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World History: Unit 1 Study Guide
1. Who preserved and spread aspects of the Minoan culture?
2. What battle formation produced the most powerful fighting force in the ancient world?
3. What is an oligarchy and where was it practiced?
Rule by a small group of citizens, based on wealth or ability; Sparta
4. Where was monarchy the form of government by 2000 B.C.?
5. How did a tyrant differ from other leaders in ancient Greece?
He seized power illegally.
6. Who was the Trojan War fought between in 1200 B.C.?
Troy and Greece
7. What term is used today for the art of Athens during the age of Pericles?
8. What is most noted about the Dorians?
Ruled in the Greek world and reigned for about 400 years with no written
9. Which war did Sparta’s declaration of war against Athens begin?
10. Which people emphasized duty, strength and discipline?
11. Who built an empire that stretched to India?
12. What is an aristocracy and how did social status play a role?
Ruled by nobility, based on family ties and social rank, wealth supports rulers’ authority
13. Which form of government had rulers that claimed divine right?
14. Who has power in a direct democracy?
All citizens
15. In Athenian democracy, who increased the number of paid officials?
16. Who became the dominant Greek civilization after the Trojan War?
The Mycenaeans
17. For what is the Greek storyteller Homer best known?
Epic poems Iliad and the Odyssey
18. Who created an elegant civilization that had great power in the Mediterranean world
around 3000 BCE?
19. What caused the death of more than one third of the Athenians during the Peloponnesian
20. Who won the Peloponnesian War?
21. What was the Han dynasty also known as?
Golden Age
22. How far did the Silk Roads reach?
Sea to sea
23. How did Indian traders affect Southeast Asia?
Spread Indian styles of art, architecture, dance and religion
24. What were the illustrated stories used to teach moral lessons in early Indian culture
25. Why was Socrates condemned to death?
For “corrupting the youth of Athens” and “neglecting the city’s gods”.
26. Who was known as the “First Emperor” of China?
Qin Shi Huangdi
27. What did Plato write that set forth his vision of a perfectly governed society?
The Republic
28. Who ruled Rome before Caesar and Pompey clashed and went to war?
Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompey
29. Who were the chief executives of the in the early Roman government?
The consuls
30. What was the name of the group of new wealthy aristocrats that helped to dominate
early Roman society?
31. Why did Roman rulers oppose Christianity?
Christians would not worship Roman gods
32. What were wealthy non-aristocratic townspeople and landowners called?
33. What was the name given to Rome’s “Golden Age”?
The Pax Romana
34. What was the formal name of the branch of Roman government that led foreign and
domestic policy?
The Senate
35. What was the name of the largest stadium of ancient Rome?
The Circus Maximus
36. Who was Theodosius?
The last emperor of the original Roman empire
37. Who was the chief Roman god?
38. Who was chosen during a time of crisis to lead Rome?
39. What is the name of the structure where the gladiators fought?
The Colosseum
40. Which Barbarian groups invaded Rome?
Vandals, Huns and Visigoths
41. What are a series of stone water channels built in and around Rome called?
42. What influenced the decline of the Roman Empire?
The huge amount of money spent on defense, invasions by Germanic tribes and
Huns and the disruption of trade