Download WHI.6 SOL Review: Ancient Rome 1. Explain the location of ancient

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WHI.6 SOL Review: Ancient Rome
1. Explain the location of ancient Rome.
12. Who were the Patricians?
13. Who were the Plebeians?
2. Explain the significance of the Mediterranean
Sea: What does it offer for Ancient Rome?
14. On what was slavery based?
15. Citizenship was extended to which groups?
3. What significance did the Alps play for the
development of Roman civilization?
16. Explain the assemblies and the senate?
Which group comprised each organization and
which organization held more power?
4. What is the difference between a direct
democracy and a democratic republic?
17. What role did the consuls play in the
government of ancient Rome?
5. What is polytheism and how was Greek
religion used to explain the world?
18. What were the “Twelve Tables”?
6. Who was Jupiter?
19. What sparked the Punic Wars and who was
7. Who was Juno?
8. Who was Apollo?
20. Who was Hannibal and what is he known for
9. Who was Diana?
10. Who was Minerva?
11. Who was Venus?
21. What was the result of the Punic Wars?
WHI.6 SOL Review: Ancient Rome
22. What were the “Latifundia” and what impact
did they play in the decline of the Roman
36. List some major features of Roman
37. Who was Ptolemy?
23. Why did Civil War erupt over the power of
Julius Caesar?
38. Who was Virgil? What did he write?
24. Who was Augustus Caesar and who did he
defeat to secure power in Rome?
39. Identify the decline of the Western Empire:
A. Geography:
25. What was the “Pax Romana” and what major
accomplishments were developed as a result of
this period?
B. Economy:
C. Military:
D. Moral Decay:
32. What were the four phases of evolution in the
treatment of Christianity in Rome?
E. Political Problems:
F. Invasion:
33. Who established early Christian doctrine?
34. How did Christianity spread throughout the
35. Who was Constantine and what impact did
he have on expanding Christianity throughout
the Roman Empire?
40. To where did Constantine relocate his