact with
hydrophobic AA side chains from Hgb, positioning heme group within protein
o About 16 different interactions between myoglobin AAs and different groups in porphyrin ring
o In binding pocket of myoglobin, O2 binds directly to Fe2+ on one side of planar porphyrin ring; Fe2+ able
to chelate 6 different ligands (4 of ligand positions in plane and taken by central N’s in planar porphyrin
ring and 2 perpendicular to this plane: one taken by N on a histidine (proximal histidine) which extends
down from myoglobin helix and other taken by O2, CO, or remains empty)
 Proximal histidine of myoglobin and Hgb sterically repelled by heme porphyrin ring, so when
histidine binds Fe2+ in middle of ring, it pulls Fe2+ above plane of ring
 When O2 binds on other side of ring, it pulls Fe2+ back into plane of ring – pull of O2 moves
proximal histidine toward porphyrin ring, which moves helix containing proximal histidine,
causing conformational change that has no effect on function of myoglobin
o Movement of one helix of Hgb leads to movement of other helices in that subunit, including one in
corner of subunit that is in contact with different subunit through ionic interactions (salt bridges); loss of
salt bridges induces conformational changes in all other subunits, and all 4 subunits may change in
concerted manner from original conformation to new conformation
 Sickle cell anemia – caused by wrong quaternary structure; vaso-occlusive crises caused by polymerization of
HbS molecules into long fibers that distort shape of RBCs into sickle cells
o Substitution of hydrophobic valine for glutamate in β2 chain creates hydrophobi knog on surface of
deoxygenated HbS that fits into hydrophobic binding pocket on β1 subunit of a different Hgb molecule
o Third HbS molecule, which binds to first and second molecules through aligned polar interactions, binds
a fourth HbS through its valine knob, and polymerization continues until long fibers formed
o Polymerization of Hgb molecules highly depends on concentration of HbS and is promoted by
conformation of deoxygenated molecules
o At 100% O2 saturation, even high concentrations of HbS will not polymerize
o RBC spends longest amount of time at lower O2 concentrations of venous capillary bed, where
polymerization most likely initiated
 Cooperativity of O2 binding in Hgb comes from conformational changes in tertiary structure that take place
when O2 binds; changes from T (tense) state with low affinity for O2 to R (relaxed) state with high affinity for O2
o Breaking salt bridges in contacts between subunits is energy-requiring process and, consequently,
binding rate for first O2 is very low
o When next O2 binds, many Hgb molecules containing one O2 will already have all 4 subunits in R state, so
rate of binding much higher
o With 2 O2 molecules bound, even higher percentage of Hgb will have all 4 subunits in R state (positive
cooperativity – responsible for sigmoidal O2 saturation curve)
Structure-Function Relationships in Immunoglobulins
 Immunoglobulins – all have similar structure: 2 identical small polypeptide chains (light chains) and 2 identical
large polypeptide chains (heavy chains); chains joined to each other by disulfide bonds
 IgG (γ-globulins) – most abundant Ig in human blood; have attached oligosaccharides that participate in
targeting protein for clearance from blood
o Both light and heavy chains consist of domains (immunoglobulin fold) which is collapsed number of βsheets (β-barrel)
 Both light and heavy chains contain variable regions and constant regions; variable regions of L and H chains
interact to produce single antigen-binding site at each branch of Y-shaped molecule
 Each population (clone) of B cells produces antibody with different AA composition in variable region that is
complementary to structure of antigen that elicits that response
 Kd of antibodies for their specific antigens is extremely small, so antigen binds very tightly with almost no
tendency to dissociate and can be removed from circulation as antigen-antibody complex ingested by
Constant domains that form Fc part of antibody important for binding antigen-antibody complex to phagocytic
cells for clearance and other aspects of immune response
 Can prove that Igs produced by single clone by doing electrophoresis and looking for spike of lots of Igs in same
area (plasma cell dyscrasia)
 In amyloidosis/AL, amyloid formed from degradation of products of λ or κ-light chains that deposit most
frequently in ECM of kidney and heart, but also may deposit in tongue
o In other types of amyloidosis, amyloid arises from other proteins and deposits in characteristic organ
 Amyloid associated with chronic inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, derived
from serum protein (serum amyloid A) produced by liver in response to inflammation; deposits
most frequently in kidney
o Treatment is only partially successful – most efficacious approach involves stem cell transplantation in
concert with immunosuppression; if patient not candidate for transplantation, then drugs such as
melphalan (antineoplastic agent) and dexamethasone (steroid) can be used
o Renal and cardiac transplantation have been performed with some success
 Antibodies useful for radioimmunoassay (radioactive-tagged antibodies bind to whatever you want, then
separate that from solution and measure bound radioactivity); useful for measuring small amounts of hormones
present in blood for diagnosis of endocrine diseases
