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World History Midterm Exam Review
Multiple Choice
Chapter 1 & 2
1. These people study the lives of early human communities through the examination of their
physical remains.
2. Human-made objects such as pottery, weapons, and tools are known as these.
3. This person studies human culture and development.
4. The way of life for a group of people and all the knowledge and values shared by a society.
5. A group of people with common practices, activities, and interests is known as this.
6. Original document of an event, or 1st hand account.
7. Time period known as the "old stone age". People lived by hunting and gathering. This time period
is known as the 1st where "culture" began.
8. Adaptation to intimate association with human beings.
9. The gradual development of something into a more complex or better form.
10. What does the term prehistoric mean?
11. Humans and other creatures that walk upright are known as these. (it is not a species)
12. These types of people never settled in one place, they followed the herd and are known as these.
13. Sumerian form of writing.
14. The 2 rivers that run through Mesopotamia are:
15. A series of rulers from a single family.
16. The process of one culture spreading to others.
17. Type of government in which rule is based on religious authority.
18. Also known as the land between 2 rivers. This is current day Iraq.
19. Belief in more than one god.
20. What is the term for Independent states under the control of one leader?
21. Political system in which nobles, or lords are granted use of lands in exchange for their promised
protection. This system was used by both the Japanese and during the Middle Ages.
22. Shang kings used animal bones and tortoise shells with questions carved into them to consult the
gods. They were called these:
23. Seasonal winds that wreaked havoc in India.
24. The longest river in the world.
25. He united the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt.
26. Writing system of the Ancient Egyptians
27. Babylonian King who enforced his very harsh code of law.
Chapter 5
28. Alexander's policies led to a new culture; a blending of Egyptian, Persian, and Indian culture
known as this.
29. Greeks crated myths, or stories about their gods to do this.
30. How did Pericles attempt to glorify Athens?
31. In this city state at 7 boys were sent military training where they remained until 30 - they served
until 60.
32. What are the two types of Greek theatre?
33. The concept of using masks in theater was born from worship this god, the Greek god of fertility
and wine.
34. One of the 7 Ancient wonders of the world this was a 100 foot bronze statue of Greek god Helios.
What is the name of the statue?
35. Macedonian King who conquered the Persian Empire.
36. After Sparta conquered Messina, the native Messenians become known as these; peasants
forced to stay on the land they worked.
37. The “Iliad” was a long heroic narrative poem called an epic about the Trojan War. This story was
immortalized by which famous Greek storyteller, he also wrote the Odyssey (he was also blind)?
38. Citizens in ancient Greece gathered to discuss government at the agora or marketplace or a
fortified hilltop called a(n) ______________.
39. Type of government ruled by a small group of noble landowning families.
40. During the Dorian’s rule the economy collapsed, trade was at a stand still, and no written records
were kept. It became known as this in Greek history.
41. Another name for a city state.
42. The alliance of over 200 city states was called this. Pericles also took money from this
association’s treasury to build up Athens navy.
43. Which philosopher was condemned to death for "corrupting the youth of Athens" and "neglecting
the city's gods"?
44. In the 1200s BC, the ____________ moved into the war-torn countryside of Greece after the
Trojan War. Because of this, there was a 400 year loss of reading, writing and art. This is known
as the Dark Age of Greece.
45. In ancient Greece, a tyrant differed from other leaders who came to power. What made a tyrant
46. He was a student of Socrates and wrote a famous work called The Republic and founded the
Chapter 6
47. Who were representatives elected by the plebeians to protect them from the unfair acts of patrician
48. Who were the founders of Rome?
49. Who were the wealthy, aristocratic landowners who held most of the power in Rome?
50. What was the name of the common farmers, merchants, workers, and artisans that made up the
majority of Roman citizens?
51. On the Ides of March, March 15, 44 B.C., ___ was assassinated in the Senate by a group of
conspirators. How did this man come to power?
52. Who was the first emperor of Rome? What did he change his name to?
53. This man was a great general who co-ruled Rome with Octavian. Explain his relationship with
54. What were the laws that governed Rome known as? Why was it important that they were written
55. The great Roman epic, the Aeneid, was written by whom? How does this epic relate to Greek
56. The major power struggles in the early Roman republic were between whom?
57. After the Romans drove the last Etruscan monarch from power, they established a republic. What is
a republic and what is the difference between a democracy and republic?
58. Roman rulers opposed Christianity because Christians did not_____________________.
59. What is the Pax Romana
60. What were the 3 wars fought between Carthage and Rome from 264 BC to 146 BC. Who won in the
61. Who is the man who doubled the size of the Roman Army, and set fixed prices for goods?
62. In 300AD Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium in Greece, it became known as
63. During the Roman Republic, there were 2 ____________ who had 1 year terms and were
responsible for commanding the armies and running the government. (we compared them to our US
Chapter 10
64. People who practice Islam are called this.
65. This means “submission to the will of Allah”.
66. Muslims believe him to be the final Prophet.
67. An Islamic house of worship is called this?
68. What is the holy book of the Muslims?
69. Guidance of Qur’an and Sunna were assembled into a body of law known as this.
70. Title for Muslim leader, means “successor” or “deputy”
71. This term means “Holy War”.
Short Answer – 2 Points Each- Total 10 Points
72. What is a Theocracy? Please give an example.
73. In the third century, the Roman Empire suffered from inflation. What is inflation?
74. What were the two most powerful city-states in early Greece?
75. What is another term for the “New Stone Age”?
Essay – 10 Points – PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY 1.
76. Choose one questions below
a. Please describe the Caste system and how it functions. What are the social and
economic effects of the Caste system on Hindu society?
b. Compare and contrast the Paleolithic age to the Neolithic age. What major
accomplishments of the Neolithic period made it possible for societies to flourish?
c. Please compare and contrast the city states of Sparta and Athens. If you had to choose
one to live in which would your choose? Why?
d. Please compare and contrast the beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism. Which religion do
you believe appealed to lower-class society? Why?
e. Please compare and contrast the accomplishments of Alexander the Great and Julius
Caesar. In your opinion which leader was more successful? Please explain.