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December 19, 2016
Review Sheet: Greece and Rome
1. While Athens was democratic, most Greek city-states were run by a small group of wealthy
people in power. What is this type of government known as?
2. How did citizens of Athens differ from non-citizens?
Citizens had certain rights including voting.
3. Buildings in Washington D.C., including the Supreme Court and the White House have which
features of Greek architecture?
Columns and Temple style
4. Athens and Sparta fought for 30 years in which series of wars?
Peloponnesian War
5. Which Greek mathematicians made huge advances in geometry?
Euclid and Pythagoras
6. How did Socrates gain wisdom?
By asking questions. Known today as Socratic method.
7. Where was the home of the Greek gods and site of the ancient Olympic games?
Mount Olympus
8. What are some of the legacies of Ancient Greece?
Art & Architecture, Advances in math and science, Democracy, the Olympics, Philosophy and
9. How was Roman republicanism similar to Greek democracy?
Citizens had a say
10. What was the purpose of having three branches to the Roman Republic?
To separate power among several groups/Checks and balances/ No one person could become
too powerful
11. How did the Roman Empire gain the loyalty of people in the territories it conquered?
Offering them Roman citizenship
12. Which set of laws established the principle that all Roman citizens, whether patrician or plebian
were equal under the law?
Twelve Tables
13. Besides Jesus, which person had the most significant role in the spread of Christianity?
14. What effect did Roman roads and the common language of Latin have in Rome's
religious history?
Helped to spread Christianity
15. Why did Rome fall?
Government corruption/Outside Invasions by Germanic tribes/ Grew too large in
size/Economic failures/Disloyalty and a lack of patriotism
16. Which feature of Roman engineering helped them build large buildings and aqueducts?
17. What were some of the reasons for the Pax Romana in ancient Rome and how long did it
207 years
Time of peace and prosperity/ stable government/expansion/good ruler/ connections
made by road network/ good economy
18. After he declared himself dictator for life, what happened to Julius Caesar?
Killed by the Senate
19. What are some of the legacies of ancient Rome?
Architecture and Engineering/ Roads/Latin/Spread of Christianity/Spectator sports/
20. What were the major differences between Athens and Sparta?
Athens- Knowledge and Education focus/ Democracy/Navy
Sparta-Miltaristic/Oligarchy/ Army
As always, this review sheet is not all inclusive. You are responsible for all the material that has
been covered, including your readings.
All vocabulary terms from the textbook assignments should be studied along with this review