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Name _______________________________________________ Date ________________________ Period _____
Directions: Match the term on the left with its definition on the right.
____ 1. Arch
A. A painting done on wet plaster
____ 2. Consul
B. A class of wealthy citizens who were usually in
political power
C. One of the two highest political offices in the
Roman Republic
D. An engineering structure that allowed for greater
weights to be supported
____ 3. Fresco
____ 4. Patrician
______ 5. The Roman people founded the city of Rome along the banks of
the Tiber River. Earlier in this semester, we learned about another
civilization that was founded near a river. What was it?
A. Egypt
B. Gaul
C. Greece
D. Sumer
______ 6. Which of the following events did NOT contribute to the decline
of the Republic in Rome?
A. The revolt of Spartacus and his slave army
B. The murder of Tiberius Gracchus
C. The end of the gladiatorial games after the death of Commodus
D. A civil war between Marius and Sulla
______ 7. Which of the following was not a benefit that the Romans
granted to newly conquered territories?
A. Full citizenship
B. Temporary consul-ship
C. Tax breaks and legal rights in the empire
______ 8. Which of the following describes why wealthy citizens were
critical of Gracchus’s farm plan?
A. It sold food at a cheap price to foreign nations
B. It redistributed land and wealth to poorer Romans
C. It caused widespread unemployment
Roman Republic Quiz
______ 9. The Punic Wars were a series of wars…
A. fought between Greece and Troy over Helen
B. between Hannibal and Carthage over Sicily
C. over a fugitive slave and his master
D. between Carthage and Rome
______ 10. Which of the following was NOT a technological achievement
of the Roman Empire?
A. The Atrium, a large structure for gladiatorial games in Rome
B. The construction of aqueducts to carry in water from the mountains into
the cities
C. 50,000 miles of long lasting roads that united the empire
D. Cement to hold together stone structures
______ 11. How did Caesar expand the boundaries of Rome?
A. Claiming unexplored territories
B. Negotiating treaties with neighboring rulers
C. Military conquest
______ 12. Why did the Senate assassinate Caesar?
A. They thought he’d added too much territory to the Empire
B. Caesar tried to arrest and imprison prominent senators
C. They thought that he’d become too powerful
Directions: Evaluate the truth of each statement. If it is true, write “TRUE”
in the space provided. If it is false, correct the underlined word
so that the statement is true.
________________ 13. Hannibal, a general of Carthage, battled Rome for
16 years during the 2nd Punic War.
________________ 14. Tribunes were common in Rome. Most people
forced into this life were debtors or captured soldiers.
________________ 15. The story of the fall of Athens, and Aeneas’s
founding of Rome is an example of cultural diffusion.
________________ 16. Julius Caesar started a civil war when he crossed the
Rubicon River with his army and invaded Rome.