Protein Folding
 Sequence of AA side chains (determined by primary structure) dictates fold pattern of 3D structure and
assembly of subunits into quaternary structure
 Under certain conditions, denatured proteins can refold into their native conformation, regaining original
 Proteins can be denatured with organic molecules such as urea that disrupt H-bonding patterns (both of protein
and water) and convert protein to soluble random coil; many simple single-subunit proteins such as
ribonuclease denatured this way will fold spontaneously back to native conformation if brought back to
physiologic conditions
o Even complex multisubunit proteins containing bound cofactors can sometimes renature spontaneously
under right conditions
o Very little difference seen in energy state of native state and several other stable conformations that
protein might assume
o If misfolded proteins do not precipitate into aggregates, they can be degraded in cell by proteolytic
reactions or even refolded
o Not all proteins fold into native conformation on their own; as protein starts folding, it passes through
many high-energy conformations that slow process (kinetic barriers) that can be overcome by heatshock proteins, which use energy provided by ATP hydrolysis to assist in folding process
 Heat-shock proteins have different families with different activities
 Hsp70 proteins bind to nascent polypeptide chains as their synthesis is being completed to keep
uncompleted chains from folding prematurely; also unfold proteins before insertion through
membrane of mitochondria and other organelles
 Hsp60 family called chaperonins; unfolded protein fits into barrel cavity that excludes water and
serves as template for folding process; hydrolysis of several ATP molecules used to overcome
energy barriers to reaching native conformation
o Cis-trans isomerase and protein disulfide isomerase participate in folding
 Cis-trans isomerase converts trans peptide bond preceding proline into cis conformation, well
suited for making hairpin turns
 Disulfide isomerase breaks and reforms disulfide bonds between –SH groups of 2 cysteine
residues in transient structures formed during folding process; after protein folded, cysteine-SH
groups in close contact in tertiary structure can react to form final disulfide bonds
 Primary structure of mature insulin different from that of its precursor (preproinsulin)
o Proinsulin forms 3D structure, then C-peptide removed from protein by proteolytic cleavage, thereby
altering primary structure of protein; change in primary structure does not allow denatured mature
insulin to refold into an active conformation
Amino acids on proteins undergo wide range of chemical modifications not catalyzed by enzymes, such as
nonenzymatic glycosylation or oxidation
o Lead to loss of function and denaturation of protein, sometimes to form that cannot be degraded in cell
o Nonenzymatic glycosylation – glucose present in blood, interstitial fluid, or intracellular fluid, binds to
exposed amino group on protein; 2-step process forms irreversibly glycosylated protein
 Proteins that turn over very slowly in body, such as collagen or Hgb, exist with significant
fraction present in glycosylated form
 Because reaction is nonenzymatic, rate proportionate to concentration of glucose present, and
indivduals with hyperglycemia have much higher levels of glycosylated proteins
o Collagen and other glycosylated proteins in tissues further modified by nonenzymatic oxidation and
form additional cross-links; net result is formation of large protein aggregates (advanced glycosylation
end products (AGEs); AGEs accumulate with age, even in individuals with normal blood glucose levels
Rate of irreversible nonenzymatic glycosylation of Hgb and other proteins directly proportional to glucose
concentration to which they are exposed over last 4 months; danger of sustained hyperglycemia is, over time,
many proteins become glycosylated and subsequently oxidized, affecting solubility and ability to function
o Glycosylation of collagen in heart results in cardiomyopathy in patients with chronic uncontrolled DM
o Glycosylation of Hgb has little effect on its function
Proteins can be denatured by changes (pH, temp, solvent) that disrupt ionic, H, and hydrophobic bonds
o At low pH, ionic bonds and H bonds formed by carboxylate groups disrupted, and at alkaline pH, H and
ionic bonds formed by basic AAs would be disrupted
o Proteins denatured by gastric juice of stomach (pH 1-2); pH cannot break peptide bonds, disruption of
native conformation makes protein better substrate for digestive enzymes
o Temperature increases vibrational and rotational energies in bonds, affecting energy balance that goes
into making stable 3D conformation (i.e., albumin under heat converts to denatured white precipitate
instead of translucent native state)
o Protein precipitates can sometimes be dissolved by amphipathic agents (urea, guanidine hydrochloride,
or sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) that form extensive H bonds and hydrophobic interactions with protein
o Hydrophobic molecules can denature proteins by disturbing hydrophobic interactions in protein; longchain fatty acids can inhibit many enzyme-catalyzed reactions by binding nonspecifically to hydrophobic
pockets in proteins and disrupting hydrophobic interactions (long-chain fatty acids and other highly
hydrophobic molecules have their own binding proteins in cell)
