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Chapter 7 Ancient Rome
Section 2 The Roman Republic
Vocabulary p. 166
1. Republic –A government in which citizens have the right to choose their
2. Senate – The lawmaking body of ancient Rome.
3. Consul – One of two people elected by the Roman Senate who governed
Rome and commanded its army.
4. Patrician – A member of a class of wealthy families who held all power in
the early Roman Republic.
5. Plebeian – A member of the common people in ancient Rome.
6. Tribune – An elected official in ancient Rome who represented the interests
of the plebeians, or common people.
7. Twelve Tables – A group of laws, written down in 451 B.C. and carved on
12 bronze tablets; it became the foundation of Roman law.
8. Hannibal – A general from Carthage who led his people against Rome in the
Second Punic War.
9. Scipio – Roman general who defeated Hannibal.
10.Carthage – An ancient city in North Africa. Carthage challenged Rome in a
series of wars called the Punic Wars, but was eventually destroyed by the