Download 600-150 B.C.E. Carthage Major ancient commercial center Major

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600-150 B.C.E.
 Carthage
o Major ancient commercial center
o Major power in Western Mediterranean Sea
 Sahara Desert
o Part of trade route for tropical African products
 Western Africa
o Gold
o Ivory
o Slaves
o Nigeria, Niger, Mali
 Archaeological evidence
o Soon to be major power in the entire world
o Defeated Carthaginians
 Established their own province in their place
 Called Africa
o Major supplier of products such as wheat and olive oil
o Prominent agricultural island and massive region around the
island off of Italy
o Considered the “parent” of Rome
o Had lots of art and culture that spread to the Romans
509-30 B.C.E.
 Rome
o Foundation of much of modern society that we know today
The Alps, the Tiber River, the Adriatic Sea, and the Tyrrhenian Sea
o Served as places of protection so that Rome could grow and
prosper until it was ready to conquer
o Threat to the early Romans
 Eventually, they were defeated easily
o Rose back to power
Regaining power in their region
 Decided to Attack
 Second Punic war
o Defeated at Zama in 202 B.C.E.
 Third Punic war
o Ended in 146 B.C.E.
 Romans razed Carthage and
sold the remaining inhabitants
into slavery
100-31 B.C.E.  Julius Caesar and his successors
o Politicians killed Julius and and Roman Republic March 15, 44
 Attempt to save the republic
 Too late
o Deciding battle between the divided Roman Empire
 The Western empire won
Rhine in Germany
o Northern front of Roman Empire in 9 C.E.
 After Romans were defeated by Germanic tribes
12/1/2008 9:52:00 PM
12/1/2008 9:52:00 PM