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Name: ________________________________________________
Lesson 2 Rome as a Republic
Guided Reading
Essential Question
How do governments change?
Governing Rome
1. Comparing As you read, fill in the web diagrams below with facts about plebeians and patricians.
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Name: ________________________________________________
2. Identifying List the government officials of the republic.
3. Identifying List the legislative bodies of the republic
4. Drawing Conclusions What was the goal of the Roman legal system?
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Name: ________________________________________________
5. Summarizing What legal tools did the Roman Republic use to uphold the rule of law?
The Punic Wars
6. Sequencing Put the following events of the Punic Wars in order from first to last.
a. Scipio attacks Carthage.
b. Roman navy defeats Carthage off the coast of Sicily.
c. Carthage is burned by Roman soldiers.
d. Spain rebels against Carthaginian rule.
e. Hannibal defeats the Romans at Cannae.
f. Rome seeks control of Sicily.
7. Identifying What important innovation did the Romans introduce to naval fighting?
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Name: ________________________________________________
Answer Key
1. Possible answers A–E: poor, farmers, artisans, shopkeepers, had right to vote, could not marry patricians,
could not be in government
2. Possible answers in circles A–E: wealthy, landowners, could hold public office, served in army, had right to
3. consuls; praetors; tribunes; dictator
4. Senate; Assembly of Centuries; Council of Plebs
5. The Romans’ aim was to ensure that laws were applied to all citizens equally.
6. Rome’s legal tools included the Twelve Tables, the Law of Nations, and its courts.
7. f, b, d, e, a, c
8. The Romans invented moveable bridges for their ships, which allowed their soldiers to board Carthaginian
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