Prion proteins cause neurodegenerative disease by acting as template to misfold other cellular prion proteins
into form that cannot be degraded
o Prion = proteinaceous infectious agent
o Prion diseases can be acquired through infection (mad cow disease) or from sporadic or inherited
mutations (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD))
o Mad cow disease in UK (new-variant CJD); growth-hormone inoculations in U.S. and France (iatrogenic
or doctor-induced CJD); ritualistic cannibalism in Fore tribespeople (Kuru) – all rare but have publicity
o Prion protein normally found in brain and is encoded by gene normally component of human genome;
disease-causing form of prion protein has same AA composition but is folded into different
conformation that aggregates into multimeric protein complexes resistant to proteolytic degradation
o Normal conformation of prion protein is PrPc and disease-causing form is PrPSc (sc for prion disease
scrapies in sheep) – although PrPSc and PrPc have same AA composition, PrPSc conformer substantially
enriched in β-sheet structure compared with normal PrPc conformer, which has little or no β-sheet
structure and about 40% α-helix
 Both conformations have similar energy levels
 Spontaneous refolding of PrP proteins into PrPSc conformation prevented by large activation
energy barrier that makes conversion extremely slow (3000-4000 years), so very few (if any)
PrPSc normally formed in lifetime
 Infectious disease occurs with ingestion of PrPSc dimers in which prion protein already folded
into high β-structure; PrPSc proteins act as template to lower activation energy barrier for
conformational change, causing native proteins to refold into PrPSc conformation much more
rapidly (like chaperonins); refolding initiates cascade as each new PrPSc formed acts as template
for refolding other molecules
 As number of PrPSc molecules increase in cell, they aggregate into multimeric assembly resistant
to proteolytic digestion; once aggregate begins to form, concentration of free PrPSc decreases,
shifting equilibrium between PrP and PrPSc to produce more PrPSc, which leads to further
aggregate formation and shifting equilibrium further in that direction
o Prion diseases categorized as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (neurodegenerative diseases
characterized by spongiform degeneration and astrocytic gliosis in CNS); frequently protein aggregates
and amyloid plaques seen
o Familial prion diseases caused by point mutations in gene encoding Pr protein; diseases’ names related
to different mutations and clinical syndrome
o Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (fCJD) arises form inherited mutation and has autosomal dominant
pedigree; typicall presents in 4th decade of life; mutation lowers energy required for protein to fold into
PrPSc conformation, thereby conversion occurs more readily
 Lowering activation energy for refolding by mutation decreases time of spontaneous generation
to 30-40 year prodromal (early symptom indicating disease) period
o Sporadic CJD may arise from somatic cell mutation or rare spontaneous refolding that initiates cascade
of refolding into PrPSc conformation – this accounts for 85% of all cases of CJD)
Basics of Hemoglobin Cooperativity
 All subunits of Hgb contain 8 helices (labeled A through H), with A representing helix at amino-terminal end
 Deoxygenated form of Hgb stabilized by
o Asp 94 of F helix of β-chain, through carboxylate side chain, forms salt bridge (ionic interaction) with
charged imidazole group of His 146, which is carboxy-terminal AA in β-chain
o Carbonyl carbon of Val 98 forms H bond with tyrosine hydroxyl group at position 145 (next-to-last AA in
β-chain); this positions helices F and H in close proximity
o Free carboxylate group of His 146 (of β-chain) forms salt bridge with ε-amino group of side chain of Lys
40 of corresponding α-chain; salt bridge allows communication between these 2 subunits and places βchain H helix close to α-subunit
 In β-chain, proximal His 92 (8th AA of F helix or F8) forms coordinate covalent bond with iron in heme, and in so
doing, pulls iron slightly out of plane of heme ring (all occurring during deoxygenated state)
 O2 binds to iron in bent conformation, triggering movement of iron into plane of heme ring
o Because iron also covalently linked to histidine F8, entire F helix and FG corner also move
o Asp 94 in F helix – because it is moved (because of movement of F helix), it can no longer form salt
bridge with imidazole of His 146, which weakens interactions between F and H helices
o Valine 98 in FG corner of β-subunit, so as that moves, H bond formed between Val 98 and Tyr 145 (at
end of H helix) also broken
o Caused in part by loss of interactions between F and H helices, H helix moves, and in so doing, breaks
ionic interaction between His 146 and Lys 40 of α-subunit; this leads to rotation of one αβ-dimer relative
to other αβ-dimer, and will allow O2 to bind more readily to other subunits
 Disruption of bonds (sequence described above) has to occur for O2 to bind, which is why it takes high
concentration of O2 to get first O2 bound to Hgb
o At low O2 levels, O2 can dissociate from iron, which allows T form to re-form and allows salt bridges and
H bonds, which stabilize deoxygenated form, to reform
o If O2 concentration high such that iron continuously occupied with O2, oxygenation of Hgb will occur
better as events of oxygenation more likely to occur