Download Greek or Roman Boards

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Greek or Roman Boards
Your project will be a museum-type information display board. The Greek or Roman Board is a visual
display of the important information about the ancient civilization of Greece (or Rome). The board should be
colorful and visually stimulating. You will want to draw the reader’s attention to your display, thus encouraging
them to read and to learn about this wonderful ancient culture.
You will research the information to fill in each section on the Greek (or Roman) culture. You may use
your textbook, as well as other resources, to get your information. The Internet and classroom books make great
resources as well as any National Geographic or other magazines. (See the list of requirements page) There will be
class time for research and written work, but homework will occur also.
The following items will need to be gathered and brought to class during the week of _________________
22”x 28” poster board (white, black, blue or dark green only-no neon colors)
Items to glue on the board, such as material, coins, grape leaves. Computer generated pictures and/or
hand drawn are fine.
Glue stick
Black sharpie or permanent marker
Topic Areas: The items listed with the topic must be included, but are not the only
subjects that you may use.
Geographic Area: include a labeled map of ancient Greece (or Rome) with a compass rose
Famous Leaders: brief description of where/when they were the leader, and what they are
most remembered for doing (can include philosophers, religious and political leaders)
Recreation: for men, for women and for children
Arts: architecture, sculpture, drama, literature, music, dance
Military: battles, types of weapons, information about soldiers
Education: include gender roles
Olympics (Greece only): types of games, who could participate, origins
Gladiators (Rome only): who was involved, how you could be one, how you could quit, type of
games, places these events occurred
Religion: information on temples, and rituals, not just a list of the gods/goddesses
Government: types of governments and their evolution
***Use ONE side of your board only. These will be hung back to back to display.
Bibliography: As you research your topic, be sure to record the books, magazines, and Internet sites,
etc. you use to get your information. The bibliographic information will need to be written at the bottom of
your topic presentation. (See requirement page)
*Remember these will be displayed in the
class for others to view.
Assessment: You may type or hand write your information. Presentation is important, but the FACTS
are the MOST IMPORTANT part of this project! The majority of your grades is based upon the facts.
Notes due: ______________________
FINAL due date for the completed project:
Rough drafts due: _________________________________